Chapter 25

That night Nick and Hannah dined privately in their room on what Hannah calls a “carpet-picnic.” Sprawled out on the floor they laid facing each other, as Nick personally fed her strawberries. “I can’t think of anything better than this,” he winked at her.

“Oh I can,” she grinned. Without warning, Hannah jumped to her feet and dragged Nick out to the balcony.

“What are we doing?” Nick chased after her as she jumped off the ledge to the white sand below.

Squealing, she ran directly into the ocean and dove into the water. Shrugging his shoulders Nick jumped in after her. He glided through the warm water and grabbed hold of her waist. He guided her to the surface, “We’re swimming!” Hannah gushed. In her wet clothes she leapt into his arms and kissed him, bringing them back down in the water.

“You’re nuts,” Nick laughed taking hold of her ankles, Hannah splashed under. Rising up she jumped on Nick and pushed his head in the water. Yelling and screaming the two rolled around until Nick rapidly grabbed Hannah and carried her to the shore.

“Oh god, where are we going now?!” she giggled. He made his way across the beach and trampled up the steps leading to the balcony. Kicking the door open he brought her into the bedroom and laid her wet body down on the bed. He climbed on top her he bent down and began to passionately kiss her. His hands sliding all over her body.

“Make love to me Hannah,” he broke away out of breath.

Baffled she stared into his sincere eyes and touched his face. Every beat of her heart wanted him, “Nick, I...I’m not ready,” she sighed propping herself up on her elbows.

Nick’s face dropped a little but he still reached out and kissed her. “That’s all right honey...your first time should be when you’re ready, I can wait.”

She looked down, “What makes you think this is my first time?"br>
Perplexed Nick shook his head, trying to remember if he’d forgotten something she’d said before. He didn’t recall her ever referring to a past love, so he’d assumed...”But you never mentioned anyone.”

Hannah sat up, “I know...I don’t like to talk about him...” she averted her eyes, “I don’t like to even think about him.” She looked back into his baby blues, “His name was David Foster, and we dated all through high school. He pressured me to sleep with him but I insisted on waiting till I was ready. And then, two days after I finally went all the way with him...I found out he had been secretly seeing one of my best friends. I guess because he wasn’t getting any from me, he turned to someone else,” shrugging her shoulders she tried to pretend it didn’t bother her anymore.

Nick stood up and walked across the room, rubbing his neck. “ long ago was this?”

“A little over a year ago, why?”

“Look, I’m sorry Hannah...I’m just trying to understand how someone could do that...especially to you. That guy must have been a real jerk,” he came back and sat by her side. “I promise...I promise with my whole heart, that I will never do that to you.”

“I know Nick. You’re nothing like David. And I trust you...completely.”

“Lay down,” Nick ordered her, smirking.

“Why?” Hannah stammered, “I thought I told you I wasn’t ready.”

“I heard you...just lay down...on your stomach. Oh and you might want to take off your shirt.”

“NICK! You aren’t listening to me!” she yelled, “I’m not ready.”

“I’m listening to you...I thought you trusted me,” he cocked his head at her.

Hesitantly Hannah slid off her shirt and rolled over on her stomach. She clamped up when Nick straddled her. But the tension in her back eased at the first touch of his hands. Firmly, yet gently, he glided his palms up her spine. He slid them down her sides and circled them back to her neck. Leaning forward he kissed her soft warm skin, “I love you Hannah. And I’ll wait forever for you...I’m not going anywhere.”

Chapter 26
Crossing Paths Main