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A Mind Is A Place Of Its Own
Wednesday, 13 August 2003
this is me..
well this i my first my entry, i should be happy rite, well im not, i hate this, i hate having so much to say and not being able to utter one word about it, i can't believe this, i just want to disappear, just get up and leave, i had a terrible morning, and i bet it won't be any better tomorrow, i hate feeling this way, i hate hating everything, i hate being silent. but i can't do anything to change it, Can I? i was reading the other day about SI injuries, that used to happen tto me, don't look at me, i tried to get help seveal different times, i went to my vice principal, the therapist, yet no one seems to hear, no one seems to care, and again i feel alone, i am going into a new school and so its going to be even worse! i can't take all this pressure i am going to crumble soon i know it i can't stand feeling this way, i can;'t help it though, my life is so strange i want to be laughing like they are, i want to be able to all these things but i just i just , can't ! my only solotude is my music, that is the only thing that makes me feel better, that and writing, i have to get it off my chest, even if its sooo hard to do. i have to tell you, i can't stop. you won't understand unless you talk to me, unless you have lived a day in my world, in my life
i have to go now.
Thanks alot

p,s go to this site,

it has loads of info about SI injuries

Posted by rebellion2/radioactivepoet at 7:16 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 August 2003 7:18 PM EDT
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