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Welcome to the most useless place on the web!

This "web site" is "optimized" and absolutely "requires" a resolution of "1280x1024" or else it's gonna totally "suck" and the "nav bar"'s gonna be all "screwed" up "y'know". You'll "need" the Morpheus, the Olde English and the Garamond "fonts" in order to fully "appreciate" this "site"'s uselessness. "Everything" you "can" "find" here "is" boring and pointless, "and" I "encourage" you to "use" the "links" to "leave" this ridiculous "site" "as" "soon" "as" "possible". Thank you.

If, by a sudden and unfortunate access of nostalgia, you wish to access the old polls, you can visit the Poll Archive.

So, you've found my little haven. I don't know how the &!*$ you did that, but now there are a few things you should know before starting wasting your time. Here are how things work in my Useless Lair of Despair:
  1. This site is about nothing in particular, you see... It all depends on what happens during the updates. It's much like a journal. Nah, actually it's more like a dump. Whatever.
  2. Everything you read and find here is totally real. I didn't make up anything, promised! And I struggle hard to keep that authenticity, living in a world of fake, artifice and... corruption... and... stuff... Well all in all, it's just an the story about an ordinary guy's ordinary (not to say utterly boring) life, along with some surprises (hihi!) that will make you giggle, laugh, think, but mostly, that will make you wonder... "wtf?!".
  3. The updates are everything but regular and scheduled! Sometimes I may update three times a day (my record is, up to now, four), and sometimes the place might seem dead for weeks. It all depends if I'm too busy or if I simply don't feel like updating. Sorry folks, it may seem rude, but that's how it works.
  4. Even though I may enjoy talking to myself (which I actually don't that much), I also enjoy exchanging with other real people. If I spend all that time "working" on this place, it's because I like sharing my totally boring and meaningless existence with y'all. Now I'd like to know more about you, fellow readers, and to know what you think. Alright, I admit, with my awesome 5 hits per week, I don't get to see many around here, but anyway. Feel free to tell me to get a life, to forget about websites or simply to remind me I'm a jerk. *winks*
  5. In the Howls form th Hole section I share short real life stories, anecdotes, dreams, thoughts, whatever. Randomly scattered amidst my senseless blattering are links to places of relative interest, images, sounds, movies and other not-so-interesting stuff. Anyway, just go on, you'll see. Wonderful adventures and surprises await you!
  6. My mood is rather unstable and is constantly subject to radical changes. Always be on the lookout for random, impertinent comments and sudden, madness-driven changes in my tone.
  7. Real life friends: everything in the Useless Lair of Despair stays in the Useless Lair of Despair, alrighty?.
  8. My main language is french, and I know my english ain't top-notch even though I had extensive english courses. I always have my trusty 1960 dictionary by my side when I update, but feel free to correct me if you find anything wrong.

    Oh, and

  9. I often get carried away and tend to talk too much, so just go on or leave this place when you get bored. :)

That's pretty much it. I should upload several drawings in a far, apocalyptic future. Actually, as soon as I draw something I think does not stink too much, I kick my brain's ass and make him scan it, so... If I don't make you throw up, come have a look once in a while, and maybe, MAYBE sometimes you'll see some new stuff of mine.




Yep, it *has* been a while since I last had a thought for this worthless piece of crap trying to be a web site. Well, it does it's best, y'know. Ain't its fault, his lousy master's got other things to to than to write stupid shit nobody ever reads anyway.

Meanwhile though, if you *have* been worrying about him, well why the hell didn't you send an e-mail, you hairy bastard?? You know how it works, right? Right?? Aw, hell... Ok, so, you see that menu bar to the left? Well, maybe right now it's more upwards, but anyway. Look right under it, you'll see a few lines concerning the Evil Tome of Despair (which is the guest book, btw), the pretty dead silent forums (if they do still exist), and... And?... Yes, that's it, right before the little blue thingy with odd symbols in it (we call that a counter)... Can you see it now? Good boy, GOOOD boy!! There, have a cookie!

So there you are. Now you know how to send me an e-mail. Yes, I do still draw sometimes, but it's rather uninteresting, I swear. And considering the effort (small, but still an effort... you know I'm lazy), well unless I get a message kindly asking for more of my shit, I don't think I'll update the galleries for a while. Anyway, as I just said, I don't think I have anything to show you that will make you go wow. Or hmmm. Or blah. Or weee. Or abdaebdbaedbaedae, that's all folks.

