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How to Join

Joining is a simple process. You can be an orignal character you can make up yourself, or you can choose a character from the series who hasn't already been taken. If a character from the show doesn't have a link up on the character page, then they are available.

1) Send an e-mail to one of the following e-mail addresses: or with the following information: Character name, character age, character description (if you have a pic, send that in too!), history of the character, and all the character's mobile suit info, like name, type, special abilites, weapons, etc.
2) Upon receiving your e-mail, Tribal Council will look it over and decide to let you join or not, or let you know if anything needs changing.
3) If accepted by Tribal Council, you will be placed on a trial run to see if your RPing skills are up to the challenge. We may be weird and strange, but we do have a dislike towards total RPing newbies.