I.*Info about HYMNS OLD& NEW-writers and other information! Click here!!
II.*Truth Meetings Message Board-Post about your experiences in the Truth here!
III.*If you are a Professing teen and openminded then this site is just for you!
IV.*1998-1999 WORKERS LISTS for North America! Click Here! It may take several minutes to be seen on your screen!
VII.*Professing reference site!
VIII.*NEW 2002 World-Wide Convention lists! Click here!
IX.*The Language of Truth-Glossary of professing TERMS and CLICHES
X.*Website about early worker Eddie Cooney
XI. Order the SECRET SECT book by Doug Parker through AMAZON.COM
XII.*Professing PINBOARD. Please sign this guestbook.
XIII.*Friends of Truth. A new Professing site written by professing members of the Truth Church.(FOT.NET)
XIV.*Clay Randall's PILLAR OF TRUTH site claims Catholicism and not Truth traces back to Jesus!
XV.(NEW LIVE CHAT with PROFESSING and EX-PROFESSING PEOPLE! Click here! (Greg Lee's chatroom)
XVI.* Nathan B., a FORMER WORKER and CURRENTLY PROFESSING MAN, has a site claiming that the Truth does trace back to Jesus in AD 30. Worth a look!
XVII.*Hymns Old & New-Hear audio sounds of your favorite tunes!
XVIII.*TTT Professing photo gallery. Old worker photos. Ancient truth documents and photos of early conventions found here!!
XIX.*TRUTH IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-This site focuses on the Truth in America.(TRUTH USA)
XX. *Taped conversation between worker Jim Knipe and 2 Alberta elders! Listen to the tapes!
XXI. *Ilylo's TLT site.
XXII.*R.L. Allan & Sons website-Publishing company that workers order bibles and Hymns Old & New.
XXIV.*Rob, a formerly professing man and current minister from Australia, discusses Christian theology in his website.
Truth,workers,friends, only way, servants of God, the standard, taking your own way, revelation of truth, only way, gospel meetings, union meetings, worker meetings, worker talks, special meeting visits, special meetings, lost eternity, one of our friends, circle of God's way, professing and possessing, contacts, interest, taking part, losing out, putting 100% into the truth, only way, only true church, God's true servants,brother workers, sister workers, ministers without a home, conventions, meetings in the home, Hymns Old and New, Non-denominational church, homeless ministry, the work, only bible some will ever read, fitting in and filling your place, professing, RL Allen & Sons, giving your testimony, giving out a hymn, sings, potlucks, being different from the religious world, preps, the Truth, open homes, divided homes, God's separated people and more...........
NAMES GIVEN TO THIS NAMELESS CHURCH THAT MEETS IN HOMES-This sect goes by many names. Some include Truth, True Wayers, Bunheads, Friendlies, Reidites, Cooneyites, People of God, the Lord's people, sheep,God's chosen few,lowly way of truth, the Truth of God, Church of George Walker,little lights, Jesus Wayers, Truth of God, Nondenominational Christian Church, Non denominational Church, Christian Conventions, Undenominational Christians, way, the elect, the Truth, the Testimony, The Jesus Way, The Friends, Meetings, Black Stocking Sect, Black Stockings, Two by twos, 2X2s etc.
MINISTRY/THE WORK-The ministry is a homeless and itinerate one, traveling from home to home in an area of a state, province or nation called a field. The ministers are called workers. Workers spend one or two nights with each professing family except for special meeting rounds, preps and out of state conventions visits. Workers are also called "servants of God". Many early workers believed that their "truth" was the only right church and other churches were of Satan. For a discussion of "the work/ministry see this site:http://www.angelfire/ri/Workers. Workers often carry suit cases to each home when spending the night. Workers carry all of their possessions in a suit case using Matthew 10 as a model for their ministry. Workers spend "quiet times" in their bedrooms praying, reading or writing letters.
Among friends and workers, 2 theories of the history exist. Some preach that truth has been "preserved since the bible days" while others preach that around 1900, workers in Ireland "restarted the truth". Some believe truth goes back to Jesus calling the disciples to preach in Matthew 10.
They do publish worker lists, special meeting and convention locations, speaking lists and lists of addresses of friends in an area. A few workers will put a small ad in the newspaper or pass out index cards stating time, date and location of gospel meetings.Lists of convention speakers are posted inside the tent/meeting shed, sleeping quarters and cookhouse. Workers sometimes pass around a list of convention visiting workers and special meeting visits. King James Version Bibles (often black), Hymns Old and New hymnbooks, and a bible case made out of leather, usually colored black, are what the friends bring with them to meetings.
In recent years there has been less mention of the only way doctrine. Some workers are hesitant to discuss this with outsiders allowing them to attend several missions before introducing the only way belief.
Friends do not wear clothes with bible verses or other religous slogans or symbols. Friends do not have bumper stickers on their cars displaying anything pertaining to religion. No signage with bible verses can be found on convention property or in a meeting home. There are no signs naming the name of the truth or any of the ministers on any church property.
