Session 41: "It's only gone downhill..."


Digit: "Hey! I don't need fixing. I just got older. Sheesh."

Thorne: "Listen, I'm done playing figurehead, so let's go talk Amber."

GM: ishy chuckles. "It's not the pelvis that's the problem, m'boy. It's the inside of the head. Ruins the beauty in everything but brains."
In case you were wondering, this is why Ishy is celibate...

Chetwin: Chet makes a face. "You mean he's one of those slaves that becomes attached to his master and ultimately becomes psychologically dependent on the slave-master dynamic? Those, you generally just put out of their misery."
Digit: "I told you we should kill him, Dylana!"
Dylana: *glares at both of them*
Uh... Dy... I think you're outnumbered...

Dustin: Chet prefers to project silent approval, when a young man shows his burgeoning bloodlust.

Bastion: "Ah. Let me guess - go there."
Chetwin: "Ohyeah. While your bruises are still fresh. And try to act like a whiney little snot-nosed punk, when you get there. In other words, act like my brother."

Dylana: "It's only gone downhill from the last time we were there"
Chetwin: "Heh. How does heaven go downhill?"
Dylana: "well, like any other place"

Thorne: "But I can't do that, because if she," *nods at beatrice,* "and i are right, you're not only a royal, you're a direct descendant of the current king."
Amyas: [blink blink]
Thorne: "That would, as you can probably guess, present something of a problem."
Amyas: [blink blink] "i can certainly see where that would complicate matters" [shakes head]
And life just got a lot more complicated...

Session 42: Interesting...


GM: the deer doesn't take punches well
Never expected to be saying that one...

tankard: "It was just weird. Too damned smart. I swear it was staring at me."
Murdok: "oh?"
tankard: "Yeah. When it was introduced. it looked right at me."
Murdok: "my friend.. i trust your council but not your paranoia.. its a horse"
He says to the tankard that he believes talks to him...

Dustin: It's up to you, as far as how long the clone needs to... ummm...bake. But if it requires kneading, someone else is gonna do it.

Chetwin: "Doctor. Do you still have that copy of Lady Niobe in your lab?"

Digit: "Sure. *g* Already looked over everything here. Nothing left worth stealing."
Dylana: lol "In Chet's office? Sure there is. It's just all either attached or hidden"
Digit: *g* "Sure about that?"
Dylana: "Most of it, yeah"
Digit: *bigger grin* "Sure about that?"
Dylana: "Let me say exactly what i just said but from a different perspective-- not entirely"
Yes, you might want to reconsider telling the Amberite street urchin that he can't have stolen everything yet...

Chetwin: "...a spell so subtle that even the most excellent spellcaster won't detect it, because all it will do is to make the paper move enough to give them a papercut."

Darcie: good man- don't mock the woman controlling your character's fate

Dustin: Yeah...HEY! I'm using that cousin! Get your own!
GM: now, now, there's MORE than enough NPCs to go around...

Darcie: did the tankard just respond? did i miss something?
GM: yup. the tankard responded
Darcie: umm.. 'kay. weirder things have happened. usually in Heaven but they have happened
She has a point...

GM: maybe not tb. purple panthers aren't diseases
On how to distinguish the tankard from Tabby in the GM's shorthand...

Keith: did he not fall?
GM: oh. umm... yes, that usually happens when one's chair vanishes.

Chetwin: "Ummm. Ok. Hey! Now that I think about it, I think I have a job for Gage."
Dylana: "A job? Why am I feeling unsure about this?"
Chetwin: "Well, I need to see if ishy's poison is deadly to shadow people."
Dylana: "You are not poisoning Gage"
Chetwin: "Well, yeah...I certainly HOPE not."
Well, yeah, I'd be worried too if Chet said he had a job for someone I was trying to hang on to...

GM: i don't think a flying chair is much of a challenge. i'm sure you can hit it. *innocent grin*

GM: how many are you looking for? gimme a ballpark
Chetwin: 20 thousand would be dandy.
GM: ROTFL that really is a ballpark...

Murdok: "oh.. Ragnar.. another ale.. silly bastards spilled my drink"
He says after starting a rather prolonged bar fight...

Dylana: "fish with green hair. Dear gods. Tabby, if you're implying consumption of my relatives..."

Dylana: "How about if we avoid going to Rebma just for the seafood?"

Darcie: Dy thinks the rebmans are a little odd

Session 43: Three-Way Split

Random: *chuckle* "All right. I'm not clear on the particulars yet... but it looks like your two lady friends from Eregnor are having a catfight in my forest. Along with Dalt's entire army, evenly split between them."
Dylana: "If there's a finger with a spikard rolling around in Arden afterward, can i have it?"
Ouch. Someone has an enemy...

