Chapter 2

On her way home Hannah kicked herself for the way she had treated Nick. But there were things that Nick did not, and probably could not, understand. There are much more important things than awkward dinner dates with beautiful men. Besides, why should she drop everything for him just because he is big popstar? Those people are always pleading that they want to be treated like normal civilians anyway. Why shouldn’t they get what they ask for? Hannah pulled into the garage and walked into her empty house. Walking past her vacant parent’s bedroom was so strange. She was used to coming home to her dad lying on his side of the bed watching the news. Since her parents were out of town there was nothing to be done, she was free to do something so rare to her...relax.

Running herself a hot bubble bath, Hannah prepared for a night of pure splendor with a book and left over Chinese food from the fridge. The hot water from the bath eased all her aches and the fresh aroma of the lavender bubble bath cleansed her. For the first time in months, and possibly years, she was able to spend time on herself, and no one else.

* * * *

Slamming the front door shut with his foot. Nick brought his pizza into the living room where he would spend a night of racing himself on Mario Kart. This was the first time that he had had to himself in so long. With the release of the new album, the endless interviews, and the world tour there was little time for the things he likes in life. Hearing the phone ring, Nick pressed the pause button.

“Hello,” Nick said into the phone.

“Nicky boy, what’s up?!”

“Oh hey Frick, nothing much. Just chillin in front of the tube with Mario.”

“Already, wow! You don’t waste anytime now do you?” Brian laughed.

“Well you know me.” Nick reached for another piece of pizza.

“Yes, and all too well. It’s a wonder you ever leave the house at all.”

“Well, actually, now that you mention it I did happen to go somewhere tonight.” Nick said between bites.

“Do tell do tell.” Brian said with curiosity.

“Oh it was nothing big, I just went to get food that’s all. I ran into a girl there too, and I mean literally. Food was everywhere, it was a real mess.”

“Oooo, a girl, did you pick her up?" Brian eagerly asked.

“Yes, well...tried to at least. She shot me down. I think she was kinda pissed that she got all this food crap all over her dress, she stormed off without even saying good-bye.”

“Ouch, oh well, her loss!” Brian consoled Nick. The two hung up after talking for quite some time, and Nick returned to his Nintendo. After another round he began to yawn and decided to just go to bed, even though it was still pretty early. It had been a long day.

* * * *

Hearing the phone ring, Hannah leaped out of the bath tub and raced to answer it. “Hello?!”

“Hey Han, it’s mother.”

“Mom! Is everything all right? How’s dad, is he ok?” She raved.

“Oh yes, dear! Don’t worry, everything is just fine. I was calling to see how you were doing.”

Hannah made a sigh of relief, “Oh everything is just fine mom, I just finished taking a long bath.”

“Good honey, how were things at work today?”

“Oh you know, same old same old. Not much ever happens there. It’s was just a really long today,” she answered.

“Oh well, you have tomorrow off right? You just go do something fun for a change. Maybe a movie, or some shopping.”

“Ha, shopping, you know me...such the mallrat! So is everything going as planned up there?” She asked her mom.

“Well, you know how it is. Nothing really is changing. We will just have to keep on waiting.”

“I just wish that everything would be normal again.”

“Me too honey, but there’s no point in wishing this whole thing never happened, it will just make us feel even worse. Look, I’m gonna go back to your father now. You get a good nights rest, and I’ll call you sometime tomorrow.”

“Ok mom, I love you.”

“Love you too honey, night.”

Hannah hung up the phone, and brushed away a tear that was rolling down her cheek. Since there was nothing on TV, and she had finished her book, Hannah decided to call it a night. She crawled into bed listening to the crickets chirping outside. How could she even try and have fun tomorrow when she knew that everything was so wrong?

Chapter 3
Crossing Paths Main