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Sunday, 7 September 2003
Kelly is so clingy to me these days. I can't go anywhere without her crying that I am going to leave her. The doctor says this is all very normal. Kelly tries to walk these days with no success. She tends to fall down alot. Kelly just loves her daddy. She loves to play with him and he can get her to laugh like nobody else. The other day I felt her bottom teeth for the first time. You can't really see them, but you can feel them. They are really sharp!!! Other than the clingyness(word?) she is doing quite well. She loves going to the Church daycare and playing with the other children, but she has developed this thing where she doesn't want anyone to pick her. Very strange because she used to be so open and happy with other people picking her up. My friend Holly says that she doesn't like when Kelly does that because Kelly is so cute she just wants to sit and cuddle with her :-) Lately I tend to call Kelly "crabby Kelly". She can be a real crab sometimes, but I love for it anyways.

Posted by rock3/l2thek_kmc_cord at 1:55 PM
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Saturday, 16 August 2003
Sign Language
In a few short weeks I am going to start teaching Kelly sign language. You ask why? Well for two reasons. First, I have been reading that childrens intellect to communicate grows much quicker than the ability to communicate verbally. In turn this begins to frustrate the baby when it can't properly communicate. Also, I think it would be cool to kind of teach Kelly a second language at a time when she is most receptive. See if I knew Spanish or French I would teach her that too.

Posted by rock3/l2thek_kmc_cord at 12:44 PM
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Lately Kelly has been doing rasberries (sp?) with her mouth. It is so cute, I just laugh which in turn makes her do them more. Kelly can now stand for very short periods of time all by herself. She is only 7 1/2 months hold. It just blows my mind how fast they grow up.

Posted by rock3/l2thek_kmc_cord at 12:42 PM
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Tuesday, 5 August 2003
I am making a prediction..... Kelly a has been standing since she was 6 mths old. She is almost 7 mths old and she can transfer herself standing up from one place to another by holding on. For short periods of time she can balance herself without holding, I don't really count it as standing because she can't do it herself, I have to put her in the stand up position and then she can, much like when she was learning to sit. At which she is such a pro at. Anyways, I think she will be able to stand alone at 8 mths and will make her first steps by 9 mths... So who knows, but it is just my prediction... Stay in touch so you can see the outcome.

Posted by rock3/l2thek_kmc_cord at 1:18 PM
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These Days....
These days Kelly is starting to get really fussy with her feeding times. It gets really frustrating for me because I am nursing. I don't think she has been feeling very well these days. She seems to be very uncomfortable when she sleeps.

Posted by rock3/l2thek_kmc_cord at 1:15 PM
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Friday, 1 August 2003
A day in the life
Kelly is doing so well. She responds to everything I do and say. She loves to play and loves for mommy and daddy to play with her. She absolutely loves her animals, especially Jake and Wizard. She can't get enough of them. Of course, these two pets will let her play all over them. Max pretty much stays her distance, likes for Kelly to just sit with her. To much movement and Max is out of there. Queen is still in the stage that she wants to play all the time. Kelly doesn't move enough for Queen to want to play with her. Funny! We recently bought Kelly some new toys... a leapfrog drum, which she loves, a symphony stacker that lights up, and shaped blocks that she has to put back in the box by shape. She only knows how to take them out, not put them back in, but we are working on it. That's all for now.

Posted by rock3/l2thek_kmc_cord at 12:08 PM
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Wednesday, 23 July 2003
Daytona and Kelly
Hi- This past weekend Kelly visited Daytona Beach for the first time. She did so well, she just loved being around all of those people and she smiled for just about anyone who ask for one. She really enjoyed the pool and the beach. She went to Daytona with mommy, daddy, brianna, aunt jenny and uncle brian. She really loved being with her bestfriend brianna. Kelle laid out in the sun with mommy and played in the sand too. She had such a wonderful time.... Kevin and I vowed to bring her to the beach more often considering that we live just minutes from our own ;-)

Posted by rock3/l2thek_kmc_cord at 1:09 PM
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