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Desiree Appreciation

The month of August will no longer be just a month, it will Desiree Appreciation Month. Dedicated to the most beautiful girl in the whole world, Desiree. We our trying to collect as many remarks about Desiree as possible so please write about your Desiree experience here.

Dear Desiree,
Everyone my dear appreciates you. We all have our different ways of expressing it. You are beautiful, loving, and most of all caring. You are a wonderful friend that everyone should cherish. You have meant so much to me and been a major influence on many peoples lives not only my own. Click the link to see why I love you more than all my creatures.

Why I Love You

Dear Desiree,
I love u so much. I am sorry when I make you mad at me, im in a bad mood, I do something stupid, don't know what to say, or put you in a bad mood. I love u so much and don't want to ever lose you. You are on my mind 99.9% of the day and I always miss you when you are not around. I think you are the greatest person in the whole world and I am not just saying that cause your my girlfriend. You have more potential than anyone I have ever met or seen. What I mean is, it's nearly impossible to find someone that is so beautiful, intelligent, caring, funny (in your own little way) and can put up with me. What I am trying to say is I love you and I want you in my arms forever, through the good and the bad.

Dream Come True

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