Chapter 11

In the sanctity of her own bed, Chelsea laid, half expecting at any moment for Nick to come pouncing through the door, but he didn't. No, for the first time since his return she got what she wanted, alone time.Yet, she couldn't help but wish he'd bug her. Words had a way of doing that to people: making and breaking situations. Maybe just this once her words had made their intended impact, maybe just this once he gave up. Either way, the night was long and silent as she patiently focused on her own breathing. Every breath containing a little more regret then the last. She was foolish to think things could ever fully be left in the past. Except this time it was Chelsea in the wrong, and she knew it. She just couldn't admit that to Nick.

"Morning," Nick mumbled under his breath walking into the kitchen. It'd been a restless night for him too so he was slightly agitated at the sight of Chelsea alert and on the phone, already dressed.

"Great," she said into the phone. "Do you think you could send someone early to help pack up my larger things? Some paintings and such are too big for me to do one my own..." she sat listening to the person on the other end intently as Nick, confused, sat across from her, sparking no reaction. "Excellent. Thank you so much! I'll see you Saturday."

Hanging up the phone she continued looking through the paper, leaning across Nick noticed it was the real estate section. "What's going on?" he asked flatly.

"I'm looking for an apartment," she answered clipply.

"So I suppose those people on the phone -"

"Were movers, yea. I just need to find a place fast."

"Don't you think this is something we should discuss?" he asked, unable to shake the feeling of pain in his chest at the word 'movers'.

"Why, did you need my permission to move in? I don't think I need yours to move out."

"You know what? Fine!" he stood up in surrender. "Do what you want, but I warn you: no new apartment is going to fix things."

She glanced up at him, dropping the paper, "And what will Nick? Staying here? Obviously, this living arrangment was a mistake from the beginning but I know you won't leave so I will. This is something I should've done a long time ago."

"You amaze me," he shook his head. "I'm sorry, if last night upset you, but as usual you are way overreacting. People fight Chelsea!"

"We're exes of each other Nick, that doesn't make us the best of roommates. It was stupid from the start, and I tried everything to get you to change your mind but your stubborn ass refused to leave so, I am. I give up! You can have the house!"

"It's not the house I want Chelsea and you know it," he stood up with his index finger pointing directly at her, "This has NEVER been about the stupid house! God, for someone so educated you're really dense. Ever since I've moved back in here it was all about you Chels, I went through all that hell you brought on me for you. You did all that crap, I mean fuck...I nearly got ARRESTED...and I still stayed because of you! Are you that blind?!" he screamed out of frustration. It wasn't that he was angry at her, because he wasn't. In fact, he was quite the opposite. But with her it seemed no matter what he said or how many times he said it she never heard it. So maybe what he needed was to say it a little louder.

Walking out of the room she hollered behind her, "You know, I knew all along it was about me Nick and that never changed anything. I don't wanna be with you anymore and you don't get that!" she turned and looked back at him. "You say I don't hear you but you don't hear me. The answer is no. Find one of your other girls, I'm sure any one of them would love to move in here with you."

The front door slammed behind her leaving a deafening silence. Immediatly Nick slumped down at the table with a deep sigh. It was beginning to look impossible. The whole 'getting her back' thing was turning out to be an ultimate failure, and failure was something he wasn't used to. How could he be unable to charm and smile his way back to her? It worked every other time with any other situation. Why was it that this time, no matter what he did, it wasn't enough? How could he make it enough? If it was the cheating that bothered her there was nothing he could do to take it back other then to make amends for it to never let it happen again in the future. If it was the constant traveling he was willing to adjust his schedule to be with her more often, to only play a certain number of shows a week instead of his usual 6. If it was the paparazzi he was willing to move them to a more secluded area, even though it would make things harder on his work. He was more then willing to rearrange his life for her, but she wouldn't budge an inch to let him in. How did things get so backward?

Interrupting his mental vent was the doorbell. Through the peep hole Nick saw that it was John. Rolling his eyes he slowly opened the door to him, "Yes?"

"Question," John stated. "Are you ever going to let me have any space with Chelsea at all? I mean, don't you have an album to be recording or something..."

"She's not even here dumbass, so what's your fucking issue? Besides, I'm the one who lives here. She moved."

