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Mandy's Life
Wednesday, 13 October 2004
Now Playing: Nivana - cd player
Im at the library. But let me fill you all in about my life. Im from Arizona really but I moved up north during summer of my 4th grade year. I had some reading problems when I first moved here. But I can read fine now. Im now in 9th grade. When I was in the middle of 7th grade I lost a group of friends because of something over the computer. Long story. This year I almost lost my best friend Brittany. Brittany cuts and I use too but I stopped. I now write my feelings out on paper in a poem or song way. I have writen 12 songs sense this summer. I lost my boyfriend for a good relationship with Brittany. Brittany is now dating him. I kept losing my boyfriends to my best friends. I hate that. Well last week I asked a guy that I really like out and he turned me down. He was nice about it and turned me down gentle. I hooked up with a guy at Highroller on saturday and ya that only lasted that night because he had/has a girlfriend. Im having really bad lucky with guys lately. There is a guy at school that is shorter than me but he is cute and really nice and sweet. He and I feel the same way about relationships. We just want to be with someone. We dont like being alone. Well I typed alot for today. I'll write more later to clue you in about my life at school.

Posted by rock3/mandy2690 at 4:48 PM CDT
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