So, briefly put, I'm still alive. Life's pretty boring right now, but I get on with it. Actually, strange stuff's happening to me, but nothing interesting to you. Again, I have nothing against you dropping by my mailbox to say hi, or something along the lines. Anyway.

So, yes, I still am a pathetic moron! :) Good luck to you too.

02/02/03 - a few moments later

Did the Lair hit its 500th visitor or what?!?! Most are my own hits, but I'm definitely getting that modern/sci-fi gallery online anyway! Thanks guys!


Heeey! Wassup peopllllle!? So, first update of the year 2003, Kinda late, but I guess you're getting used to it. Don't have much to say aside that I've sort of got the blues, but I'll spare ya the details for now. If you really crave for whining just head to the Howls, as usual. Other than that, my project team mate and a friend (y'aagh... or at least, I please to believe so) made the whole project I made my model for. It's simplistic arcade fighting-style OpenGL game. Although it's very crude, I recommend you have a PC with some serious power to run it well, ie 1 GHz and over due to the lack of optimization and stuff. Anyway, just head to Moonrk's website to read more about it or to grab it and have a laugh or two. But no more eh, we worked hard nonetheless on that piece of crap! ;) By the way, I know his site's way better than mine, but hey, whatcha want, he probably spend a lot mor time than I did creating the layout and graphics. Anyway, c ya later guys.

06/12/02 - still later

Doh! The animations are timed for a Quake2-like engine, so it'll play way too fast in Media Player and the like! Well, at least you can see it moves, but until I insert extra frames it's gonna stay that way! <:/

06/12/02 - later

While I'm at it I'll upload a small movie I did from Math's complete animation sets. It's in the CG gallery for you to giggle at.


Nothing much, just wanted to make sure you knew about the now ages-old E-Sheep. It's a little desktop companion that can get pretty amusing if you launch many at the same time as they bounce into each other and stuff!... Heee-hehheheee... Anyway, I'm outta here, gotta scold the one that just peed on my taskbar!


WOOT! WOOT WOOT WOOOOOOT!!! Almost finished rigging my model, it's far from being perfect, but I finally tried out some quick poses. Check it out in my brand new CG gallery and tell me what you think!!!


Alreighty, the break's over folks. C'mon, back to business! Nah really, I have no excuse, folks. Blame me. I am a shame to the 'net's freak community. Hell, I'm a damn lazyass. It's been over six months and I even haven't been f'ing up to giving a sign of life. (???...) Anyway. Time to get back t'work and dust off that html, see!

Removed the Ultima Online shots gallery 'cause it sucked. And the game sucked. And I needed space to upload new stuff too...

...a couple'o'new links in the Gates...

...and more babbling where you know!


Aaaaah... Spring, at last. Read some more boring crap in the Howls from the Hole.

ACK!!! 425 hits?!?! WTF! You little rascals actually like it eh??


You like that idiots! (Get that one it's worth it!!! *giggles*)

A month already? Damn, time is running away way too fast. Anyway, there's some more babbling in the Howls from the Hole, and I feel like this was indeed coming from really deep.
There ya go... yet another one. Oh, and there's a new totally awesome uber-link in the Gates to a Better World.
There's a new Howl from the Hole for those interested.

Removed the poll 'cause it sucked and 'cause I couldn't get into my htmlgear account 'cause I (somehow) sorta lost my password. Why am I using that crap anyway? 'Cause I suck in Java an' stuff, that's why! And maybe you can throw some laziness in too. 'nyway. Head to the Howls for some excellent (yet perhaps a little too much cerebral-activity-inducing) whining.
A few minutes later
Well, while I was rescanning Kalnatt1.jpg because we could see the next drawing in my sketchbook through the sheet, I stumbled on a drawing I'm not too ashamed of. So I guess you'll have one more treat today. Happy Halloween! ;)
Hello there. The reason why you keep coming back still eludes me, but -eh!- I guess you guys are weird. Anyway, I uploaded two additional drawings in the fantasy gallery; one's rather old, actually, dating from a year or so. The other one's a more recent version of the same character. *shrugs* Have a look if you care! 'laterz!
Howdy folks! Surprised? Well I admit I also am. I thought the poll was getting out of place, so I figured out another, more actual one. Y'know. Anyway, personally I'm all the way for the Game Cube. That baby's gonna kick some serious gamers' big fat warty arses for sure. Until it comes out, though, it's still time to make predictions!

