Chapter 45

Hannah never imagined that she would have to ultimately choose between a career and the love of her life. It seemed unreal that she’d lose one over the other, no matter how unfair it was. All her life she aspired for this opportunity but only once in a life does a love so strong come along. After she left the airport she drove to Nick’s house instead of her own, filling herself with memories of his presence. To her the only thing he is, is a kind man who captured and held her heart. Nothing else mattered and nothing else would probably ever matter. He had his fame and that made no difference to her. She’d love him just the same no matter what he did, in fact it was his celebrity that made things most difficult for them which is how she understood what he was trying to do for them. Sitting on the sand where under a week before the two made passionate love it was evident that there was only one choice to make, there were no other real options. Feeling the strength of their love she felt secure in herself, their love would guide her…no matter what she had to sacrifice.

Now, days later with her bags completely packed, Hannah hugged her mom good-bye at the doorstep. Brushing her mother’s tears aside, “You promised you wouldn’t cry,” she said fighting back tears of her own.

“I know Han, it’s just I’m going to miss you so much. Promise me you’ll call every day.”

“Of course Mom, but it’s not like this is forever. I’ll see you again soon. You won’t even have time to miss me.”

She shook her head, “No I miss you already. But hey,” she glanced at her watch, “You better get going, don’t want to miss your flight. Have lots of fun baby,” she kissed her forehead. “You’re doing the right thing, you’ll see.”

“Alright mom, I love you,” she grabbed her tightly before heading towards the waiting taxi. Waving good-bye she opened the door and slid onto the vinyl interior. Clutching her purse the driver backed out of the driveway and made his way down the street. Passing the houses she’d seen nearly every day for her whole life Hannah sighed and buckled her seatbelt knowing that these houses would never look the same.

The car ride flew by and the driver was soon setting her bags on the curb. “Thank you,” Hannah placed the money in his hand. Before the doors she looked up at the sky as if cleansing herself. A group of pushy travelers ushered her through the door and inside the huge entrance way she stopped to take both tickets in her hand. Gracing them in her hands she approved her decision one last time and regretfully returned the one to her purse. Head held high with ticket in hand she stepped to the counter and checked in. Once finished she smiled at the bench were days before she and Nick sat and without a second thought walked to the appropriate gate.

The End

Author's Note
Crossing Paths Main