Thorne: *eyes Digit, who gives him a look. Thorne nods slightly*
Dylana: *rolls eyes* "someday you two are going to have to teach me that little system"
Thorne: *big grin* "Comes with the Amber underworld connections, sis."
Dylana: "*chuckle* You mean you two aren't my underworld connections?"
Thorne: *chuckles* "Nahh... you gotta get down and dirty in the underworld. Take a walk through the sewers, all that good stuff. Helps to know the boss of the Thieves' Guild, too." *winks at Digit*
The relative merits of knowing the nephew of the boss of the Thieves' Guild and a pirate versus knowing the head of the Thieves' Guild himself...

Darcie: dylana plows on in her usual tactless manner
Hey, I said nothing.

Darcie: i figure arwen's not around anymore. dy can be the wreckless one
GM: LOL. you mean reckless
Darcie: yeah. hush
GM: wreckless is something neither you nor chetwin are...

Dylana: "There's no age limit, but you're not old enough?"
Digit: "Yeah."
Dylana: "clarifying. really. you could be a facewash commercial"
Ouch. Dylana wasn't having much luck getting information out of people. Perhaps it's starting to get to her?

Session 44: Three Kinds of High


Dustin: Well...making chet violent is like making fidel castro communist and ugly

GM: *g* just to get you up to speed - your GM is on a sleep-dep high, Darc is on a coffee high, and we're hoping you guys can keep up...
Keith: okey dokey.. i'm on a NyQuil high
GM: dust? i think your mythical tea-high somewhat pales in comparison here...

GM: you're just waiting for digit to come back? no following? nothing? *falls over in shock*
Dylana: hell no. that's underworld. I'm not sure I want to be caught evesdropping on an underworld conference call.

Dustin: Ahhhhh...I'd almost forgotten about Shadow-Chat. Good ol' shadow chat.
GM: why does that make me want to cringe?
Darcie: rotf. not a good sign that you're forgetting your gadgets

Dylana: oh yeah "Hey, dig, have i invited you to the humiliate-my-oafish-brother party yet?"

Darcie: okay. dylana now knows things her player strongly suspected. That always eases my life.

Chetwin: " do I put this she something of a slut with bad taste?"
Or, to engage the Chet-speak translator, does she sleep with Bastion?

Dylana: umm... *ponders doing things worse for her health than asking too many questions of the nephew of the head of the thieves guild-- bugging flora...*
Flora doesn't bite. Sheesh. How many times do I have to tell them this?

Dylana: "hey tabs, ya want something to snack on?"
Tabby: "I want more satisfactory fish."
Dylana: " more satisfactory fish. does this mean we get to trek all the way out to the flying-fish shadow?"
Tabby: "No. I want real fish."
Dylana: "what counts as real?"
GM: Tabby blinks at you. THen she wraps her teeth around a table leg and tugs lightly at it. "Real table." She looks at you and sniffs. "I want Real fish."
Dylana: *looks at digit* "Real fish?"
Digit: "Dunno."
Dylana: "You mean like from the kitchen? the easy way? *hopeful*"
GM: Tabby gives you a miffed look. "Let me see them. Gotta see them to see if they're Real."
Tabby reveals an unexpected connoisseurship when it comes to fish...

Corbett: *glances at you* "Do you think they think we're prisoners or meat?"
Murdok: [glances back] does it matter?
Corbett: "Not really. Just curious."
As a group of soldiers surround them...

Session 45: Three Ladies


Chetwin: To Vanity: "Uhhhhh...don't tell Corwin - actually, make that don't tell anybody - but I have a dinner date with his sister."

Chetwin: "I mean, I may yet find out that the main course consists of my bollocks, hacked off and stir-fried, but I'm gonna go anyway..."

Chetwin: "If that's true and she's just stringing Falstaff along so that I'll think I'm stringing THEM along while they're really stringing ME along... then all my plans are f*cked. But that's bordering on complicated."
Chetwin's thoughts for the day, excerpt...

Chetwin: "Dammit, I go weeks not being able to dig up information with a backhoe... and now the universe gets an attack of cryptic diarrhea and spews it all over me."

Flora: "Your sister has decided to finally have her teenage rebellion. A few decades late. We are not currently on speaking terms."
Ohhh and Flora's not happy about this...

