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Well I have added this message to say that this page covers only Mario, Mallow, Geno, Bowser, and the Princess. Other characters will be on a different page. Probably in the distant future.
- Shadow


Mario is the main star of Super Mario RPG. He has strong normal attacks and good defense. He also has some of the coolest special moves...

FP Used: 3
Level Learned: N/A
Description: Mario stomps on the enemies head. Push the Y Button just as he stomps their head to get a timed hit.

Fire Orb
FP Used: 5
Level Learned: 3
Description: Mario doesn't hold anything back when he unleashes great balls of fire. Roast 'em, toast 'em, and let 'em burn.

Super Jump
FP Used: 7
Level Learned: 6
Description: A lot stronger than the original Jump move. One thing is different. You can keep jumping on the enemie's head if timed right. Press Y just before landing on their head.

Super Flame
FP Used: 9
Level Learned: 10
Description: This time you don't get great balls of fire... You get gigantic balls of flame!!! Lots stronger. Do I smell bacon?!

Ultra Jump
FP Used: 11
Level Learned: 14
Description: Same story as Super Jump, but this time you can jump multiple enemies at a time. Yeah baby!!

Ultra Flame
FP Used: 14
Level Learned: 18
Description: Same as Super Flame, but it fires all over the place and you hit multiple enemies. WOOO HOOO!


Mallow is definitely the main ball of fluff in this journey. Early on, he's your only healer until Princess comes along. I used to think he was a she for some reason. He is very powerful and I'm not giving away anything else.

FP Used: 2
Level Learned: N/A
Description: Mallow attacks all enemies on screen with some serious voltage. Press Y just before the move ends. You'll hear a crackle if you did it right.

HP Rain
FP Used: 2
Level Learned: 3
Description: Makes a small cloud heal one ally with a cool little rain shower. Press Y just before the shower ends to get more HP out of the deal.

FP Used: 1
Level Learned: 6
Description: Shows you how much HP the enemy has left if you do it right, will show you what the enemie is thinking. Press Y when the two spotlights meet on the enemy.

FP Used: 8
Level Learned: 10
Description: Mallow produces a giant lightning bolt that relly kicks butt! It only hits one enemy per one usage, but it sizzles the competion! Press Y just before it hits. It hits really soon and is hard to time, but once you get it down it'll whop 'em good!

FP Used: 12
Level Learned: 14
Description: With this move, Mallow gathers a huge storm of snow on the screen and it form into a giant snowman. The snow man explodes hurting all of the enemies on the screen. It works great on fire enemies and can kick some serious butt! Some frosty butt!

Star Rain
FP Used: 14
Level Learned: 18
Description: Mallow summons a giant star to smash the competition! Press Y just before the star lands to make it hit again. Keep pushing Y and it will hit again and again and again!


Geno joins you at the end of the Forest Maze. He explains who and what he is later in the game. He is a being from the Star Road. He is here to fix it. Smithy is the one who has broken it and taken the star pieces from the road. Thus continues the journey...

Geno Beam
FP Used: 3
Level Learned: N/A
Description: Geno lets loose a beam of light that will electrify the enemies into submission. Press and hold Y until the stars fold in. Let go of Y then press it again just before the beam starts.

Geno Boost
FP Used: 4
Level Learned: 8
Description: Geno raises the Special and Regular Attack of a single ally. If you press Y before the arrows end you get a boost of Special and Regular Defense too. I love this move. You can destroy bosses and enemies and make it look so easy!

Geno Whirl
FP Used: 8
Level Learned: 11
Description: Geno throws a small swirl of light at the enemy. It can hit only one, but I've heard (haven't tried), that you can cause up to 9,999 HP of damage to any enemy that is not a boss. Press the Y Button just as the whirl exits the screen to cause this effect.

Geno Blast
FP Used: 12
Level Learned: 14
Description: Geno lights up the screen with this move. You must Press and hold Y like you dd with geno beam for this move to work.

Geno Flash
FP Used: 16
Level Learned: 17
Description: Geno turns into a cannon and shoots out a ball of energy which turns into a sun and explodes, hitting all enemies! Must charge to complete this attack.

Characters Continued...

Last Updated: 8/19/01
