Chapter 10

Things were busier than ever at the Sunset. Hannah raced back and forth from tables to the kitchen placing orders and delivering food. ‘Thank god I wore my Nikes tonight instead of those platform sandals,’ Hannah snickered to herself. Just as she was about to go back in the kitchen, Hannah spotted Nick walking through the front door. ‘Of all times, he just had to show up now.’ Hannah shrugged it off and headed into the kitchen.

When she returned she saw Nick sitting at a table by the window, in her section. Rolling her eyes she approached him, “Hello there.”

Nick looked up from his menu, “Hey! It’s pretty busy in here tonight,” he glanced around the room. “So are you going to be my waitress?”

“Why yes sir, I’ll be your server tonight,” she gleamed cocking her head a little to appear thrilled with the prospect.

“Oh, well then there’s one thing you should know, I’m a pretty tough customer.”

“I’m sure I can handle it,” Hannah laughed sarcastically. “Can I get you something to start off with?”

“Oh I don’t know, can you?” Nick teased.

“Get your mind out of the gutter! I meant a drink or appetizer.”

“I know I know, I was just kidding. Actually I think I’ll have a Bud Light. Haven’t had a beer in a while.”

Hannah knew that he was only 20, but let it go. “Sure, and I won’t card you. Be right back.”

* * * *

Nick studied her as she walked away. Everyone there was too caught up in their own discussions that thankfully no one recognized him. Behind the bar Hannah was getting his beer and a cold mug. Another waiter at the bar was obviously making passes at her, but she just let them pass. ‘She must know how absolutely gorgeous she is. How could she not?’

“Here you go,’ Hannah set down his bottle and a chilled mug. “Do you know what you want? Or do you still need some time?”

“Oh, I think I know...” Nick stared at her, saying nothing more.

“Ok....what do you want?” She asked totally confused.

“Oh I don’t know what I want for dinner yet,” Nick answered emphasizing dinner.

“Oh, haha, funny. Ok, I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your order.” She turned around slid past another waitress serving the table behind Nick's.

“Hannah, when do you get off work tonight?” he yelled after her.

“I don’t know. I’m set to do closing which can sometimes take a while. I probably won’t get out of here tell around 1.”

“And you’re closing all by yourself?”

“Sure am.”

“Maybe I should stay and help you out. I don’t like the thought of you here by yourself,” Nick suggested

“Oh, riight.”

“No, I’m serious. Yea Ruskin’s a small town, but that doesn’t mean it’s completely safe. I don’t want you to have close up and walk out to your car in the dark alone.”

“I don’t care, if you want to stay...”

“May I see some ID sir?” Hannah’s boss interrupted. Immediately Nick took his license from his wallet and handed it to the gentlemen, Hannah’s eyes froze.

“Just as I was suspecting,” the boss turned to Hannah, “Are you aware that you’ve given alcohol to an underage man Hannah? Mr. Carter here is only 20.”

Hannah looked down at the ground, then back at her boss. “I’m so sorry Mr. Crawford. There’s nothing for me to say, except I promise it won’t happen again. I’m fully aware of the laws against underage drinking, and I should have checked for ID.”

“Well, since you’re aware of the must also know that I’m obligated to fire you Hannah.”

“What?! Mr. Crawford, please please don’t fire me. It will never happen again. I swear! It was a complete mistake. The restaurant’s so busy tonight, I wasn’t thinking,” she pleaded with him.

“Look Hannah, you know the policy. I’m sorry, but you’re no longer working here.”

“Yea, can’t you give the girl a break? She didn’t know I was under 21,” Nick defended her. “I’m to blame here. Can’t I just leave, and we’ll all forget the whole thing ever happened?”

“Sir, this is none of your concern. Miss Morgan knows the rules here.”

“But Mr. Crawford, I swear to you it won’t happen again. You know me! I would never intentionally do this. I’ve worked here for three years, and I’ve been nothing but a hard and honest worker. Don’t you think it’s unfair to fire me over one mistake? My first mistake!”

“Look Hannah, even if I wanted to keep you here, I can’t. The law says that I’m to fire you and inform future employees of this. I’m sorry. Julie will take over your tables, she just came on shift.” The man walked away. Hannah stood there dumbfounded.

* * * *

Hannah’s stomach wrenched with guilt as she slid down into the chair across from Nick. “Crap!” She whispered with her head in her hands.

“Are you ok?” Hannah looked up at Nick, who was staring at her looking worried.

“Three whole years,” she muttered as she eyed the restaurant. Julie was taking orders a few tables down, in her section.

“Hey, let’s leave,” Nick suggested. The two stood up and after Nick but a $10 on the table, went to the parking lot.

“I’m so sorry Hannah, this is all my fault. If it weren’t for me you’d still be in there.”

“No, it’s not you’re fault. I knew you weren’t of age, I made the choice to break the rules,” she mumbled.

“But I should of never put you in that position.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s over now,” she averted her eyes from looking at him.

“Well, look on the bright side. Now you’ll have more time to relax, we can become better friends,” Nick jokingly pinched her side.

“Time to relax? I have to find another job Nick!” She sniped at him. “If someone will hire me. Do you have any idea how bad this is?”

“Oh come on Hannah, you hated that job anyway. It’s summer, you should enjoy yourself a little. Not kill yourself waiting tables. You can look for a job later. Personally I think it’s a blessing that you were fired. You’re way too stressed.”

“Easy for you to say. Unlike you I live in the real world, where people work! My mom doesn’t have the money for me to just kick back and get a tan when I’m feeling overwhelmed. Not everyone is a huge popstar!”

“I was just trying to help. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Help? By turning me getting fired into a joke?” she yelled.

“It wasn’t a joke! Gosh, why can’t you just get over it? You’re completely overreacting!”

“Overreacting! Well then let me get out of your hair. I won’t make you watch me overreact anymore!” Hannah quickly jumped into her car and sped off. She shook her head as she watched Nick pull out directly behind her in her rearview mirror.

Chapter 11
Crossing Paths Main