Chapter 44

Outside on the lawn the sprinkler was running full blast on the freshly planted flowers Hannah had just completed. Lying down, satisfied by her gardening and refreshing herself with a cold class of diet coke she tried to occupy her mind. ‘I can’t think of Nick,’ she would tell herself knowing that at that exact time he would be leaving for the airport. All night she tossed and turned debating whether or not he was worth forgetting California and despite every attempt to convince herself he wasn’t she still wasn’t sure. ‘Well I’m certainly not going to forget him now,’ she decided setting down her drink and stomping off towards the garage in hopes that she wasn’t too late.

At the airport cars were everywhere honking at each other to hurry up. People had planes to catch as they lugged heavy suitcases along the crosswalk, trying to run but weighed down by the luggage. Frantic by the chaotic scene before her Hannah pulled her car along the sidewalk, a drop off only zone, and raced inside the sliding doors. “You can’t park there!” a police officer grabbed hold of her.

“I’ll just be a minute,” she pleaded with him but he insisted that she move it. Furious she slammed the keys into the ignition without even checking for cars. She zoomed through the isles of spots, all full, tapping the wheel and eyeing the clock. “Oh fuck it!” she said swerving into a handicap only slot and ran back towards the airport.

Inside she didn’t know where to go. Crowds of people pushed passed her hostily annoyed by her immobile position. She shook her hands spinning around, “I don’t even know the airline,” she cried walking towards the side realizing it was hopeless. The airport was too big and with no information she would never be able to find him. Then an idea came over her, “My god! He bought me a ticket, probably from the same airline…Delta!” she reasoned stepping over to the Delta departure monitor looking for anything Sweden. “Gate K18!” she found it and took off after him.

Not remembering the protocol of airports and having never been on an international flight she was stopped by customs. “I’m sorry ma’am but no ticket, no passport…and you can’t get past this gate,” he said pointing at the security detector.

“Please, I’m trying to say good-bye to the man I love. I’m not going to bomb the plan or kill anyone—“ she was stopped by him grabbing her arm and pulling her towards a door marked security. “What are you doing? Where are you taking me?!” she yelled kicking along. The man spoke in his walkie-talkie that he had a situation by customs and to send backup. “I’m not doing anything wrong! Search me! I’m clean!” she screamed. “I’m trying to say good-bye to someone. I’m not a terrorist!” He slammed his hand over her mouth silencing her as she still pulled to break free.

“Hannah?!” someone yelled, “Wait!” Nick ran to the guard. “I know her, she’s with me. What’s the problem?”

“Your friend here is suspected of criminal activity,” he said matter of factly still pressing his hand against her mouth.

“She’s not a criminal,” he looked at her, “Please this must be some huge misunderstanding. Let her go and I promise she’ll leave the airport quietly.”

The officer looked back and forth from Hannah to Nick before releasing her. “I’ll let you go, but I’m warning you…watch what you say around here,” he pushed his finger in her face as she nodded apologetically.

“What are you doing here?” Nick asked taking her hand and leading her from the group of gawking people.

“I wanted to see you off, but that man went psycho on me.” The two sat on a bench, “Shouldn’t you get going now? Your plane leaves in—“

“I know when my plane leaves, don’t worry,” he placed his hand atop of her arm. Neither one knew what to say. She fidgeted as he tried to control the beating of his heart. “So,” they both said at the same time causing them to smile a little, releasing some of the tension.

“I wasn’t going to come, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you…I haven’t stopped thinking about you since that day when I told you about California,” she confessed. “And I couldn’t bear the thought of you getting on the plane without me seeing you because,” she paused, “well I think we both know why.”

“Does that mean that you’re going to California? This is your good-bye?”

“No, I’m not sure what this is but I haven’t decided on anything yet. But what I do know is I will probably never have the chance to be with someone like you ever again, someone I love so much. It would be stupid of me to walk away from what’s most important in my life,” she turned to look at him. “You are what’s most important in my life.”

“I never meant to hurt you, asking you not to go to California. I just wanted to buy us some more time together before you went off to college and me probably on a world tour. Somehow in the whole mess I come off as angry and I’m not angry at you Hannah, I could never be. I’m sorry for saying some, a lot, of the things I said to you. I should have told you the truth which is that I’m proud of you and I love you with all my heart. I’m so happy that you got this offer, I’m your biggest advocate. I only don’t want to lose you and I got scared.” Listening to him Hannah’s lower lip crumbled and her eyes weld up with tears. He was the man she fell in love with and it shocked her that something so nominal had set them apart for a few days but now they were back. He is still the same caring and adoring man, he was still Nick.

“I won’t let that happen to us. You will never lose me Nick, I promise…never.”

He inched closer to her not shifting his eyes away. His warm breath pressed against her face as she blinked a tear away. Nick reached up and caught it on the end of his fingertips. Reaching behind her neck he hovered over her mouth breathing into it…studying her soft face and lips before he kissed them and the two collided into each other. The airport sounds faded and the crowds disappeared. Sitting alone in the airport they danced their lips together loving one another so fully. If only for a minute there was no time but moments later their lips parted and they were both left completely fortified. “I have to get going now sweetie,” Nick whispered holding her hand as he stood up.

“I love you,” she said rubbing the lipstick smeared on his face. “Have a good flight.” He bent to pick up his bags but stopped and instead grabbed onto Hannah, sheltering her in a hug. They were so warm and close together. He stepped away and picked up his bags. Opting not to ruin the moment neither said a word and they parted. Nick disappeared into the crowds as did she. Then there was nothing between them but lost space.

Chapter 45
Crossing Paths Main