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this story deals with themes that aren't dealt with in other stories on my site. this is a coming of age tale involving a person trying to find themself in amongst the pressures of celebrity life and life in general. the following items below are included in this story. if you can't handle any of these, then please don't read the story:

homosexuality, fighting, swearing, sexual content (both homosexual and heterosexual), depression

this story deals with these issues and the members of the band hanson. there is no incest in this story whatsoever. this is purely a work of fiction. the personalities and lives i have assigned to isaac, taylor, and zac hanson are purely fictional. i am not implying that any members of the band are actually homosexual, it is just a fictional work. the other characters are creations of my own. any character similiarities to real life persons, celebrity or otherwise, are coincidental.

if you have any concerns or questions regarding this story, please contact me at webmistress.naughtybits@gmail.com. thank you, and i hope you enjoy the story.