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Dotty Top


A stash-busting Fifties-inspired fitted top.



3 x 100g ball DK purple

1 x 20g ball DK mohair green

1 x 20g ball DK mohair blue

1 x 20g ball DK mohair mauve

1 x 20g ball DK lilac

1 x 20g ball DK grey

pair of 3¾ mm needles



Using purple cast on 117 sts.

Work 6 rows in rib then work in st. st. from chart.

Once chart complete, work 5 rows in garter st.


Any problems email me!



As for back: chart.


Straps (both alike)


Using purple, cast on 5 sts.

In work 3 rows, then inc. one st. each end of row. Continue thus, working inc. row every 4th row, until 21 sts. Work 5 rows straight. Then dec. each end of next row. Continue thus, working dec. row every 4th row, until 5 sts. Work 5 rows straight. then inc. one st. each end of row. Continue thus, working inc. row every 4th row, until 21 sts. Work 5 rows straight. Then dec. each end of next row. Continue thus, working dec. row every 4th row, until 5 sts. Work 3 rows. Cast off. Fold in half and sew edges together.

