
Title: Transparent
Author: PokerKitten
Setting: Amsterdam, 1881
Smut_69 Challenge prompt word: #48 Cunning
My Smut Table
Disclaimer: Joss, ME, Fox yadayada own the characters; I'm just messin'.


William may have been too far gone to detect the presence of another, but Angelus still had some of his wits about him. No mean feat when the lad came so hard and loud that he had been in danger of being carried along on his waves of youthful, erotic enthusiasm. He pulled back, cutting short William's protestations with a slight, almost imperceptable shake of the head.

"I warned you" he growled, shifting his position, kneeling over him, broad back effectively blocking Darla's view as he carefully disengaged his cock from William's foreskin. He gritted his teeth, bracing himself for the mood-shattering tirade he was sure was about to be launched.

"Perhaps the fault lies more with the teacher than the pupil, in this case" Darla observed wryly, calmy stepping aside as Drusilla brushed passed her in the doorway.

No point in trying to justify himself. Never mind William's vocal lack of discipline, the room positively reeked of sex. The tangy aroma would have had any fool human's nostrils twitching, blood pumping. No disguising their activities; but how to give them the most acceptable spin? Get his plans back on track? Drusilla rushed across the room to William, flimsy white nightgown fluttering around her, giggling as if intoxicated as the lad welcomed her into his arms. Angelus sighed in resignation and clambered from the bed. "I did warn him to hold his tongue."

"My dear boy" Darla laughed dismissively,as he moved towards her. "You could have gagged him if you'd really wanted. One way or another. But you have an itch you simply have to scratch." She glanced passed him to the prone, bloodied William. "A very pretty itch, I'll grant you" she added, noting his still-hard cock, and the way he was responding to Drusilla's delicate licking at his wounded throat. "If an irritating one!"

"Oh, I'll scratch him alright." Taking her arm he steered her into the adjacent chamber. "And just give me time. He'll learn his place."

Darla lowered her voice. "No need to posture and pout, dear. I won't upset your not-so-cunning plan by undermining your authority." She gave a small smile. "Play your games, get it out of your system. But be careful not to break this toy. One damaged child is more than enough to contend with."

Angelus narrowed his eyes. "And there was me thinking Dru was one of my masterpieces. Besides, I'm just breaking him in…"

"Really? You can't seriously expect me to…" No, why give him the satisfaction! Biting back her jealousy, she shook herself free from his grip, made to move back towards their bedroom. "Get yourself dressed, dear" she called out to Drusilla. "We're going on a little excursion."

"Oh no, grandmother." Dismayed, Drusilla clung tightly to William.

"Hush now, the boys have business they need to attend to." Turning back to Angelus, she whispered "And how long will you need? A week? Two?"

"Two should do it." He was surprised at how dry his mouth had become. So, she could read him like a book, see right through him. What did it matter, he was getting his own way, regardless. And he needed to make sure that the others understood that.

Striding back into the bedroom, barely glancing at Darla as she began to gather up her trinkets and powders from the dressing-table, he turned his attention to Drusilla. "You! Quit your snivelling! Out! Now!" he barked. "And as for you." He glowered at the sight of William kneeling on the bed, arms wrapped about Dru's tiny waist, giving her a too-fond farewell kiss. "Clean yourself up. Your lessons have barely begun!"


Mind games were best played without interruptions, worked most effectively with time and persistence. The slow gnawing at your victim's, or pupil's, psyche; exposing their frailties, excavating for their deeply suppressed needs and secret shames. And conditioning was only achieved through consistancy; a cycle of pleasure, punishments and rewards. In William's case those three were inextricably intertwined, making his task easier. But Angelus had no doubt he would rebel soon enough, re-assert himself. All the same, two weeks would give him plenty of scope for enjoyment, for testing how far he could push William, how responsive, and how submissive he was prepared to be given the right incentives. Two glorious weeks!

Watching William carefully as he sluiced his cock clean, he judged that the time was right to pick up where he'd left off. Settling himself more comfortably in his chair, spreading his legs wide, he tested the water. "Feels good to have the place to ourselves, doesn't it, figgy?" How his eyes flashed at that humiliating little word; his control word. But how quickly he forced down his anger. Such potential here! "Come on over here, darlin'" he continued, patting his thighs. "And let me show you just how good it's gonna be." After a moment's hesitation, William did as he was bidden and slid onto his lap, curling into his body, resting his head on Angelus' shoulder. "That's the way, Will" he soothed, wrapping an arm around his pupil. "We can play all we want, make as much noise as we like." He stroked his free hand across William's hip. "And if you're especially good, maybe I'll let you see inside my bag of tricks…"

get this gear!

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