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PoKéMoN Itroduction and Info

What is a Pokémon? And how do you catch them?

Pokémon are a type of species (like animals) that
can be caught by a trainer and then fought
against another Pokémon.

You can catch Pokémon with Poke Balls, Great
Balls, Ultra Balls, or the sure-catch Master Ball.

How many Pokémon are there?

There are 152 Pokemon to date. You can start out
with one of the four starter Pokémon (Bulbasaur,
Charmander, Squirtle, or Pikachu) and have to
catch or trade for the others.

Pokémon Battles and Badges

After a trainer catches a Pokemon he can train is
to fight agaist wild or other trained Pokemon.

To get one of the 8 badges, you must battle the
Gym Leader in that city. For instance Lt. Surge is
the leader of the Vermillion City Gym.

Jet back to Rocket_Racer's PoKéMaNiA!!