Terms of Endearment

Title: Terms of Endearment
Author: PokerKitten
Setting: London, 1880
Word count: 904
Smut_69 challenge prompt word: #44 Sweet Nothings
My Smut Table
Disclaimer: Joss, ME, Fox yadayada own the characters; I'm just messin'.

Terms of Endearment

With a smug, sated smile, Angelus folded his arms beneath his head, stretched his legs, wiggled his toes. He was hard-pressed to remember the last time he had felt quite so relaxed and comfortable. It obviously did a man good to take a holiday from his own reputation. It was a lot to live up to, afterall, no matter how accomplished, how gifted, you were in your own field of expertise. His smile broadened as he watched William patting his slender body dry. And the way he winced a little as the towel irritated his lovely peachy cheeks was most charming. Although the evidence was fading fast, it was still possible to make out the bitemarks and palmprints that it had been his pleasure to bestow upon the lad just an hour or two ago.

"What's taking you so long?" he chided. "Some of us are still, uh, sticky here, y'know. Wouldn't want anything to get too sore to use now, would you?"

Without a word, William picked up the waterjug and cloth and made his way over to the bed.

"Climb on board, don't be shy" he continued, as William knelt alongside him, looking hesistant.

"You want me to..?"

"Wash me? Yes, I do."

Setting the jug on the bedside cabinet, William dipped the cloth into the water, squeezing off the excess before he cautiously moved to straddle the other man's thighs. Angelus never, but never, invited him on top and that, coupled with his prolonged good humour, was making him understandably wary.

"Don't look so worried, Will! Haven't I been good to you?"

"That's what's worrying me" William ventured, eyeing Angelus' thick bush of dark hair, stiff with spent semen, and his semi-slumbering cock nestling on it. "Where should I, uh, start?"

"At the top, dear boy, at the top. And work your way down nice and slow."

Inching a little further up his thighs, William leaned forward, balls gently nuzzling against Angelus', and began to stroke the damp cloth across his grandsire's powerful shoulders. "Like this?"

Angelus sighed contendedly. "Mmm, exactly like that." The deliciously cool cloth moved down to his chest, brushing against his nipples, making them harder. He suddenly had a yen to feel William's mouth on him here, but he successfully suppressed the impulse. Plenty of time for that.

Meeting some stubborn resistance to his cleansing efforts, William stretched over to the waterjug and re-soaked the cloth, the pressure of their contact intensifying with his movements.

"That's yours, I believe" Angelus commented, his laughter creating a very pleasurable jiggling and jostling of their balls as William stroked harder at the dried-on semen on his belly.

"I think you're right, but whose fault is that?" William grinned, warming to his task.

"No fault, no blame." He closed his eyes as William smoothed his way down the fine line of hairs leading to his bush. "Now then, remind me. What did you call me?"

William paused, hand and cloth hovering uncertainly over Angelus' twitching cock. "Call you? When?"

"When you were trying to goad me this afternoon. What was it now… something to do with my age." William's nervousness was almost palpable; it was impossible not to tease him. "And don't stop, just when it's getting interesting" he added, thrusting up his hips from the mattress, causing William to rock forward and plant a palm on the rumpled sheets to steady himself.

"Old man" William mumbled, gently working the cloth at the beads of cum glistening in Angelus' hair.

"What was that? Can't quite hear you."

"Old man."

"And the rest! Seem to recall you using the term grandpa. And?"


"Hmm." Angelus suddenly shot out an arm, flicking his thumb and forefinger against William's backside. "And?"

William shivered. "Peaches."

"Ah yes, Peaches." He wriggled a little as William eased back his foreskin. "And there was something else. Worst of the lot!" he declared, fondling William's left cheek, tracing the slight imprint of his teethmarks with his fingertips.

Wrapping the cloth around Angelus' shaft, feeling him grow hard in his hand, William began to slide the rag up and down its length. "Don't know."

"Oh, I think you do! Something kinda ironic, in the circumstances." The cool wetness dancing over the head of his cock was firing up his oh-so sensitive nerve-endings. If William was going to make him squirm with pleasure, then he was damn sure he was going to watch the lad squirm in discomfort, if only for a moment. Opening his eyes, he fixed William with a cold, hard stare; tightly grasped his wrist, staying his hand at its work. "Tell me!"

William swallowed. He remembered, alright.

"Tell me!" Angelus insisted, jerking William's arm, pulling him down towards him.

"You great poof" William gasped, lips just a hair's-breath away from Angelus' mouth.

Angelus held his frown for a moment, before the devilish grin softened his features once more. "For a poet, you have some strange notions about what passes for whispering sweet nothings to your lover, y'know that, Will?"

"Terms of endearment, is all."

"Yeah, right. Well, I'll let it go. This time. But watch your mouth in future. They're not the kind of endearments I want voiced in public. Especially not in front of the ladies. Right?"

"Right" William agreed, allowing himself to be manoeuvred down onto Angelus' chest.

"Good. And now we have that cleared up, I think I have another little job for you."

get this gear!

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