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Explorational Works V

Sticks and Stones and Other Things...

...experiments in organizing and interacting with natural things - finding, creating, manipulating and along the way exploring elements in the nature of being human. ...or is that human being? I am not far enough along in this to know all of my rules yet, even though I have been doing things like this for years. Can it only be found, only found in nature, can I add or subtract to what I find, is it okay to bring something along and how far removed from a natural thing can it be and still be acceptable as part of a piece? So I am still finding out... about... things with sticks and stones.... and other things....

Balancing - Stone Under Pine

The three pieces on this page were done on Cape Cod, in and around Goose Pond.

Sometimes I think these pieces are about a balance between things natural and things human. At other times it is about the enviornment and the natural world around us. That human beings need to keep in balance with the natural world seems important to remember. A state of balance in all things is so delicate.

I like the arc over the stone created by the pine.

Balancing - Snow and Stone

One day there was no snow, the next day there was. Human beings interacting with nature. Nature interacting with human beings.

Balancing - Ice Circle, Water and Stone

The circle of ice was a surprise the next day. A circle of ice, a circle of water and the reflection of all things. There is something about the circle and balance of life in all things if we reflect upon it.