Of course, I wrote a short update in the Howls from the Hole. Happy time wastin'! ;)
I reorganized the Howls from the Hole for the pleasure of all. That section was becoming more and more heavy and cumbersome, and I knew I'd have to do something like this one day anyway. So I archived the news by month. You can access the older news at the end of the section's main page.
A new forum is up for my 3 devoted visitors to share their awesome experiences with the rest of the world (just kidding; don't worry, I have no way of telling who came here or whatever). Currently it's only accessible from this page, just below the navbar, but one day I'll put it in every single page of the Lair. Be the first to post! (weeee...) I also added a link to the Death Clock. Interesting. Finally, I uploaded several Final Fantasy Celtic Moon mp3s in there. Have fun guys.
... There ya go! Two brand new drawings have found their place into gallery 1. They were done in my Structured Computer Organization classes, one per course. Not bad eh? I dunno why, it seems like all this boring stuff is actually inspiring me...

Also, I put two new UO screenshots showing the awesome roleplaying skills the majority of Imagine Nation demonstrates. Totally lame. Anyway, have fun.
There's a new drawing in gallery 1. It's Baelwin, an elven ranger that was born but that never had the time to die. (We never finished that ad&d game) Have several nice days... ( <== cool quote from WS FTP upon quitting)
Added some links in the Gates to a Better World. Have a nice day, I'm going to bed.
5 minutes later
Somehow, the link structure in my gallery was screwed up. I just corrected that, sorry for the dumb mistake. Not thanks to you though!! :)
There, I'm done with the links section. It should suck very bad on IE 5 on any resolution lower than 1280x1024. Actually it should suck pretty much on any resolution, but that's another story. Alright alright, so here's the chant. I looked up in the Howls form the Hole and archived every link I mentioned in there. I also added some more from my bookmark file. If you think another website should be listed, including yours or any other you'd like us to have a look at, feel free to e-mail me, I'll gladly add it. So that's it. Once again, as usual, if you find anything, please report it to me!
Heya guys. It's been a while eh? I'm sure you've all been very worried. Anyway. I've been working on the Gates to a better World. The file's complete, but now I must edit all the other pages to update the navbar. That's gonna be a real pain in the ass. I'll begin that tomorrow. C ya later!
Good day people. I added a drawing I made for mother's day. Enjoy. |:/
Surprise! Finally I had some spare time to upload the pics, so all in all, we now have 6 new pics for today, including Sabra. Happy now? ;)
I added a pic I had left out by mistake. It's one of my favorites, Sabra the witch. More are coming, the pics are scanned, but I don't have the time to upload them and add them to the gallery right away. They should be online tomorrow though.
Major addition to the Visions of a Thousand Worlds section! Yup, a brand new old UO screenshots gallery is now online (huh?). I know, it's kinda lame, but whatcha want, I'm a nostalgic. Aw man, I had so much fun playing that game. Anyway, head to the Howls from the Hole for more feedback!
late 09/05/01
Eww. Looks like the old polls section's navbar's still screwed up. I'll fix that later, I guess you don't mind too much. Anyway it's not that important, just hit the back button of your browser if you need to. The polls themselves work well though.

Hey does anyone know of a way to get rid of that spacing between the buttons when the cell to the right gets longer than the 8 adjacent cells that make up the navbar, the e-mail, the guestbook and the counter? The buttons are encased within a table, everyone has its own cell. It really bugs me. If it wasn't for that, the site would work well in any resolution. Please gimme a hint if you do know!! I'll even give ya credit for helping me out! Just think about it! ;) That may mean linking to your own website, even though I'd do so if you simply asked. I need links to fill my Gates to a Better World section, so just e-mail it and I'll put it in. As simple as that!

09/05/01 morning
Guess what!...

It's a new beginning! Please report any shit by e-mail. In this section you'll only find technical updates, such as new drawings and stuff. My senseless deliberations are now in the "Howls from the Hole" section while my gallery is completely webified in "Visions of a Thousand World". Tell me whatcha think in the new poll too!

Oh, btw, the Halls of Haunting Sounds and the Gates to a Better World ain't working right now. That's because I still don't have enough stuff to fill 'em with. I'll compile the links from the Howls from the Hole and I'll put some mp3s in the Halls of Haunting Sounds as soon as I get the copyright thingy solved. Until then, those buttons will take you back to this very place, the Lair's Entrance. 'later punks!