Lord Chetwin's haiku:

In homage to the late Lord Benedict and his well-known Japanobsession, here is some poetry about our current strife:

Amber is peaceful
House Niall are terorrists
We will kill them all*


Are never taken lightly
They will pay with blood

Wing-boy's a traitor
So I took his brain from him
It is in a pan

And another thing
I wonder about wing-dog
I'll just let him starve

Flora f*cked a bird
Bastion was the result
Should have kept him caged

Bleys was my mentor
Bastion blew his head off
I scooped out bird brains

Just lied to Random
Never that intelligent
Bastion 'escapes'

You didn't read that
I didn't write that last one
I'll deny it all

Arwen's a moron
But don't tell her I said that
I'll do it myself

My engines run well
Soon I will fly in Amber
I will charge airfares

No stewardesses
I find them ridiculous
And Dy won't be one

I can hear her now
"Damn right I wll not, Chetwin"
She has my respect

As for Aunt Deirdre
I'll stay far out of her way
She still might kill me

Arwen has left us
Perhaps she has been captured
Chet might have noticed

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