"No she did not," he rolled his eyes and pushed his way into the foyer. "I just got off the phone with her. She asked me to drop by and pick up the apartment information she'd left on the kitchen table because apparantly you're too pigheaded to keep your mouth shut about anything for two seconds."

"Why don't you stick your big lips back in your own business!" Nick snapped the paper out of John's hand and tossed it in the trash.

"You know, she's coming with me on tour. Yea, it's going to be great. Sorry buddy, but you lost," he gloated as Nick stood in slight shock by Chelsea agreeing to go with John on tour.

"That's what you think, but truth is Mr. John Mayer, you've being losing from the beginning. Your one oversight in this whole situation is that Chelsea has a brain and a heart. And it just happens that I know her brain and her heart a lot more then you possibly ever could. It's way obvious to me that she's only trying to push me away, and she's only trying to push me away now because she got scared by how close we were getting. She freaks out man, haven't you ever known a girl to do that? And you're her safety net. Aww, that's kinda touching actually."

"You're just saying that because you're too proud to admit that you lost her. Face it man, she's not going back to you. Don't think she hasn't told me about all the shit you put her through. How many times did you think you could cheat on her and get away with it? Obviously one too many."

"Don't act like you know how things are between me and Chelsea or how things were. Fact is, no one knows what the two of us have except for she and I. If you want to believe she's going on tour with you that's fine, but if I were you I'd take the passing out incident as real evidence that it's not going to happen. She called you as a last resort attempt to deny the truth."

By now Nick was beyond agitated at the presence of the cocky John Mayer before him. Nothing would get through to this guy because, well, his head has swollen up to the size of a watermelon.

"She doesn't love you. She never will," John argued arising a chuckle from Nick.

"She doesn't love you John, and she never will. She never will because she's already found the one for her, and that's me. And if you think I'm going to let you stand here and come between what's clearly meant to be for the two of us you have another thing coming. This is my house, if you didn't know, and I'd really like you to leave."

"Oh I am leaving," he snidely walked towards the door. "And Chelsea's coming with me. Peace." With that he left, and Nick threw his fist at the door behind him.

Seeing no other choice, he walked out the door and straight to his truck, which still showed the damage of Chelsea's vindictive run in with a tree. Steering out of the neighborhood he knew exactly what he had to do. He wasn't sure if it would work but he knew he had to at least try.

* * * *

"Hey sweetie," Nick grabbed Chelsea into his arms and spun her around the air, completely oblivious to the viewing public. In the middle of JFK airport the only thing on his mind was having her with him. "How was your flight?" he kissed her.

"Fine," she smiled as he set her back down on the ground. "Sorta long. You look nice."

"Thanks," he grinned. "I had a photoshoot yesterday and the stylist gave me this new cut, you really like it?"

"Yea," she ran her hands through his hair softly. "It suits you."

Making their way through the crowd of gawkers and photographers they left the airport and he ushered her into the back seat of the black Escalade waiting for them outside. The driver quickly left the curb and drove towards the interstate. Nick proudly held her in his arms, smelling the sweet smell she was wearing, something like lavender...but maybe a little more sweet. Not that he ever really knew the name of certain scents, unless of course it was food. "So I take it your campaign's going well, you haven't really called much lately. Have you been busy?"

"Yea, well, work you know? I just can't seem to get my head on straight anymore though. Maybe it's too much right now. It's good to get away I guess. To be here with you. You look great."

"You already said that," he laughed. "But thanks. And so do you. As always." The sound of his Journey ringtone went off, "Hold on," he looked at her as he reached into his pocket to check the caller id. "Oh, I've got to take this." She looked back out the window, "Hey, yea...we're going on at 8....Oh, yea, she's here now. I just picked her up....uh huh, well don't worry about that. I understand completely. She can just go shopping or something for a couple hours, she won't get in the way....No, I do understand how important the next few days are....Uh huh, totally. I'm so psyched....I can't talk about that now, we'll have to deal with that later...No! We'll talk about it later, I gotta go," he looked at Chelsea who was still staring out at the window with a sullen expression on her face. "See ya at 7," he hung up the phone.

"Problems with business?" she asked, not completely interested.

