Chapter 3

“R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me...” Hannah was stuck in a traffic jam on her way to the mall. She decided to follow her mom’s advice and do some shopping. Who knows, she might find something she likes, or at least replace that dress she ruined.

After about 30 more minutes of Aretha, Hannah pulled into the mall parking lot. “Damn!” she said, “There are no spots.” Hannah drove up and down row after row looking for a spot. She was just about to give up when she saw someone backing out of a spot on the far end of the lot. “Oh well, I guess this will have to do.”

Hannah left her car, and made her way to the mall. Inside there was almost no room to walk, it was so crowded. She almost considered leaving, but then realized she’d have to walk all the way back to the car, and it was far too hot for that. Hannah decided to check out Express, she could replace her dress in there.

After she bought a couple dresses and tops at Express, Hannah made her way to the Gap, and after that the food court. She was starved! Even though the lines were long Hannah decided it was worth the wait. While standing in line at the smoothie shop, she looked around the food court area. There was a little girl crying and a mother trying to cheer her up by making strange faces. A group of teenagers were at a table laughing away. An older couple was sitting quietly enjoying their food. “Excuse me! Miss! Can I help you.” Oh, Hannah broke out of her trance and ordered a strawberry-peach smoothie, stepping over to the next long line where she would wait for it to be ready.

* * * *

‘Man, I have to wait in that!’ Nick thought to himself as he approached the food court. Just as he was about to step in line at the pizza shop, Nick spotted a familiar girl across the food court, Hannah from the night before. Deciding that he should say hello, he walked over to her.

“Why hello there,” Nick said cheerfully.

Hannah looked up at him, “Oh, hi..” she answered after realizing that the man under that glasses and cap was Nick.

“I saw you standing here and thought I’d come see how you were doing. Did the stains come out of your dress?”

“No, actually I didn’t even try to get them out, I just rebought the dress.” Hannah replied.

“Oh! Well then let me reimburse you, afterall it’s because of me that the dress was ruined in the first place.” Nick said while reaching into his back-pocket for his wallet.

“That’s not necessary really, it’s no big deal.”

“No, I ruined your dress...I should pay you for it. How much did it cost?”

“I don’t need your money. It was an accident, I fixed it, and it’s all sett-”

“Here’s your smoothie miss.” Hannah was interrupted by the cashier handing her her order.

“Thanks,” Hannah smiled and turned to Nick, “Anyway, you don’t have to repay me.”

”Oh, let me help with those, are you going to your car now?” Nick offered after watching her struggle to pick up her bags and hold her smoothie at the same time.

“Why yes, thank you, but I must warn you it is quite a hike.”

“Oh I think I’m up for it” Nick replied while picking up her bags and following her to the exit. On the way to the car, except for arguing over paying her back, the two walked in silence.

“That’s my car over there...” Hannah said pointing out a bright green beetle about five cars ahead.

“Wow, neat car!” beamed Nick.

“Thanks, my parents got it for me as a birthday gift.”

“Sounds like you’ve got some really great parents.”

“Yea,” Hannah said with a sullen expression on her face. Nick sensed that something was wrong but chose not to ask because he didn’t want to push her, or she’d probably snap at him again.

“So, since you won’t let me repay you for the dress, will you at least let me take you out for dinner tonight?” Nick sweetly smiled at Hannah.

Hannah turned to look at him, “You just never give up do you? Look, just because you are some big singer, it doesn’t mean that everyone has to go head over heels for you!”

“I’m not trying to make a move on you, it’s just din-”

“Well for the second time now I don’t want to go, and you don’t owe me anything! Thanks, for helping me with my bags, but I’m just not interested in going out with you, ok?!” Hannah interrupted.

Nick just stood there nodding his head. What was this girl's deal? He was only trying to do something nice for her, and all she ever did was bite his head off. “Well, you’re welcome for the bag thing, and it’s ok if you don’t want to go for dinner, it was just an idea. It gets lonely when you’re on your own and my closest friends are about an hour away.” He answered her, still maintaining his calm composure.

“Oh, well all the same I’m just not interested. Besides, I’m sure there are millions of girls that would love to keep you company tonight.”

“Yea, you’re probably right,” Nick answered with a half laugh.

“I think I’m gonna get going now, it’s far too hot to stand around a parking lot like this. Thanks again for your help.” Hannah hopped in her car and drove away leaving Nick standing behind yet again dumbfounded.

Chapter 4
Crossing Paths Main