Chapter 30

“So what do you want to do about this?” the man in a black suit asked as Nick fiddled with his thumbs. He still refused to leave his hotel room so the suit came to see him instead. He really wished he hadn’t opened the door for him.

“I don’t care, do what you want to do about it...”he mumbled and looked up at the ceiling.

Annoyed the suit raised his voice a little to catch his attention, “This isn’t all about you you know Nick? This affects all of the guys. I think you should focus on this if not for you but for them. Get a grip, snap out of it!”

“Fuck you man,” he snarled and stood up pointing at him, “You don’t know me so don’t tell me to get a damn grip. Why don’t you fucking just get your ass out of my hotel room before I throw you out?!”

“This is serious business Nick! You have to take some level of responsibility for your actions.”

“Oh I am, ok...I’m not denying anything in that fucking article. I did it. I’m the ass hole it talks about. I’m the poisonous pop legend. Fine, happy?! I’m taking responsibility for my actions by not coming up with some half-ass statement saying it’s nothing but total crap and a misunderstanding. I’m not gonna say no comment. I’m not gonna do anything! If I do something I’ll just fuck it up like I always do so get that through your fucking head and fucking leave my hotel room now!”

Thankfully there was a knock at the door that gave Nick a reason to just walk away and not listen to anything more the suit had to say. He really didn’t need advice on his life and/or career. Checking through the peep hole he was relieved to see his sister Angel standing in the hall. Finally, someone that wouldn’t be on his case about a magazine article. Finally someone who just loved him for who he was no matter what stupid mistakes he made.

“Hey Ang,” he smiled opening the door to his sister. “It’s good to see ya.” Walking her across the room he pointed his head to the door signaling for the suit to leave. Surprisingly he did. He probably figured that talking to Angel would enlighten him enough to come up with some fake excuse for the article. He was wrong. Nothing would make him become that retarded.

After he heard the door close Nick noticed that Angel was uncomfortable about something. “What’s wrong?” he asked watching her shift around. “You’re acting funny.”

“I am?” she asked pretending to sound surprised but really she knew just how weird the air of the room was. “Ok...” she sighed, “I am. Well, Nick I just...I saw Hannah today.”

Hearing her name made his heart completely stop. People had referred to her, asked how he was holding up, but never mentioned her name. Not until now. Leave to his loving sister to cut the bullshit. “Oh,” he said. “That’s good. How is she?”

“Nick, I’m not really sure if I should be telling you this. I’ve been debating it over and over in my head all morning but...”

“What Angel?”

“I saw her at the grocery store. I was there buying candy and magazines with my friends and we were walking around and I saw her buying...” she stopped and swallowed.

“ this going to be a drawn out thing or are you just gonna tell me. How scary can it be?”

“I saw her buying a pregnancy test.”

The box stared up at her causing Hannah to struggle with breathing. Possibilities we running through her head making her feel as if the room was spinning. That same old feeling, what if it was just nothing though. What if she’d eaten something that made her sick. Maybe it wasn’t morning sickness like she suspected. No, it’s nothing. It must have been something I ate. Not convinced she wasn’t able to put the box away. That undying question plagued her mind. “I have to know,” she said allowed. “I need to know.”

Her fingers shook as they picked open the cardboard and could barely steady themselves. Controlling her breathing Hannah tried to stay calm. It is just a test. It is just a simple test. It is nothing. She played games with herself to make the situation less scary. Nothing worked.

Cautiously she entered the bathroom and situated herself, as best as she could. The reality of the situation terrified her. “I am really taking a pregnancy test,” she whispered. “I could really be pregnant.” Silently she prayed for the best. Silently she prayed that this wasn’t happening to her. That it wouldn’t.


The wait was torture. Flipping through the television channels she fought to focus her mind on something else...anything else. And then the phone rang.

“Hello?” she sighed.

“Hey, Han...are you alright?” Melissa questioned with a concerned tone, “You didn’t come into work today.”

“Oh, yea...I’m sorry. I meant to call. I think I’ve come down with something. I’ve been feeling dizzy and nauseous for a couple days so I decided to take it easy today and get some rest. But I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Would you like me to stop by at lunch and bring you something to eat. Anything you need I’ll get it for you.”

“No,” she shook her head, “That’s alright. I’ve got everything I need right here but thanks.”

“What about some company then? Someone to cheer you up just a know I can make you laugh.”

“Ha ha,” she smiled faintly, “Yea I know you can but I really want to sleep. I’ll call you later tonight. Maybe I’ll be up to doing something then. Right now I’m just laying on the couch watching soap operas and trying to relax.”

“Alright then hun, you take care of yourself. I’ll call to check up on you later.”

She hung up the phone and noticed the time on the clock. It was time to see the results. She didn’t want to see the results. She already knew them. Based on the patterns of her life she knew them.

After walking into the bathroom she peered at the counter and spotted her fate. There it is. She could hardly breathe or swallow. There’s my future. Picking it up with closed eyes she repeated her prayers. “Please please please,” she cried and opened her eyes. Peering down at it she saw the results. The confirmation of all her fears. And with that the test fell to the ground and all went black.

Chapter 31
Lost in the Rain Main