The group wants to minimize publicity. Some workers worry about information about the church/truth falling into "wrong hands". Many friends know very little about the truth. Few seem to want to know much about the history of the truth. The only advertising is a simple ad in a newspaper and small index cards mentioning the dates for the gospel meetings and how the meetings are held in a reverent manner. For this reason, few people outside of the truth know the group exists. Only the women wearing their hair on their head in buns, a crowd going into a meeting home on Sunday morning or the abscence of a TV identifies this group.Some friends may have a worker's picture on a cabinet. Some friends may keep an address of the friends or workers beside their telephone. The friends and workers are often very sincere people. Most are well behaved people that seldom mix in world affairs.
Workers try very hard to minimize media publicity. Many workers discourage people from taking written notes and taping a meeting is not allowed in the truth. Workers fear notes could end up in "wrong hands". Workers oppose any questioning about the culture, rules and history of truth. Debating or disagreeing with a worker could lead to any or all of the following-questions or comments ignored, you could be shunned or you could be ex-communicated from the home meetings! In fact, unless someone is interesting in "the truth" many friends refuse to discuss religion in conversations!
Many professing people have only a limited knowledge of current events or popular culture. Many friends feel that political events are "for the world and not for God's people". They often don't discuss news, sports, movies or TV shows since the friends often abstain from these "worldly" things. Friends rarely talk about the bible outside of meetings. Many feel we should "live out what we read and hear in meetings" rather than engaging in religious discussion. Workers still pretty much ban television. Monogomous marriages are encouraged by the workers. Dating outsiders or divorcees can cause you to be kicked out of the meetings in places. Many friends display pictures of the workers on their walls and in photo albums. Friends feel that they owe so much to the first workers that brought the truth to their families in the beginning.
Many friends often have limited contact with their unprofessing neighbors unless their neighbors have asked questions or experienced an interest in "the truth". As noted above, friends tend to only associate with other friends if possible. Most professing homes have a room set aside for workers to stay all night since the workers do not maintain their own homes. Friends travel many miles to the funeral home when a professing person dies. Yet the friends live and work amongst those outside their sect. They are often quiet and shy though most are average people. Women stand out because of their dresses and long hair in a bun. Many friends keep a low profile in society. The friends see themselves as "God's separated people" and feel that limited association with worldly people is best unless you are inviting someone to the gospel meetings!
A LOW PROFILE PEOPLE- It is rare for many friends to achieve national name recognition. Friends are not politically active and some workers disapprove of participation in politics. Friends usually do not participate in marches or protests. As stated earlier, friends are quiet and unnoticed for the most part. Some workers stress friends should be seperate from the world and not meddle with worldly affairs.
Scores of workers left Ireland around 1900 as tramps spreading truth to the English speaking world
. EARLY DAYS-Around 1900 a mass migration of homeless "workers" left Ireland for the English speaking world. Wilson Reid preaches the truth in Africa. Jack Jackson labored in South America converting the area from Catholicism to truth. James Jardine spread the truth into central Europe. Otto Schmidt and James Jardine brought the truth to Germany. Adam Hutchinson pioneered the work in Australia and East Asia along with hymn writer Sam Jones.
Testimonies focus on scripture, personal struggles and thankfulness for finding truth. Elder or worker usually testifies last.
Then the emblems (bread and wine) will be taken by the friends. Forms varies somewhat. A worker may ask for someone to give out part of a hymn and then ask for someone to return thanks for the bread. The bread is passed around and then someone is asked to return thanks(pray) for the wine/grape juice. The cup is passed around the crowd. Then the last hymn is sung. The elder will pass around the bread and wine even if a worker leads the meeting. Only baptised members partake of the wine. A hymn may be sung to end the meeting. Or a part of a hymn will be sung before someone returns thanks for the bread.
Some places have a union meeting which is just a large meeting the first Sunday of every month. Members from 2 or 3 different meetings will meet at this meeting. Otherwise this meeting follows the same routine as the Sunday morning meeting. Workers like to see the friends attending all of the meetings including the gospel meetings geared for outsiders.
Attire:Workers often expect professing men to wear ties to the Sunday morning meeting though some professing men dress more causually for the Wednesday night and gospel meeting.Women are expected to wear dresses with sleeves, stockings and hair up on their head in a bun.
One can only pray and testify once during a meeting and nobody is allowed to interrupt someone's testimony with a comment or question. Workers stress unity and prefer that nobody disagrees or contradicts someone else's testimony.
A 12:00 and 4:00 meal will be served in the dining tent/cookhouse. Meals are free. Men and women today set together but at one time ,cookhouses were segregated with men on one side and women on the other side. Only a few younger friends leave the grounds and go to a resturant in town. Young workers often direct traffic at the entrance of the convention.
All meetings except for Saturday night and Sunday evening follow the same format. It is rare for the friends to pray or testify during night or Sunday evening meetings.
