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Band Members

Nobody = Drums

Jeremy = Vocals

Chamith = Bass Guitar

Zach (Vegan) = Guitar

Ben L-T = Metaphysical Support


Monday's Avatar was formed by Graham Tobias, Isaac Simon, Ben Stepner and Chamith Fonseka in late 2001. Graham had been playing guitar for about a year, Isaac had been screwing around on drums a little, and Ben...well Ben had been a musical prodigy all his life. With a few not-so-subtle hints, Graham and Isaac convinced Chamith to play bass - which he then fell in love with. Monday's Avatar was formed.

The band opened the 2002 Brown Talent Show with their first original, Sinking. After school ended, Ben asked Zach Ruben-Rattet to come to a practice and jam a bit. Zach's ability to come up with catchy riffs blew the band away, and Zach joined Monday's Avatar. Work ensued, and soon Monday's Avatar had four to five originals and a few covers down, including RHCP’s Aeroplane.

(As a side point, the originals are avalible on CD!)

However, over the summer problems arose within the band, and by late August, Monday's Avatar split. One one side was Graham, Isaac and Chamith under the name Keep Frozen, and one the other was Zach, Isaac,and Chamith under the name Banshee's Reverb (Ben Stepner got out of the picture entirely.) Banshee's Reverb actually got a lead vocalist and played at Needham High School before disbanding to form the original Monday's Avatar.

Graham and Zach resolved their differences and pleged to work together and not let their band fall apart again. With Isaac capable of singing or drumming - but not both - the band was ready to start playing and get some more music to the people. However, some differences die very hard, and Graham left about a month later. Undaunted by this, Monday's Avatar added Andy Iacobucci as their drummer and tried to keep things together.

It didn’t work.

Due to increasing conflicts with his life, Isaac Simon left Monday's Avatar about two months later. This left the Avatar in deep despair. Not only was Isaac the one with our practice space, but also part of the true spirit of the Avatar...we will miss him dearly. (And his practice space)

After the band took a bit of a break, Jeremy Putnam was asked to join as lead singer. With a quick “Yis” from his lips, he agreed. Jeremy’s extensive background in music and poetry was added to the Avatar mix, and the band settled down again for the big comeback.

Skipping foward to 2004. Andy and Chamith, deciding it is time for them to kick ass elsewhere, leave. Zach and Jeremy decided to keep on pushing fowards, and begged the rest of the band to play at the sophomore sleepover, with hope that they would have a change of heart. To put a particularly long story short, a lot of things went wrong, both with the band and their equipment. Zach broke a string in the middle of "Bird On The Moon" (much thanks to Nili Brosh for letting Zach use her BC Rich for the rest of the show.) In turn, the show only made Andy and Chamith want to leave the band more.

After nearly six months, while walking to a party, Chamith asked Zach if he would want to start up the band again. After Zach agreed, Jeremy was notified. The three reconvened the mighty force once again and times were good. For about three minutes there was happiness and laughter. Then, they realized that they had no drummer. Since Andy sold Zach his set and gave up drumming completely, the band needed a new drummer.

...We are still on that search...