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♥ Celebration of Love ♥


The Devotee
Thy Livelihood
Beauty Promenade



Intense Aesthetic Pleasure

Y Love is a beautiful thing. There are many ways one can express beautiful things. Likewise I will dedicate this page to an awesome lady to whom I am profoundly affected with, the Inamorata who make my life somewhat more colorful: Shierly Berlian Moekie

I never make my feeling toward her a secret. She knew my feeling to her and wisely keep my dignity by letting it be acknowledging that it is only natural for a man loves a woman no matter enigmatic the situation is (what an impeccable character). 

Raison d'être

Enigmatic it is, however, in the world full of illegitimate relationship by creating this page my intention is nothing more than to funnel the emotion I feel inside toward her in a positive & creative way.

This is the very reason I dearly hope she will understand.

Crème de La Crème

Look at her online photo album filled with gorgeous pictures from her events.



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This site was last updated 03/03/04