Chapter 11

Nick tailed Hannah as she swiftly swerved through the curves of the road. She made every attempt to loose him but he kept up, even though it probably meant running a few red lights. When they reached a double lane road Nick sped up beside her to look in the window. Hannah tightly gripped the wheel and stared fiercely ahead. Eventually Hannah turned and he saw her yelling something through the window. Nick jerked the wheel after just barely missing her car. He had forgotten to pay attention to the rode. Hannah’s turn signal told him to follow her into the parking lot of a drug store.

Nick stepped out of the car as Hannah approached him, “What the hell do you think you’re doing out there? Are you trying to get us both killed?” she screamed at him.

“I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry. That’s all you have to say, figures. You almost creamed into my car back there and you act as if it’s nothing,” Hannah’s eyes flared at him.

“Hey I didn’t did I? That’s what counts.”

“Fine, whatever. Just stop following me.”

“The only reason I’m following you is because you stormed off back there at the restaurant. What was I supposed to do?”

“Umm, I don’t know, maybe leave me alone.”

“I don’t think so. Not with you as upset as you are. I pissed you off. I can’t just leave it at that.”

“Oh don’t flatter yourself.”

“So now you’re saying I’ve got a big head. Riight. Excuse me for just trying to make you feel better.”

“Don’t you get it!? I’m tired of you trying to make me feel better. I can handle things on my own thank you very much. This isn’t the 50s you know, women can do things by themselves...without a man.”

“Only you would turn this into a fight over women’s rights.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“I think it means that every time I see you, you either bite my head off or storm away. You always think I’m out to get you or something. You’re so cynical.” Immediately after he finished Nick regretted everything he said. Hannah was really mad now, and there was no way he’d get her to talk to him after saying that.

“All right then, I won’t storm off...I’ll say good-bye. Good-bye Nick. Enjoy your evening.” Yet again Nick was left to watch her drive away.

“Shit!” Nick yelled aloud on the walk to his car. “Adding even more flames to the fire. Way to go Nick.”

* * * *

“Ass hole!” Hannah yelled in her car. When she reached to crank up the stereo she noticed that it was only 10:30. ‘There’s no way I can go home this early. I can’t face telling my mom I was fired tonight, that’s just too much.’ She drove right past the turnoff for her street.

Half hour later Hannah jumped as her car started to rattle. She had a flat tire. ‘Huh, should of guessed this would happen,’ she sighed as she opened the back gate of her car to get the jack and spare.

“Now how do you work this thing?” Hannah fumbled with the jack while trying to read the directions by the light of a small flashlight. Just when she thought she had it all figured out the jack came loose. “I’m never gonna get this right,” she said aloud scrunching up her face to cry. She plopped down on the gravel and just gripped her forehead. “Why? Why me?”

For 10 minutes she sat there crying until she heard the crunching sound of a car pulling up behind her.

* * * *

Nick had been on his way home when he came across a familiar green beetle along the side of the road. He wasn’t in the mood to be yelled at, and almost drove by, but the gentleman side of him forced him to pull over and give her a hand.

“Need some help?” Nick offered as he stood before her. Hannah looked up.

“Ugh, not you again.” He glared at her as she wiped away her tears.

Nick rolled his eyes and considered a sarcastic reply, but instead shrugged it off. “Looks like you’ve got a serious flat there.”

“Oh really, thanks for pointing that out Mr. Genius.”

His blood was really boiling, but he continued to ignore her comments. “I’ve got some experience changing tires. Let me show you how it’s done. Is that all right?” Nick knelt before her.

“Fine,” she hated accepting his help but knew she had no other choice.

“Ok then, let’s get started so you can go home.” Nick patiently instructed Hannah through the tire-changing process. He was careful to let her do it on her own, not just to avoid her getting mad, but to honestly teach her how it’s done. After returning the jack and placing the flat tire in the back Hannah smiled at Nick. “Thank you for this, I’d be lost without your help.”

Nick noticed her struggle to make eye contact, “It’s no problem. I was glad to help.”

“Well, I guess that’s it then.”

“I guess so, night,” Nick turned to return to the jeep.

“Nick.” Hannah called after him, he walked back up to her. “I was a real bitch tonight. Please don’t hold it against me. You’ve been nothing but nice to me. You didn’t deserve the way I treated you.”

“I’ll tell you what. Let’s call it even. You didn’t deserve to be called cynical and I was a little inconsiderate over the whole job thing.”

“OK. Thanks,” Hannah said into his eyes.

“No problem. Are you going to let me call you?”

Her feet shuffled and she looked away with a questioning look on her face, but to Nick’s surprise she returned, “Yea, sure. I think you have my number.”

Nick nodded and the two parted ways. ‘Wow, imagine that. No fight.’ Nick mumbled as he drove towards his house.

Chapter 12
Crossing Paths Main