"Sort of, but enough about that, I've missed you," he squeezed her tightly. The road had been extremely draining, more then usual. Being out on his own made it even worse, without the company of the other guys to get him through it was even more unbearable. But he was relieved now, to have her with him. She was as always the one who made it all better. "I've got plans for us tonight," he smiled.

"Oh, what?" she asked looking into his eyes, for the first time since she'd arrived.

"You'll see," he teased, stroking her thigh. "It's going to be special though. I guess you could say I've been going crazy without you, so crazy that I've spent all this time working out a few plans for us."

"You don't have to work or anything tonight?"

"Well the concert yea, but afterward, I'm all yours."

"What was that about me needing to go shopping on the phone?"

"Oh, there's going to be a group of contest winners backstage and management sorta prefers you're out of the way. It's nothing against you though, actually more for your know how fans can get," he chuckled, remembering a few scary encounters they'd had in the past.

"Definitely," she half laughed. "It'll be nice to spend some time alone together. There's a lot of catching up we have to do. And well," she bit her lip, "There's a lot of news I have to share wtih you too?"

"Yea, like what?" he asked intrigued.

"I dunnooo," she smiled.

Arriving at the hotel they were quickly rushed inside and to their room where room service awaited them. "I've gotta start getting ready for the show so I just ordered some food for us to have now. We'll go out later though," he lifted the lids to reveal the entrees. Everything looked and smelled delicious. Everything about that moment seemed delicious.

Chelsea sat down on the bed, "I dunno, I'm not really hungry. I've felt sorta queasy the past few days."

"Yea? Get it checked out?"

"I saw a doctor, she said I'll be ok. It'll pass."

"Ugh, I hate bugs like that. So annoying and there's nothing you can really do for them. Hey, I'll draw you a bath," he offered stroking her back. "Babe, you alright?"

"Tired," she shrugged pulling slightly on his neck, he kissed her. They laid back down on the bed, embracing each other's warmth and the comfort of one another's company. It was so typical and normal. Just like old times. And just like old times they were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Hair and make up!" a lady called from the hall. Nick hopped off her and let the woman in. She was around the age of 26 and extremely beautiful. What bothered Chelsea the most was the way she looked at Nick though. Something about it bothered her.

Rolling over she got up and headed to the bathroom. "I think I am going to take that bubble bath," she smiled and retreated behind the door.

* * * *

After his set Nick immediately raced from the concert hall, into his ride, and was back off to the hotel. In his pocket lay a box. He could see the square shape sticking out from his designer jeans. Smiling he patted the shape and called Chelsea, "I'm done. You ready to go out?"

"Yea, I'll just meet you in the lobby. I'm almost ready. Be down in 10 minutes."

The drive passed slowly, but as soon as the car pulled up to the entrance of the hotel Nick bolted inside in search of Chelsea. He found her across the lobby sitting on a couch, flipping through an issue of People magazine. Quietly he watched her for a moment before saying hello, she looked peaceful. "Hey beautiful. You're wearing that Dolce Gabbana or whatever dress I got ya. Looks great!" he smiled and drew her near to him, "Totally hot," he whispered in her ear. "You don't wanna skip all this and just go upstairs do you?" he chuckled as she picked up her purse.

"No, no, we haven't gone out in a while. It'll be good for us."

"Alright then," taking her by the arm he led the way outside. "It's just you, me, and New York City tonight."

"Menage a trois then?"

"Uhh," he bit his slip sorta sensing an awkward moment. "Sure, but New York only gets to watch."

Nick had arranged for a private room at Alain Ducasse, a romantic french restaurant located near Central Park. The food and the sceneary were serene. Quietly they dined on their fine five course meal, savoring every bite and enjoying every moment of the candlelight dinner.

Kindly pouring her another glass of wine Nick smiled as Chelsea savored her creme brulee. He knew right then, as she smiled with her eyes closed, licking her lips...that he loved her, that this was right. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked softly, stroking her arm.

"Yea," she nodded. "I feel like I haven't been with you in forever. This tour really put a strain on our lives more then normal didn't it?"

"Sure did," he sighed, "But it's almost over. Soon we'll both be back home and it'll be back to normal."

"No, this is what's normal Nick. You being gone all the time. That's what I'm used to. You being with me all the time, that definitely takes some adjusting."

