Chapter 39

The bright white sun shone down on the two lovers embraced on the shore, wrapped in each other’s arms and a picnic blanket. Nick, awake, studied the expression on Hannah’s face as slept. Content he laid back peacefully enjoying the morning and sun and having his true treasure resting in his arms. She shuffled in his hold and grinned at the warmth of his skin. “Good morning,” she sighed fluttering her eyes open to take in the beautiful day. “How long have you been awake?”

“Not long, did you sleep well beautiful?”

“Ah,” she stretched out, “the best!”

“Come here,” he pulled her on top of him and they lay facing eye to eye. “I just want to thank you for the best night of my life last night, and for giving me all our time together. Past, present, and future I appreciate and adore every moment with you.”

Cocking her head she sighed, “If what they say is true, about your eyes being the window to your soul…you must have the most beautiful eyes in the world because I already know you have the most beautiful soul,” she kissed him.

“Whoa, you really whipped out the big ones with that one. Don’t tell me I’ve turned you into a mushy romantic like I am,” he tickled her sides causing her to laugh her infectious laugh.

“No, I’m serious. You are so wonderful! I am so lucky to have found you, to have you.”

“I assure the pleasure is all mine. Say, are you in the mood for some breakfast? We never did eat that picnic I had planned last night. In fact, we didn’t get around to a lot of the things I had planned…but I suppose that’s alright. Your idea was so much better,” he grinned flirtatiously.

“Ok, what do you got Chef?”

“Hmm let’s see…” he crawled over to the basket and opened it looking at the contents. “Well, the question is what’s good overnight? We’ve got baquette, brie, strawberries, cheesecake…and of course the champagne is good.”

“Mmmm, strawberries, cheesecake, and champagne for breakfast…sounds divine,” she smiled tossing her hair out of her face and pulling the blanket up to her chest, holding it under her arms. Nick broke open the bottle and poured her a glass. “There you go my lady,” he took a seat next to her with the strawberries.

“Can you believe how perfect our lives are right now?” Hannah sipped her champagne with one hand in Nick’s.

“Things will always be perfect, from here on out, now that I have you,” he bit into a strawberry. “I know you think I’m lying and being mushy, but I’m being serious Hannah. You…”he brushed sand off of his feet, “You finish off my life. I have everything I need now that I have you. You complete it all for me. The finishing, and most important, piece of my life is you.”

“Well, I can’t say I have it quite as wonderful as you, but I’m getting there,” she smiled. “Right now I’d say my life is ninety-nine percent complete. Of course I won’t be completely satisfied until my career is under way, but with you by my side I can’t be anything but happy.” He looked down at the sand, still holding her hand in his. “Oh my god, I completely forgot about my mother,” she stood up brushing the sand off her legs. “I better head back to check on her.”

“I’ll go with you,” Nick rose to his feet.

“No, that’s alright. My car’s still here from before the Bahamas, I’ll go and you shower or what not and we’ll see each other later. I’d probably like to gush a little to my mom if you know what I mean, about my life with prince charming.”

“I hope that means me,” he laughed as she nodded. “Ok sweetheart, you go do the girl routine and I’ll come over later. Come, I’ll walk you to your car.”

Quickly throwing her dress back on and sliding on her shoes Hannah trailed behind Nick to the garage, still beaming from last night.

* * * *

“Hey Mom, I’m back,” Hannah walked into her mother’s room as she sat watching some cooking show on tv. “How are you feeling?”

“Nearly perfect sweetie, I even managed to make myself some breakfast this morning. How was your special evening with Nick? I see you stayed out all night,” she grinned hinting at something.

Rolling her eyes Hannah blushed, “Yes, and…oh my god Mom I’m so happy!” she squealed. “He had this private picnic for us on the beach in front of his house. Champagne, strawberries…bonfire, the whole bit. It was so romantic.”

“Did you manage to eat any of it?” she laughed.

“Well,” Hannah looked at the ceiling, “yes, but not until this morning. Mom! He’s so perfect!”

“Aww, baby!” her mother hugged her, “I’m so happy for you!! Do you think that he’s the—“

“The one?! YES! I’m positive. I can’t imagine anyone being a better match for me. He’s everything I’d ever want. He’s my ideal man. Ugh, I can’t stop smiling! I must look ridiculous!”

“No, not at all…you just look very happy. Now, dish Han…I want to know all the details.” The two laid on the bed, Hannah blabbing about her perfect evening with her mother listening attentively.

* * * *

Turning the knob to the dishwasher Hannah heard the phone ringing. Skipping across the room she picked up the phone. ‘This must be Nick,’ she thought pressing the “TALK” button. “Hello?”

“Is this Hannah Morgan?” I woman asked.

“Yes, this is her,” Hannah said putting the antena up.

“Hi Hannah, this is Melissa Wolfe, we met earlier this summer when you came to visit UCLA.”

Hannah pondered the woman’s name for a moment, “Oh yes, you work for People magazine. How are you?” she asked, wondering what this woman was calling for.

“I’m doing very well, thank you. How have you been doing?”

“Fine, I’m doing great.”

“That’s good to hear. Listen, I have a career opportunity for you. I was so impressed with your work when you came here and remember we discussed an internship here at the magazine in the fall? Well, it seems that one of our summer interns is leaving for another opportunity overseas so we have an opening. And while interviewing applicants to fill the position I remembered your name and meeting you. By any chance would you be interested in starting early?”

Hannah’s mouth gaped open and she held her hand to her mouth, “Oh my goodness, of course I’d be interested! Do I need to come out for an interview?”

“No, no…there’s no need for that I have your resume and I feel you'll do a wonderful job. You’d start almost immediately.”

“Wow,” Hannah was silent for a few seconds, speechless, “I’m sorry, it’s just, wow! This is wonderful news. I’d love to work for the magazine. I guess the first thing for me to do is to find living arrangements, but I can be there as soon as you need me.”

“That won’t be a problem. We’ve arranged for you to have a one bedroom apartment here, it’s very close to the office. Now, the apartment of course is just temporary until you start your fall semester, I believe you were planning to stay in a dormitory.”

“Yes, I’ll be living in a dorm once the semester starts. I can’t believe you went to the trouble of finding me a place to live, that’s so generous.”

“Oh it’s nothing really, the magazine owns about a dozen local apartments. So you do want the job?”

“Yes! How soon do you want me to be there?”

“How soon do you think you can come?”

“Geez, a week maybe…I have to pack and everything. Let’s see today is Monday, I could probably start work as soon as next Monday.”

“Great! That sounds perfect. When you arrive in L.A. give me a call and I’ll notify you of all the information about where to go and what not on your first day at work. We’ll have a car pick you up at the airport to take you to your apartment and help get you settled. Here, this is my number, do you have a pen and paper?”

“Yes, right here,” Hannah grabbed a pad of paper and a pen.

“Ok, it’s 213-555-7643. That’s my cell phone so you’ll be sure to get a hold of me. And you can call anytime you want. If you have any questions or what not this week feel free to give me a call and I’ll be happy to answer them.”

“Thank you, thank you so much Miss Wolfe.”

“Oh please, call me Melissa.”

“Alright, thanks Melissa. This is like a dream come true. I look forward to seeing you in L.A.”

“Same to you Hannah, see you next week, and welcome aboard.” There was a click on the other end and Hannah stood there staring at the wall with the phone still held to her head. “Oh my god,” she muttered, “People magazine…People magazine!!!!” She dropped the phone on the table and ran upstairs to tell her mother of the great news.

Chapter 40
Crossing Paths Main