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Tuesday, 5 October 2004
Mood:  irritated
Lemme tell you bout some dumb shit. My mom tried to take my hard earn money from me. My school's homecoming is comming up and i want some new shoes for that night. She gonna tell me i can't get them. Who does she think she is. It's not like she gets up every weekend and goes to work in a place that she doesn't want to be to make a measly amount of paper that people call money. I deserve my shoes because i work hard for them and i have wanted them for the longest. So we got into this big ol argument about me and she claims that i don't do anything around the house when she is lyin like dat. I do a lot around here even if she doesn't think so. Then she tries to say that she can take my check from me. NEVAS BUDDY!! I have direct deposit and I can close out her of my account where as she can't get any of it. I have all this stuff planned out. It's not like this is the first time it has happened. Then to make it even worse she tries to bring church in this. Its not like i even attend. I don't know wat her problem is. I'm not even sure i believe anymore. I haven't witnessed any miracles or any other amazing thing. She better chill out cuz i have worse things to think about. Their are worse things i could sleep with a boy or two. 1

Posted by rebellion2/tbellsworld at 6:41 AM
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Monday, 4 October 2004
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: MY BOO

On Thursday I went to school and everything but after school it all started. One of my friends took my car off campus. Then she brought it back on campus. I stopped her and I got on the hood and we rode around the parking lot and everything was fine then when she went to turn I said slow down. She was like "okay". She didn't slow down then turn she slowed down while turning. The car went to the left and my body went to the right. I slid forward and I used my arms to protect my face. The results I have a messed up elbow and two messed up knees. I got up off the ground and my friends was like tbell you aiight. I was like yeah and i started laughing. Then the adminstrators tried to get me to snitch on my friends but i just played dumb. And i went home. Let the healing process begin....

Posted by rebellion2/tbellsworld at 7:31 AM
Updated: Monday, 4 October 2004 7:38 AM
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