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Linking : Guidelines
Last Update
April 17,2001

Linking to The Ring of Realms


To Link back to this page, one does not just have to be linked from The Ring of Realms. Anyone is able to link here, since it would be more appreciated for people to link to this page. There is a page with the html coding and the banners for people to use when they link to The Ring of Realms. It is not required that this coding is used, though it is appreciated if a person does use it.

Pages linked from The Ring of Realms

The Ring of Realm’s main goal is to bring groups together, to have realms together and give out a source of information to anyone who wishes to use this page, be part of it.
To Join - For more information on how to be linked from The Ring of Realms, please go to the section the item would be most suitable for, and then follow the “To Join” part, going down along with those instructions.
Content - All pages that are submitted to be linked from here are looked over to make sure it is RPG related. However, at times, some of these pages may be changed, undated, and altered from the time it was originally linked. The Ring of Realms is not to be held responsible if any content is not suitable for children or any reasons.
Warnings - If a page may have content which is not suitable for children, a warning may be placed in the link Description, there is to be no guarantee that there will always be warnings, though, the Ring of Realms will try to do their best in order to have them there.