Chetwin: Chet slaps Bill on the back. "Ok, I gotta go. We'll have a beer sometime... pity I don't have a tomb yet."
Bill Roth: *laughs again* "Yeah, try not to work on that one, will you? See you later."

GM: it is currently lit by candles... this might be to suggest intimacy... or maybe to creep you out... or maybe just to set off Deirdre's dress...
Chetwin: I think we're gonna officially go with "creeped out"

Chetwin: Oh hellyeah... she's from the OLD SCHOOL. He doesn't want to see what she might do if she decides to punish him for a lack of manners
Chetwin is pretending to be a gentleman for Deirdre's benefit...

GM: Deirdre is a very... tidy... eater. *grins* reminds you a little of watching Flora eat, actually...
Chetwin: On no account does Chet mention that. Nor does he mention his mother at all, unless prompted.
Hmm... might be a good idea... since she avoided mentioning Flora on your invitation (but mentioned your fathers)...

Deirdre: "I find myself curious on the topic of your brother. One of my usual sources of information has been... remiss... in keeping up with the Family, and I am forced to rely on more views than I am accustomed to. Please do tell me about him."
Sounds like someone's a little disappointed in Corwin right now...

Chetwin: "Oh, and there were a string of god-awful Irish Wolfhounds that he mutated to have wings... and they have all been named Wolfie."
On the subject of Bastion

Deirdre: "That seems to be the general opinion of him: that he is useless. I have not, however, heard anyone else mention having him in a bowl." *smile* "Please do elaborate on that, Nephew."
Chetwin: "Well, I knew that was coming. Suffice it to say that my statement was an exaggeration. No part of him is any longer in a bowl, as I put it, but also suffice it to say that if you had heard any rumors of his uselessness being put to use by enemies of Amber, I have taken steps to deal with that problem."
Riiiiiight. Anyone else hear the sound of frantic attempts to cover one's ass?

Dylana: "nothing's ever my fault"
Vanity: *laughs* "I used to tell Dad that one. He never believed me, either."

Isbel: "That's a little odd. I thought you and Chet were running buddies."
Dylana: "We are. He's just running on a different vector for the moment. Deeply mysterious, probably devious stuff, y'know. Great big hush-hush situation"
Isbel: *nods* "Which with Chet could mean anything from 'something he shouldn't be doing' to 'redesigning his toilet'."
Dylana: "Quite. I just can't see him getting quite this wrapped up in bathroom decoration. Call it a hunch. "

Julian: *starts to go, pauses* "Dylana, I'm not going to ask why you are out here. But I would request you either move on or go back to the Palace before you get involved in this battle and we are forced to give you troops."
You have to wonder what he's implying - 'forced to give you troops'?

Darcie: positive reinforcement. Don't hit me over the head

Session 46: Of Sharp Things

Dylana: I order the fist
Dylana: err, fish
Dylana: not that I couldn't get the other here, but I think I'll pass
Ah, yes, the hazards of typos when you dine in a low dive in the city...

Dylana: "*chuckle* Ask Dworkin."
Fiona: *sweetly* "If he was answering Trumps, that might be a viable option."
Hm... Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning...

GM: the feeling of being watched follows you
Dylana: ok.
GM: you reach the docks... doing anything in particular?
Dylana: being followed

Dylana: oh holy shit. he's caine spawn. that just makes things scarier
GM: *falls over laughing*
Dylana: i mean, i suspected and all, and I don't really remember why, but damn
Ya mean the four emerald-studded daggers you've seen today clued you in?

Dylana: "I'm glad. It's good to get along with one's siblings. If only I could convince the other sib of this... So, the tact thing they've been trying to convince me to use isn't working. Who're you?"

Dylana: "I have, well, not much against them. They stranded me in their shadow with a spikard I want"
Guy: *chuckle* "They do that to everyone."
Dylana: "punks"
Guy: "No, just well-trained."
Dylana: "hmph"
Apparently the daughters of Dalt defending their father's territory is a bad thing...

Session 47: Consultations


Dylana: "I got another one of those annoying black laughter trumps, Uncle. It interrupted a shiny dream. I wanna make it stop"
She's had this happen once or twice before... but it's the interruption of a dream that bothers her?

Chetwin: "Hey. Whatcha need?"
Vanity: "Hey, look, you're not bleeding!" *grins* "How'd it go?"

Chetwin: "Heh. Oh, you could handle it...but if you can avoid a formal dinner date with a walking axe-haft it's always a good thing."

Vanity: "Oh, hey, that reminds me. Dylana was kinda wondering where you were earlier. I'd say she looked lonely, but she had Digit and her panther with her."
Chetwin: "Huh. I figured that was coming. Didn't some people similar to polynesians invent boomerangs? Only she always comes back."