"Well, it'll be perfect. I've no doubt in my mind. Actually there's something I wanted to talk to you about, you know...maybe something we could do when we get back home to Florida."

"Yea, there's something I needed to talk to you about too," she smiled, nervously.

"Well, you go first Chels," he sat back, touching the box in his pocket, trying to really focus on her instead of the butterflies in his stomach. It was this moment that he'd remember for the rest of his life, and the last thing he wanted to stand out was the fact that he was so nervous he couldn't even think straight. Her hair was soft. Her skin glowing. She was absolutely stunning and now was the perfect time.

"Ok," she sighed biting her lip. She lifted her glass of wine and took a quick swig before turning to face him, "I don't think I can do this anymore," she confessed. His face dropped. His heart sank.

"Excuse me?"

"I just don't think I can keep up with this relationship anymore Nick, it's taking too large a toll on me."

"Baby," he nurtured her in his arms, "I know, I know. Believe me, I know things are hard. But I promise you, they're going to change. From this night on, things are going to be so different."

"I don't believe you. I don't. Nick, I just..." looking at him tears welled up in her eyes, "I can't." Standing up she began to grab her pursebut was stopped by his hand on her arm.

"You're leaving? Now? But...why?"

"Because I can't do this." Her hands were trembling, her whole body was trembling. The touch of his skin on hers was giving her goosebumps. She was ready to pass out.

"You're shaking!" he stood and held her close. "Oh honey, honestly. It's going to be ok. Let me pay the bill and we'll go for a carriage ride through the park. The cool air will help."

"No it won't Nick!" she gasped pushing out of his arms. "I really, really, have to go. I can't be with you now, not anymore. I just," she swallowed her tears, "I need to move on."

"Well," he followed after her, throwing a wad of cash on the table, "If you don't want to take a carriage ride what do you want to do?"

"I want to go!" she screamed. Tears streamed down her face.

"What's going on?" he asked. "Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong? I thought things were going so well tonight. You look great, I thought we were going to have a great time..."

"You would," she laughed.

"Well, where is it that you wanna go?"

"Away," she shrugged looking at him. She could tell he was lost in the moment. He didn't get it. He never did.

"Ok, well, the tour's done in a couple days. We'll go on a vacation. What about Sydney? We had so much fun there that one time and always said we wanted to go back."

"I don't mean with you Nick. I mean, I want to go away from you. I want to get away from you." Chelsea turned away to glance behind her, and then back at him. He was stood still.

"Me? Why?! You just got here!" His hand never left his pocket. He held the black velvet box in his hand. His heart was breaking and all he could focus on was that little black box. His life was unraveling, right before his eyes, and right there in his hand was that little black box.

"I know, and I probably shouldn't have come. But I thought I owed it to you, to you know...say good-bye in person."

"Good-bye? Are you breaking up with me? Chels! Why?!" he cried.

"I wish I could explain, but I guess I wish you got it. I wish you just understood why. It's been so obvious to me for so long."

"What are you talking about? We've been so great lately Chels, I know in the past things were rough but we've been so great! Better then we've ever been."

"No, not better then we've ever been. Nick," she licked her lip, rocking back and forth on her heels. "I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry. I'll be out before you get back."

"Out? You're moving out? Ok, Chels, slow down. Tell me exactly what it is that's wrong and I'll fix it. I'll fix it! I love you, and whatever problem you're going through I'll fix it."

"You can't fix it Nick. You can't fix a problem that you don't even see. I'm just so sorry, I know you love me..." she grabbed his hand. "Really, I know you love me. I just wish that love was enough this time."

"This time?" he shook his head totally confused. "What exactly is going on? What happened Chelsea? Something must have happened."

"Us, we happened. Our whole relationship happened. Sorry," she turned to go. "I have to leave."

"Wait!" he held up his hand, removing it from his pocket. "You can leave, I'll let you leave. But, don't move out. I'll move. You stay there and I'll figure something out."

She nodded and walked out onto the street. He watched her walking away, hoping he could figure something out. Removing the box from his pocket he opened it, creaking the lid lifted to reveal the engagment ring he had purchased at Tiffany's just two days before. Glancing up from the platinum and diamonds he saw her hailing a cab. Moments later it was gone, and so was she.

Chapter 12
Cardboard Boxes Main