Saiya-Jin Heat Messageboard:

( All posts are written in eastern standard time )

3:16 p.m February 10th, 2004: Hey guys. Look, I hate to do this to you so soon after coming back.. But this will be my final post here on Saiya-jin Heat. I am shutting down the site. I won't delete anything, the site will simply become inactive. I might turn it into a fansite eventually, but the rpg is history. I am doing this because of personal issues that I'd really like to keep as my own business, but I have good reason to be doing this. I'm not sure how many of you are even keeping track of my posts here on Saiya-jin Heat, but I know this may bring a slight dissapointment to a few. For that, I apologize. I know this is a bit sudden, but.. Well, it had to end sometime. So here's Senshi giving you one last farewell post. Keep in touch, guys.
4:15 p.m February 9th, 2004: Guess who's baaaaackkkk..again. I got my computer back a few days ago, and this is the first time I've really had the chance to post. And I'm not too happy with the amount of emails I got. Only two contained any sort of training, and I've been gone for thirty six days. There are fourteen active members in this rpg, not counting myself, and I get one storyline, plus a spar after over a month of being out? No, that isn't cool. I'm sending out emails soon, and if I don't get a training within two days, your character will be labeled "inactive". Now those who were in a storyline with my character have an excuse, and will not be punished because it was my fault they could not roleplay for so long. And even if you do send me a training, do not think for one second that I am going to kiss ass an ask you people for trainings much longer. I've been nice about things up until now, but I'm starting to get just a little aggitated with the lack of activity in this rpg. I do not speak for all, but for the majority of people on the site. I'll be sending out those emails either today or tomorrow, so if you see this before you get an email, make sure to get in a training or work on your storyline. Later guys. Hope to see some more trainings up on that message board.
2:47 p.m January 1st, 2004: Happy new year! :: Throws a few pieces of confetti that miserably and pathetically fall to the floor. :: ...x_x; Alright, well, just tuning in to remind you guys, in case you've forgotten by now, that I am grounded; as of the fifth. I may get one more post in, I may not, or may dad just might forget about it. Who knows. Nevertheless, be prepared for a lack in updating. But that simply means that once I DO get around to updating, you guys will get a larger powerlevel update (If you train more). Oh, and.. I've gotten a few posts up on our message board commenting about the site or asking to join. I've deleted them. Please, any visiters coming into this site; If this rpg is inactive? I'll post up here that it's inactive. And if you want to join, there's a link right on the side that says "Join" lol. And if you absolutely have to let me know that you like the site or something, please send me an email instead of posting it up on the message board. That message board is strictly for posting roleplaying sessions. Nothing else. Thanks, see you guys. Happy new year, again!
10:41 p.m December 21st, 2003: Hey guys, just signing in to post a little follow-up on the last message I wrote (below this one, duh..). I got my dad to extend the whole "grounded" thing until the end of christmas break. So I'll be able to update people and do things until the fifth of January. Later.
2:06 p.m December 20th, 2003: Hey guys, it's me again...obviously. Just postin' up here that I may not be online too much for a little while. Gettin' grounded. I may be able to sneak online or something, depending on which part of my computer my dad decides to take. I think I can get him to delay the punishment 'till after christmas break, but, if not, I'll just see you guys whenever he decides to quit being an asspipe. You guys can still post things up on the message board and such, I'll check them out and change your levels and whatnot as I find them. Anyway, I'll see all you later. Try to stick to training, don't have too many saga's without me. Later guys, see ya' in a bit.
11:13 p.m December 5th, 2003: Yo' guys, I wrote up a summary for the storyline of the rpg the other day. Just now gettin' it up, so, check it out when you get the chance. It's the link that says " Storyline " on the side, just over the Rules page. All of you may want to check it out, because it majorly impacts everyone. And I'm very confident about it when I say "everyone". Anyway, everybody check it out. Has a lot to do with Senshi, and a bit with Akuhei as well. But also sets a plot for many battles to come in the rpg. See ya' later, guys.
1:12 a.m December 1st, 2003: Hey guys, just tuning in to state the obvious, in case you were wondering if you were at the right site. I made a new layout, but because of it's size I had to shrink a few images. I spent two days of nearly nonstop work on this. I've never made an actual layout before, so.. Anyway, I think it was worth the effort. Enjoy, guys!
