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This Is Just What Heaven Means To Me
      (Bill & Gloria Gaither)

A country where no twilight shadows
Unending day where night shall never be
A city where no storm clouds ever gather
Now this is just what Heaven means to me

What will it be when we get over yonder
And join the throng upon the glassy sea?
To greet our loved ones & crown Christ
Oh, this is just what Heaven means to me

A place where there is no
And from all enmity & strife we’re free
No unkind words to wrong the heart are
Now this is just what heaven means to me

And when at last we see the face of Jesus
Before whose image other loves all flee
And when they crown Him Lord
      Of all I’ll be there
Now this is just what heaven means to me

Yá’a̜a̜sh Díigi Shił Áhonoolnin
      (Eugene Cody ályaa)

Kéyah ła’ doo bii’ chahałheeł ha-
Jí̜ doo niit’éehdi áadi tł’éé’ ádin doo
Kin haal’á áadi doo niyol le’ át’ée da
Yá’a̜a̜shdi díigi shił áhonoolnin

Há̜á̜h haast’i̜’ígíí:
Nihił dahózhó̜o̜ doo áadi neheekaigo
Atah tóts’iil binaa ahidiikah
Christ hool’áágóó naat’áanii áda-
Yá’a̜a̜shdi díigi shił áhonoolnin

Áájí̜ doo ałk’idazh-
      -diiti̜i̜h ádin doo
Ak’ee diniih ałtso bii’ hahidiikah
Saad bee atídoolnííł doo bee yáti’
      da doo
Yá’a̜a̜shdi díigi shił áhonoolnin

Áadi índa Jesus binii’ deidiiltsééł
Binááł nááná ła’ daa’i̜i̜h adooldoh
Naat’áanii ályaago
      Shí áadi dooleeł
Yá’a̜a̜shdi díigi shił áhonoolnin

Here is a video of the words performed by Tanya Goodman Sykes, Becky Isaacs Bowman, & Charlotte Ritchie to help learn the lyrics to the above song. Enjoy:

Note: The copyright information for the lyrics in English are through Spring House Music Group. They are used here without permission for educational purposes to help learn the Navajo-translated lyrics.

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