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After four (4) wonderful years I have finally decided to close Torayan Weyr. It was a heart wrenching decision... but in the end it is for the best. With my wrist problems and the lack of time to properly care for my Weyr and update the website I don't think it's fair to my outstanding and much loved members to neglect them due to that lack of time. We have also been quite.. comatose.. as of late, and it is obvious that although it was a blast, Torayan has run its course in the world of RP. I will never forget the members who have stuck through with me 'till the end nor those who are a bit newer and gave my Weyr a chance. And for those of you who had applied recently I deeply apologize for not responding but I just don't have the time anymore to pay Torayan the attention it and its members deserve. I hope that all of you who were members have fond memories like I do, and I'll never forget you.

I'm starting a group for prior or current members so we can all keep in touch... if you would like to join and touch bases once in a while, please email me

A Brief History of Torayan Weyr

Torayan Weyr is set in an alternate Eighth Pass, Turn 2010. (Present Pass 2)

Torayan Hold was the first permanent settlement on our Pern after Landing was abandoned. Both Torayan Weyr and Hold were established thirty-three Turns after human colonists arrived on the planet.

The Holds, Halls, and Weyrs prospered despite Threadfall, and the Southern Continent was never abandoned. Eventually, the eastern portion was also resettled. As the Seventh Pass of the Red Star ended, every Pernese was grateful for the respite. The Holders continued their traditional tithes in support of Pern's dragons.

As the Seventh Interval progressed, the Lords grew restless, and the people of Pern grew skeptical about the return of Thread. Tithes to the Weyrs steadily decreased, and dragonriders were forced to hunt and gather their own supplies.

Akayla, rider of queen Sheenath, and L'kir, rider of bronze Tirith, became the Weyrleaders of Torayan in Turn 2006. According to the charts carefully maintained by the Weyrs, Threads were due in two Turns' time. For the survival of all Pern, it was imperative that the connection between Hold and Weyr be re-established.

To warn Pern of Thread's imminent return, the Weyrs held multiple meetings across both Continents. The Weyrleaders were determined to convince Hold and Craft to resume their ancient duties. Tensions between Weyr and Hold abated as the truth gained acceptance, but pockets of resistance remained.

Just over a Turn after the Weyrs' initial meetings, another menace spread on Pern. A virulent disease struck population centers on the Southern Continent, and Torayan Hold was first to suffer.

The plague might have been contained on one continent if skeptical Northern holders had not sent a ship to verify the reports. Still, Northern casualties were not as heavy as those suffered in the South. Both Lord Maller of Torayan Hold and Weyrleader L'kir succumbed to the disease.

Healers found no antidote to the plague, and its survivors were weakened for months. Pern was left to face the Eighth Pass with an exhausted population and little leadership.

The Conclave named Talan, Maller's oldest son, to succeed his father at Torayan Hold. R'vynn, late of Ista Weyr, and bronze Wynnyth won senior queen Pirenth's most recent mating flight, making R'vynn and Kalina the Weyrleaders of Torayan.

R'vynn and Kalina face the daunting task of rebuilding the Weyr's dragon population, as well as covering increased amounts of territory, as the Holds have spread over the last Interval.

We are now in the second turn of the Eighth Pass of the Red Star. (RPs began 2010.05-19)

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