GM: but... umm... Julian's nice...! really...! just... terse
Darcie: terse is too broad a word. What I think you mean is "."

Chetwin: I'll let him (Carnie) sleep. He makes slightly less mischief when he's unconscious.

Chetwin: "If you really want to find her, I CAN debase myself completely. But you're gonna owe me."
Dylana: "debase yourself completely, huh?"
Chetwin: "Yeah. There IS a computer somewhere which could find her wherever she is. But it's not mine. And I'd have to ask to use it."
So is he more irritated that he has to ask, or that he's asking to use Ghostwheel?

Chetwin: "We're trying to find his idiot daughter. He thinks we're responsible for her since she imprinted on us like we're chickens."

Ghostwheel: "Umm... there's not bugs. I wouldn't call what's there a bug, in fact..."
Chetwin: "Okay. What would you call it?"
Ghostwheel: "Umm... well... I get the idea she wants to be called Daisy.... at least I assume that's why I kept finding flowers... unless you're secretly a florist?"
Chetwin: "Hell no, I'm not a florist!" Chet then appears to comprehend what has been said. "DAMMIT! You gave it your damned ego-virus!!!! "
Ghostwheel: "I didn't give it anything! She was already waking up when I got here!"
Chetwin: Chet sputters, starts to say something a couple times (which amounts to his mouth going like a fish out of water). He then yells "Out! Out! I'll compensate your owner later! Get your infected interface-hole the hell outta my building!"
Poor Chet... He just wasn't have a good day... *snicker*

Chetwin: "Yeah. Either that or Texorami needs to open an Amber branch. I suggest down by the docks."

Session 48: Responsibility

Kaylana: *blinks* "Okay... What'd you do and to who?"
Chetwin: "I did nothing. And I am utterly emphatic on that point."

Chetwin: "I know. But let's forgo our grieving for a second while I put some more emphasis on that point about it not being my responsibility."
Juuuuust in case anyone had forgotten...

Chetwin: "Well, actually I was nursed by a wet-nurse that the court fool was diddling on the side. But Droppa never did have any taste."

Dustin: Chet looks around the room for a second. He looks at his computer. He swears at it in Thari.

Chetwin: "Hmmm. Okay. I'll just make sure it (the computer) can't use the robotic stuff in the tower. I don't want it building things or tearing Averickians in half while I'm gone. Those things take a while to breed."
Hm. I sense a lack of compassion for Shadow-folk...

Session 49: DNA, Redux


Dustin: *sings* Anything they can clone, I can clone better...I can clone anything better than them...

Darcie: so, how many points is "ability to spin cane with lips"?

Darcie: *laughs at the GM fending off Chet trying to take over Chaos*
Hmpf. You think it's so easy, you do it...

Dylana: "Us? Last I checked, Julian charged you with her... but, hey, I'm here for ya. I'll run away shamelessly and Trump you out of harm's way..."

Darcie: which one's our newly recovered aunt? we've recovered so many people...
Only three or four...

Chetwin: "I want your blood for an experiment, kid. You wanna volunteer, now that I failed to get it the easy way?"
Digit: "Not really, no."
"The easy way" being to give Digit papercuts...

Dylana: "Oh jeez. Look, Chet, we'll catch you on the flipside once you've regained your sanity."
Long wait...

Dylana: "That's Chet for ya. Just avoid him long enough, it'll pass."
Sure about that?

Session 50: Expertise and Tir


Chetwin: " wouldn't know anything about supposedly sentient computers, would you?"
Thorne: *blink* "Nope. Not my area of expertise. Supposedly sentient sea monsters, maybe, but not computers."
Chetwin: "No shit? I figured most sea monsters would have the intellect of a developmentally delayed igneous rock."
The pirate and the engineer compare notes...

Dustin: Ack! Damn thing doesn't get chet's image! Does it know no copyright laws?

Dylana: *walks the Tir Pattern 'cuz Etienne got her curious*
GM: it seems normal to you... well, aside from the ghosts of you that seem to be collecting around the border and staring at you...
Dylana: ghosts, huh? ah well... *keeps walking*
GM: yeah... it's funny... they all look kind of... well... curious...
Dylana: hmm... well, dy's pretty much permanently that way. *walkwalkwalk*
GM: okay.... you get to the middle. there are probably 200 versions of you staring at you.
Dylana: whoa. I stare back at as many as possible.
GM: they all stare back
Dylana: ok.... I stare some more?
Only Dylana...