Turning Up The Heat

Title: Turning Up The Heat
Author: PokerKitten
Setting: 1881
Smut_69 challenge prompt word #36 Afterglow
My Smut Table
Disclaimer: Joss, ME, Fox yadayada own the characters; I'm just messin'.

Turning Up The Heat

His hands were shaking as he tried to steady the knife, and with his wrists still bound tightly together he was sure he was going to disappoint Angelus with his lack of control and skill. The bedstead creaked behind him as Angelus shifted, followed swiftly by the unmistakable whisper of cotton sliding on skin, the thud of boots being dropped to the floor. Concentrate, for fuck's sake!

He sat back on his heels, shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind, and renewed his efforts. The burning had eased, the plug now sitting comfortably inside him, and yet he found himself yearning to feel that exquisite pain again. Angelus had been right, he had led a sheltered life, and no amount of fucking and killing since his turning had prepared him for this. He could only imagine what else there was to learn.

Finally he succeeded in carving a generous finger from the hand of ginger and carefully placed the excess on the floor in front of him. Now for the skin. His palms felt sticky, the hilt of the blade slipping in his fingers; but it was a sudden twitch on the length of rope that cased the knife to slip, the sharp edge slicing into his flesh.

"Shit!" he cursed, helplessly watching as blood began to ooze from the wound. Angelus would be displeased, would mock him for his clumsiness, he was sure. Worse still, he might withdraw his favour, end their sport, banish him from the bedroom…

The bed creaked once more, he felt Angelus move up behind him.

"Here" he said softly, reaching around William and lifting his hands. "Let me help you with that." He carefully removed the knife from the bloodied fingers, set the ginger to one side. "Didn't mean to hurt you, my pet."

William's hands began to tremble once more as Angelus settled on the flor behind him, as he wrapped his bare legs and arms around him and pulled him back to rest against his chest.

"I'm sorry Angelus, I just couldn't…"

"Hush, little figgy." Resting his chin on William's shoulder, he raised the cut to his lips and gave a delicate lick. "Mmm, you taste good." He slid the wounded finger into his mouth, sucking with a soothing rhythm.

With a sigh, William closed his eyes, relaxing against the hard body. Skin on skin, at last, Angelus' cock pressing firmly into the small of his back. He could have stayed like this forever, the throb in his finger matched by the throb in his groin, but all too soon Angelus had sucked him clean and was moving William's hands back down to his lap.

"Soon be mended. Now, I'll show you how it's done."

Limbs still wrapped around William, Angelus took up the knife and ginger and slowly began to peel the root, the skin falling onto William's thigh as he worked.

"We'll try something different this time. The trick of this is to make the slices thin, as thin as can be, and not too long. See?"

William forced his heavy lids open to watch, as Angelus created three smooth, narrow pieces, no more than two inches in length. He had no idea what use they would be, but he was more than content to rest here in Angelus' embrace and let him do whatever he pleased.

"Don't get too comfortable, my sweet, it's done now." Easing back, he lowered William to the floor, placing the slices on his chest while he secured the rope to the leg of the bed.

The aroma of ginger began working on William, a forcible reminder of its earlier potency. Surely he didn't mean to use it that way! His cock twitched, body jerking as he was suddenly certain that was exactly what Angelus had in mind.

"Oh dear god" he whimpered, screwing his eyes up tight to try to drive away the fear.

Angelus slid his palms up William's thighs. "Oh yes, you're learning. I prepared a little extra 'cause I know you're gonna want more. Just need to soak it for a moment…"

William shivered as Angelus picked up the slices.

"…and rinse off my hands."

Water splashed, heightening William's tension, but all too soon he felt Angelus' weight on his legs as he straddled him, his hand cupping his balls. "Hell no" he protested weakly, squirming beneath him.

"Hell yes, darlin'. But it'll be easier on you if you keep still." His fingers stroked their way up William's shaft, gently enough to elicit a soft moan. "Gonna fill your pretty little pisshole now, sweetmeat" he said, taking a firmer grip.

"No, oh no!" William writhed, but knew it was inevitable.

"Slowly, slowly." Angelus carefully inserted the slice until only a small length remained exposed, just enough to hold on to when the time came to remove it. "This is gonna work faster…" he warned, but barely were the words out of his mouth before William was bucking, muscles straining.

"FUCK!" he shrieked, out of control. If he thought his previous experience had been intense, this was ten times, twenty times more so! He wanted, needed, to thrash and flail, but with his arms tightly secured above his head and his legs pinioned beneath Angelus, all he could do was wriggle and squirm. No relief to be had. As before, the burning built relentlessly, but his cock seemed so much more sensitive to the ginger that he feared he could not bear it.

He was dimly aware of Angelus speaking, demanding something for him, but it was almost impossible to focus on his words.

"Say my name" Angelus was panting. "Say it!"

"Fucking hell!" William sobbed. "You filthy fucking devil… Angelus."


"Angelus!" he screamed. "ANGELUS! I can't… I can't take it. Please!"

"Sure you can!" Angelus' own voice was rising with excitement. "Just a minute or two longer."

But as William's bucking grew more frantic, Angelus relented, easing the ginger out.

"You son of a whore!" William gasped, eyes stinging with tears. "Oh god!" But the instant the ginger left his body, the blazing heat dropped to a dull burn. "You heartless fucking bastard."

"That I am, but you know you love me. And you'll be ready for another ride sooner than you think."

"Never again!"

"You sure you mean that?" Angelus asked, dipping the second slice in the water jug.

William stilled, quietened. For just a moment. "No" he responded softly. "No, I didn't mean it."

"See, I know you better than you know yourself" Angelus laughed, planting a kiss on William's tear-stained cheek. "Let's try again."

Only when the third slice was spent did Angelus reluctantly release him, discarding the rope and lifting William's exhausted body onto the bed.

"It'll wear off soon, Will" he promised, pulling him in close, stroking his thigh. "And you've more than earned your rest."


Hours later, William was roused from a dreamless sleep as nimble fingers probed his arse. His entire body throbbed and ached, but the warmth he felt was surprisingly comforting. He let out a sigh as Angelus removed the ginger plug and gently wiped his entrance with a damp cloth.

"It's the best time, don't you think? Nothing beats ginger for afterglow."

William mumbled contented agreement, stretching out comfortably on his belly.

"I should wash out your mouth for the way you were cursing me" Angelus continued. "But there're more pressing matters to attend to." Sliding his weight onto William's back, he pushed his cock between his cheeks. "And no matter how good the preamble, this is what we both wanted all along."

Penetration was all but effortless, with William so stretched and pliant. Movements slow and rhythmic, Angelus eased his way inside.

"It's all I ever wanted" William sleepily assented, an altogether different heat rising inside him. "All I ever wanted."

get this gear!

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