Chapter 38

“Here’s your medicine mom,” Hannah handed a glass of water and two pills to her mother who had just awoken from another one of her marathon naps. Despite her still bruised face and hours upon hours spent sleeping she definitely was shaping up to her normal self. She often complained of a headache, aches, and chills which made Hannah worry but the hospital confirmed that that was not a reaction from the car accident but withdrawal from alcohol. All in all, it hurt to watch her suffer and grimace in agony as she craved a drink, but it made Hannah happy all the same to know that her body was being purified and she was going to be there for her every step of the way.

“Honey, you know you don’t have to stick around here and take care of me all the time. I know it must be hard for you to stay bottled up in this house so long. Why don’t you and Nick go and do something alone? It would make me feel a lot better knowing that you’re enjoying yourself,” she sipped the water and set it aside sinking back down into her stack of pillows.

“Mom, you know I don’t mind taking care of you. I like helping you feel better, being here for you.” Truthfully it did bring her joy to make her mother feel better, but the bottom line was Hannah still was not sure that leaving her mother would be a good idea. Not because she was still sick, but because if left alone she might revert back to drinking somehow. Even though all the bottles of liquor, wine, and beer were thrown out she still did not feel completely comfortable and trusting of her mother’s ability to stay sober.

“Han, if you stay here another night I think I’m gonna kill you. Look at you, you’re completely strung out. Go have some fun, go have a nice dinner. Besides, how much longer do you think Nick can stand being here with you? He refuses to leave you alone, but do you really think he’s enjoying himself? If not for you, do it for Nick.”

“If I didn’t know any better I’d swear you were trying to get rid of me,” Hannah smiled running the brush through her mother’s hair to untangle her locks. “Well, I suppose one night out won’t kill us. We could just do dinner or something, won’t be gone too long."

“Thanks sweetie, because I love you and I love you being here…but I don’t want to watch you suffer and bore yourself to death. I’ll just watch that movie that’s on tv tonight and I don’t know, order Chinese or something.”

After setting her mom up with a stack of magazines and newspapers to read, she insisted on keeping up to date on the world, Hannah returned to the living room to find Nick playing Solitaire with himself. ‘Hmmm, I guess things are pretty boring around here,’ she thought to herself sitting down next to him on the couch, careful not to disturb his cards. “Nick, what do you think about going out tonight? We’ve been here for so long, I think we both deserve a night off.”

Jumping at the idea Nick dropped the cards from his hand, “You mean we’re free to leave captivity?” he asked with a stunned expression on his face.

“Yes!” Hannah giggled as he grabbed her ankles, “We can blow this popsicle stand. What do you want to do?”

For a moment Nick sat there thinking, his finger upon his chin. “Don’t you worry a second about that,” he said, “I’ll take care of everything.”

* * * *

“Let’s go princess, we don’t want to leave the night waiting,” Nick called up from the base of the stairs. Hannah had been up there for nearly two hours and he was beginning to get anxious.

“Patience, patience Nick,” Hannah said appearing at the top of the stairs. Slowly she descended the stairs, with each step taking on more glow. “Wow, you look awfully nice. I knew you were planning to dress up, but a tuxedo? I feel like it’s prom all over again.”

“Shh, don’t say anything,” Nick silenced her, eyeing her from head to toe, “I want to take everything in about this moment, everything about you. You look…amazing.” Dressed in a simple white sundress with matching strappy sandals she looked like the image of an angel. Her hair draped across her shoulders and her wrist glimmered, grazed by the gold bracelet he had bought her in Los Angeles.

“Thanks,” she smiled warmly and took his arm. Stepping out the door she squinted her eyes at the bright sun. There was something so new and different about that evening, there on his arm she felt like she was living a new life. “So my dear prince, what is that you’ve concocted for us to do this evening?”

“All in good time darling, all in good time,” he smirked ushering her into his car.

The drive was peaceful, happily they both watched the world around them with new eyes. Whether it was truly a beautiful night or the new freedom from being cooped up in a house all day long made no difference. Faintly the radio played in the background, the mushy harmonies of Celine Dion’s “Falling Into You.” The time passed quickly and soon they were entering Nick’s gated community. Noticing her surroundings Hannah remained quiet, she didn’t want to ruin the moment by again asking what he was planning.

