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You are a visitor since Oct.3, 1999
This Homepage has been updated on April 27, 2001

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Should I pose or eat?

This is our big boy, "Jimmy" posing for a picture!

"Do I get to eat this corn or what?"

August, 1997 (Age 7 months old)

I'm your *Princess*!

This is our princess, "Angel" lying in our front yard.

Jimmy told her, "You are pretty like a flower!!!
Angel whispered "Whoo Hoo!"

August, 1998 (Age 5months old)

Am I a *Santa* or a *Sleeping Beauty*?

Jimmy is celebrating his first Christmas with us

and he is all pooped out!

December, 1997
We've got more photos of us to show you!

Please click my huge "paw" to go to our next page! hehehe...

Penny & Holmes, Sandy, Jim and Carla, Thank you so much for these special awards!

Angel & Jimmy are very proud!

All pictures of Angel and Jimmy are Copyrighted © 1999

If you'd like to use my pictures on other sites, please e-mail me for written permission.

Last modified :3/6/2000

"I won't bite ya! I promise! Woof!"
If you'd like to write to us, please click the *mail box*.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Thank you for signing our guestbook!

Here is a cup of coffee for you! Woof!

Some of the great graphics in my site are courtesy of Jim Allen. Thank you, Jim!

A fun site to visit!

Carla's Dog House Ring This site
is owned by
Angel & Jimmy.


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