Mental images of convention consists of the following: meeting shed/tent, cookhouse, brother workers in the parking lot directing traffic, older workers walking up and down the lane, singing the grace, sitting on cots or folding chairs, singing hymns in between meetings, working in the cookhouse/vegetable tent, professing on Saturday night, speaking lists, new convention lists, motor homes/travel trailers, horseplay in the sleeping quarters, taking notes, water fountains, and dating. (See the photo above taken at the Downings VA convention grounds in 2001.)
Friends do not pray or testify during the 7:00 night meetings. Outsiders or unprofessing people are encouraged to attend the night meetings during convention. Night meetings are gospel meetings encouraging the lost one to "turn to the truth". Otherwise the format for night meetings is as follows:main speaker gives out hymn, one or two younger workers pray and main speaker prays. Then another hymn and 2 younger workers speak. Then a hymn and the main worker speaks. On Saturday night the sermon is directed toward those that haven't professed yet. The last hymn is given Saturday night and when the 3rd or 4th verse is sung the worker will ask anyone wanting to profess to "stand to your feet and let your choice be known". A worker prayer follows the "testing of the meeting" after someone professes. In Australia, night meetings aren't open for people to stand up and make their choice in meeting.
Baptism occurs Sunday morning. Baptism meetings may occur after people have left the convention building one night usually directed by overseer. Workers may at some point ask people to stand up if they are "considering the step of baptism". Baptisms in other churches are not accepted. Baptism usually means dying to the worldly things, habits, and lifestyles. Some workers stress certain "changes" that must take place in your life in order to be baptised.
The Sunday evening meeting at 1:30 or 2:00 no longer has time for the friends to testify in many conventions. After convention is over some friends may stay on the grounds and help clean up and visit with the visiting workers.
Many friends stay "on the grounds" though some spend the night in motels or friends who commute to the grounds. Some friends believe that you lose "the spirit of convention" by leaving the grounds going to a resturant or motel. Sleeping quarters consist of a large open area at the top of a barn (older people sleep on the first floor). Friends have a single bed to sleep. Men and women have separate dorms. Many friends now get to several conventions in neighboring provinces or states though early workers stress getting to your "home convention" instead of other conventions.Workers prefer the friends give their testimony once in their home convention.
Friends are sort of expected to attend most gospel meetings even though the gospel meetings are aimed at prospective converts. The crowd is usually quiet before the gospel meetings begin. About 5 minutes before meeting begins, a worker will pass out a gospel hymn book containing the first 170 Hymns Old and New Hymn. One of the 2 workers will stand up, walk to tbe microphone and give out one or two hymns before prayer. One of the workers will pray. Then the younger worker will testify first. Then another hymn and the older worker will testify last and a hymn will be sung before the meeting is over.
The gospel meetings are the ONLY meetings where pianos or organs may be used with the singing. (Of course, outside of meetings many friends play the piano in the home for entertainment.)
If someone is interested and attends several meetings, the worker may give out a hymn and the person will raise their hand or stand to their feet and make their choice to profess. Once someone professes they are welcome to testify and pray in the Sunday and Wednesday night meetings. A session of gospel meetings may last from 2 to up to 8 weeks in one rented hall. Workers at some point will leave the mission and visit other areas for Special meetings or convention preps. If no friends live close to the gospel meeting building the workers may rent a house and "batch".
Many people often pray and testify about gospel missions and the servants (another name for the workers). Many are thankful for the day when 2 of God's servants crossed their pathway in the beginning.
Many friends will speak in meetings about how glad they are to find the "true way" from earth to heaven. Testimonies are usually less than 5 minutes in the Sunday morning and Wednesday night meetings. You can only pray or testify only ONCE in a meeting. All are quiet during testimonies and prayers other than silent a silent "amen". Whoever leads the meeting (worker or elder) usually prays and speaks last. Only professing people take part in the meetings. Most meetings (except for conventions and special meetings) last from 45 minutes to 90 minutes.
Here are some examples-In Europe and maybe Australia there are Sunday evening meetings. In parts of Australia and New Zealand, Christmas decorations are permitted. Drinking beer and wine is permitted by friends in central Europe. Younger workers often ignore stuff like women wearing pants, makeup or jewelry and cutting small amounts from their hair today. Some overseers permit divorce,remarriage and taking part while others ban taking part for a certain time after marrying divorcees or unprofessing people. Some workers are reluctantly beginning to tolerate televisions in homes ( a vebal warning is often given by the senior worker when a TV is brought into a professing home unless it is a divided home). Radios are tolerated in some areas.
Dress worn to meeting varies depending upon the state and field. Most men wear ties to Sunday morning meeting though attire on Wednesday nights and gospel meetings are much more casual than say 20 years ago. Again the head worker of an area decides what behavior is permissive and what behavior must be "given up" in order to be a "true child of God". A common worker sermon at many conventions is "keeping up THE standard".