My Friends

Erin-She's been my best friend my entire life. Literally. Our moms met when we were babies, and we've been best friends ever since. We've never gotten in a fight, ever. Her daughter, Kiandra, is my goddaughter. Erin lives with her boyfriend, Dino, and I like to crash there when my parents annoy me. She's friends with my loser-ex-boyfriend-who-shall-remain-nameless but that's ok. I love her to death anyway.
Alicia-Alicia and I have been best friends since we met in 4th grade. She's a student at Rhode Island College and recently over Christmas Break, she was living with me. She has a beautiful voice and I love her dearly. She's an incredible actress, too, starring in all three plays during high school. Her dorm is also like a second home to me.
Kristina-"Sparky" is her nickname for reasons I won't get into...but use your imagination. She's my other best friend, since about our junior year in high school. We started talking beacause she started dating the hottest kid in school at the time, who I happened to have a crush on. Needless to say we're both over him and have since decided he's a dog. We don't get to see each other that much anymore, but we always make time to talk or hang out at least once a week, going to parties at Johnson & Wales frat houses and such.
Danny-During our junior year, Dan was in my English class, and I had this huge crush on him, even though he didn't know I existed. Now Dan is my "big brother" and I'm his "little sister". We like to hang out and go to the Hope St. Cafe for some coffee and a stupid game of Mancala, or to play pool at Willaby's where he kicks my ass like the loser I am. Actually tonight I beat him at a game of 9-ball so it's all good.
Helen-She's short, like me, so we get along very well. Helen is always there to brighten up my day and make me smile. She's probably the most organized person I know, which drives me nuts cuz I'm so unorganized. I need to start taking tips from her.
Steve-Steve is my bodyguard. He was my date to my senior prom and we had a blast. He drives a 1969 Roadrunner which he swears I can have if I marry him. I'm beginning to wonder if I like the car more than Steve.....nah!!!
Alicia-The other one. She and I have known each other since 4th grade too but we didn't start really hanging out until junior high. She's one of the smartest people I know. She's a chemistry major at Hartwick University in New York state. I miss her terribly sometimes but I know I'll get to see her soon.
Justin-Justin is the frontman in a kewl band, Groove Relativity, whose link is on my front page. This is one hell of a band with one hell of a frontman. He plays guitar, drums and he sings too! He has a simply incredibly voice, and I love going to see Groove at the Living Room, Cafe Zog and the AS220. There are 4 members in the group, Justin, Dennis, Neal and Drew. Dennis and Neal go to school in Washington DC and Atlanta, GA respectively, so there's not much time to play lately. They'll get back together for a reunion over the summer. Some people think Justin is an egotistical maniac but it's not so. I think it just seems like that to some people. But I assure you, he's the sweetest person I've ever met. He's also a nice piece of eye-candy but that's another story.
Christopher-Chris has been like one of my best buds for years and I don't know why I haven't put him on here. Chris's house is "keg central". i.e., he's always having keg parties. If you've read his guestbook entry then I'm sure you'll understand a little more about Chris. I can't describe him other than physically, but I shouldn't do that because Staci (his girlfriend and also another good friend) wouldn't be a happy celery. Chris is very rarely unhappy and always tries to cheer me up when I'm down. He always has an excuse, and likes to worry about me. It's ok though, he's one of the few people that I never ever could get mad at.
Amy-Amy is my sister in law that lives in Wisconsin. Her and my brother aren't together anymore but I still love her! I'm gonna go out there to visit her and my 2 year old nephew, Kory, sometime soon cuz I miss them so much! There's a pic of Kory in the dryer on my pix page. Amy is the sweetest girl I've ever met and I'm glad she's my sis!! She introduced me to a lot of awesome people, like David and Mark who is my crush object and has been for like almost 2 years. Probably always will be!! I just wish they lived closer!!

Ok, here goes, shout outs to my friends that aren't on here(in no particular order): Katie, Kevin..the answer is still no, Christine-watch that flag!, Kristin and Larry, Kristen and Greg, Desiree the raddest, Dominic you hairy boy!, Tony M...anything?!?, Eddie-I miss you!, Marilyn, Duchess-you're not that old, Hanner-short and sweet just like me, WI buds Lisa, Karen, Jack, Mark, David, Amy, Brett, Jason; more RI buds Caitlyn, Brian and Amy (well NY), Max, Rocky...stoppit damnit!, Staci (celery)and Traci(pasta and track meets!), Neener aka Vanena "I think you dropped this"...eek!, Air-Force Missy, Tara the announcer, the other Tara, Kim and Rog, Dave-where ya been?, Phil, Wayne-damnit call me, Nicole and Becky...having fun gals?, Melissa, Drewdely, Dubbs-I'm never calling again!, Captain Nillo-remember that?, Andy you sexy hunk (cha!), Miller (aka George!), the real George, Bill(bop), Bike Boy, Michael Rad, Daysy and Josh, Jenny with the wannabe red hair like me, Jenny from CA, NY Steve, Tarah128, LeeAnne and *oops I forgot the baby's name!*, Eric, Amanda, Jason, Ed-quit yet?, Maryann...adventures in babysitting, Scott I suppose, all the gals in suites Q and H and all my loser friends at work.