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Throughout the 2003 "Sex Type" touring season, Vasoline will be recording various shows to acquire live audio versions of Stone Temple Pilot sounds they cover for download via the The format for each song will be in MP3 and will be available in high-speed or and 56K versions. Songs will be added as the tour moves forward along with different versions of the songs as Vasoline performs them throughout the 2003 Spring/Summer months. Keep your eyes glued to for video recording information as well - especially if you'd like to be included.
Download at these sites
Do you have bootlegged versions of our Vasoline shows? Want to add them tour our media page as well? E-mail us the recorded version of one of our STP cover songs (audio or video) and we'll post them for the public to sample. Remember this is not for file sharing or duplication of any form in line with Stone Temple Pilot copyright protection. These files will only be used for sampling of what our shows are like from our perspective as well as the fans.

Be sure to e-mail us the MP3/VIDEO file to the address below.
MEDIA Player
Send your audio/video files here

Holywater clouds my thinking
Sinking low now
Keep on drinking

Down you go, suffer long
Down you go, sin make me strong

You control me, soul you stole, mine
Wishful thinking
Six feet under

Down you go, suffer long
Down you go, sin make me strong

Dead by dreaming, sleep you steal, mine
Pools of cold sweat
Hatred burns me

Down you go, suffer long
Down you go, sin make me strong

Fine place for a day full of breakdowns
Takes more than a meltdown to show us how
Throw a tack on the road, stop the meatplow
Got a bullet but it ain't mine.

They got these pictures of everything
To break us down, yeah to break me down.
They make us hate and we make it bleed.

But I got a lover and yeah
She shows me how,
To understand it, yeah to understand
I got a brother and well
He show me how,
To make amends, yeah to make amends
With it

Take a break from the mousetrap we call home
Takes more than a message to make me smile
I can feel when she kisses me sleeping
But not when the news is on.
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Note: no space for the text!
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