3:18 a.m. November 27th, 2003: Hey guys. Happy Thanksgiving! No, I'm not going to give you each a powerlevel raise of ten thousand like other leaders would. Lol. Sorry, gotta' work for that. Anyway, I didn't post this up just to wish you a happy holiday, I've added something to the site. From now on, the " Message Board " link will lead to a message board (provided by "") where you guys can post up trainings and spars and whatnot. Now, when you do this I expect you to add your character name and email like it says, and don't mess around. I need to know who's character it is, obviously. And, by putting in your email, you'll be keeping me updated on what your screenname is. Because I know a few of you like to switch screennames more than often. I will add up a new link that says " Home " which will lead to this page, where I can keep you updated on events in the rpg. So make sure to continue reading this, because the message board should be used only for posting trainings and roleplaying sessions. I've added up a post already of a spar between Loric and I. Well guys, enjoy your holiday. And I hope to see some roleplaying posted up on that message board soon. See ya' for now!
7:22 p.m., November 18th, 2003: Look, I'd just like to clear something up right here and now. This is about me, and my character; Senshi. In no way am I intentionally keeping his level above everyone elses. I've had one complaint thus far, and hope not to receive a second about this. If I am above you, in any way, it is because of one reason; it's my rpg. No, I don't mean " It's my site so I need to have a higher powerlevel ". I'm saying it's my site, and SINCE it is my site, I'm most likely going to participate more than most people on the site. More participation makes for more level gain, new abilities, etc. A second thing I'd like to address is the thing reguarding races; and Senshi's imparticular. I have recieved ANOTHER complaint, from the same member, telling me that his combination of races is impossible. And I'd just like to show right here and now that it's very possible. I don't want to see anyone criticizing another member about their race, or storyline. I don't show people's storylines on the site ( yet ), but, until I do, you'll just need to trust that they have a good reason for whatever stats they have. Senshi's, for example, is because he is compiled of the Z-fighters themselves. No, it's no biogenetic crap. And no, I didn't just give him these abilities to make myself above everyone else. I've had this character long before I re-opened this site. And his reasons for having these traits will be explained when I put the sites storyline up. I'll try to post that on the site as soon as possible, so that we have no more of these little arguements. One last thing. Please recruit new members. If you know someone who is a good roleplayer, and you think would be interested in joining? Show them the site. No, you don't get anything extra for it. Because it has nothing to do with your character. But if you could at least leave the url of this site before exiting a chatroom or something, I'd be greatful. And, guys.. I haven't seen too much activity in the rpg lately. You can't depend on me to come to you. Find other members. Add them to your buddy list, and meet with them at least. We need more activity. See you guys, for now.
8:53 p.m., September 25th, 2003: Guess who's back...back again...Senshi's many times have you heard that before? Lol. Well, like the slim shady ripoff says, I'm back. My computer's all fixed, and the site is open for members. I got my computer back like two days ago, and I'm already adding in new members, so hurry up and join before your favorites are taken!
5:20 p.m., July 19th, 2003: Hey guys, got some bad news. It's old news, but still, bad news. First off i'd like to apologize for not putting this up sooner, but I won't be online much for a little while. My computer blew up on June 13th, and this has been one of the very few chances I've gotten to get online since. Due to this, the rpg is on pause. I haven't gotten many joining form's for the soul purpose that I cannot advertise because I'm not online. But to those of you who do know about this site, please spread the word to friend's. It WILL be inactive for some time, until my computer is back. But I will accept joining forms and will be adding people as I get the chance to from time to time. My computer should be back and running soon, but for now I'm waiting on a disk to fix it. Again, I'm very sorry for this setback and I'm hoping to be online again as soon as humanly possible. See ya' for now..
7:42 p.m., June 2nd, 2003: Hey guys, the site is finally finished! I'll be accepting joining forms for one week, and after that I will begin adding people. Anyone who picked the same character as someone else will fight for that character. And remember, no character's from GT, no fused character's ( unless they're a fictional fusion of two custom character's who are not in the dbz series ) and there is only one of each original dbz character. No ultimate gohan, no teen trunks, just one of each. Gotta' go now, but get them forms in guy's. See ya' soon!




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