They pulled into his circle drive and Nick cut off the engine, racing around the engine to open her door. Completely by-passing the front door he led her through a pathway around his house. Soon the shrubbery and flowers broke away and they were faced with the crystallized bay. Still silent Hannah’s small hand was held in his as he continued towards the beach. As they approached she spotted a blanket sprawled out on the sand with a picnic basket. Stopping she looked at him, “What’s this? You planned a private picnic for us, you angel,” she kissed his cheek.

“I wanted to recreate that night in the Bahamas, remember? Of course I have to make a few things different. There will be no talk about your mother. Tonight is just you and I, there is no one but us. Come on," Nick urged seating her on the blanket as he began to build a small bonfire.

“Really Nick, you are just too much. I would have been so happy just going to McDonalds, but this…this is more than I could ever have imagined. You always know the best way to make me feel so happy.”

“Well sweetie, it’s probably easiest for me because you are my happiness,” he paused looking up at her. A slight tint of red came to her face but she still looked at him directly and whispered I love you. Rubbing his hands together after the fire was glowing away he situated himself next to her, twirling the strap of her dress in his fingers. “If I could change anything about my life, I’d have met you a long time ago. Before you I was so lost, and now…now I’m just complete. Hannah,” he turned her to face him, “I’m going to marry you. I can’t imagine anyone else more perfect than you.”

She held his hand to her face as a small tear trailed down her skin. “Make love to me Nick,” she whispered looking back into his clear blue eyes. “For the first time." She dressed the palm of his hands with small kisses.

“Are you sure?” he ran his fingers through her long locks.

“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my whole life...and there is nothing I want more in this whole world, then to be with you.” Turning her head she saw the last glimpse of the sun meet the ocean, the most perfect sunset. Nick brought himself closer to her and pressed his soft lips against hers. His hand sliding up and down her arm, pressing himself into her.

Slowly he lowered her to the blanket, their bodies firmly held together as her hand rubbed the back of his neck. There was no sound other than the small parting of their lips, they were the world. Arching her back towards him, Nick reached under and unzipped her dress. The fire reflected onto her sparkling skin. Warm and inviting he kissed her shoulders, her neck, her chest. Bringing himself further down he removed her bra and cupper her breasts in his warm hands. Hannah brought both arms around him and pulled him closer. Sneaking her hand under his shirt she rubbed her fingers against warm skin and pounding chest. Parting she raised his shirt over his head and laid back down on the blanket. Their bodies glowed together as the waves crashed against the shore.

Together they removed his pants and her underwear tossed aside. Nick climbed over her, pausing to catch the light in her eyes. Her legs opened to him and wrapped around his body as he entered her warm inside. Joined together she gasped in pleasure and brushed her hand against his cheek, urging him to continue. The waves tumbled as their bodies meshed together creating an excitement so special. Panting he starting forging into her harder as she gripped onto his perspiring shoulders. She softly bit down on her lip with her eyes squeezed shut. Their bodies released together, their love pouring out for each other, and Nick tumbled down atop her welcoming chest. In her arms his breath relaxed and she smoothed out the hair glued to his face.

Looking above Hannah noticed the sky filled with millions of twinkling stars, glittering for them. “I love you,” she muttered kissing his fingertips. “This is all I could ever hope for. You are my every dream.”

Acknowledging her Nick was rendered speechless, “Words can’t express how much you mean to me,” he rolled over on his side still staring into her eyes. Her whole face and body illuminated by the fire. A small urge came over his lips and he kissed her. Taking her hand in his he held it to his chest. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but instead sang.

Everytime our eyes meet, This feelin' inside me,
Is almost more than I can take, Baby when you touch me,
I can feel how much you love me, And it just blows me away,
I've never been this close to anyone or anything, I can hear your thoughts,
I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do, I'm so in love with you,
It just keeps gettin' better, I want to spend the rest of my life,
With you by my side, forever and ever, Every little thing that you do,
Baby I'm amazed by you.

Hannah smiled and kissed his nose. Wrapping herself in his arms she cuddled next to his chest.

The smell of your skin, The taste of your kiss,
The way you whisper in the dark, Your hair all around me,
Baby you surround me, You touch every place in my heart,
You know it feels like the first time, Everytime,
I want to spend the whole night in your eyes

I don't know how you do what you do I'm so in love with you,
It just keeps gettin' better, I want to spend the rest of my life,
With you by my side, forever and ever, Every little thing that you do,
Baby I'm amazed by you.

Laying in a filled silence the two drifted off to sleep beneath the blanket of stars. The waves still crashing against the shore, the crickets chirping melodies, and the fire still glowing.

"Amazed" by Lonestar
Chapter 39
Crossing Paths Main