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This song can be edited to make it more personal.
A 3-syllable town name can be inserted in the following lyrics.
The Old Country Church
      (J.W. Vaugh)

There's a place near to me
Where I'm longing to be
With my friends
At the old country church
There with mother we went
And our Sundays we spent
With our friends
At the old country church

Precious years of memories
Oh, what joy they bring to me
How I long once more to be
With my friends
At the old country church

As a small country boy
How my heart bet with joy
When I knelt
In the old country church
And the Savior above
By His wonderful love
Saved my soul
In the old country church

How I wish that today
All the people would pray
Like we prayed
In that old country church
If they'd only confess
Jesus surely would bless
As He did
In that old country church

Sodizin Bá Hooghan Si’á̜a̜gi
      (Eugene Cody ályaa)

(Place name) hoolyéegi
Church biyi’gi yisdánásdzá
Éí ba̜a̜ ts’ídá
Yéego ásht’í̜i̜ doo
Diyin yéego bik’eh
Dahoniil’í̜i̜ dooleeł
(Place name)-yígíí
Church’ si’á̜a̜gi

Há̜á̜h haast’i̜’ígíí:
Dooládó’ éí béénáshniih
T’áá íiyisíí shił hózhó̜
Ts’ídá yéego ásht’í̜i̜ doo
(Place name) hoolyéegi
Church’ si’á̜a̜gi

Dííjí̜ éí shijéí bi-
-yi’di t’áá shił hózhó̜
Háálá Je-
-sus éí yisdáshííłtí̜
Kodóó náásgóó yéego
Ádeiit’í̜i̜ dooleeł
(Place name)-yígíí
Church’ si’á̜a̜gi

Ałk’idá̜á̜’ oodlání
Sodadilzin yé̜e̜gi
Sodadiilzin dooleeł
Ts’ídá yéego Jesus
Éí baa dahwiilne’ doo
(Place name)-yígíí
Church’ si’á̜a̜gi

Note: The lyrics in English are copyright through Warner/Chappell Music, Inc. They are used here without permission for educational purposes to help learn the Navajo-translated lyrics.

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