Storm Warning

Title: Storm Warning
Author: Pokerkitten
Setting: 1880
Smut_69 challenge prompt word #62 Wet
My Smut Table
Disclaimer: Joss, ME, Fox yadayada own the characters; I'm just messin'.

Storm Warning

The rain was so heavy, so relentless, that the streets of the grimy northern town were utterly deserted. Clouds so low; dark and laden. It could easily have been midnight, not noon. Hard to tell the difference. But he knew, and the significance of this forbidden hour was not lost on him.

Lightning streaked across the brooding skies, followed almost immediately by a huge, sharp clap of thunder. He started; surprised, delighted, by the way it made him feel.


Senses tingling, body vibrating, he ran into the middle of the alley, threw back his head, laughed. Cotton shirt plastered to his body, breeches drenched and clinging, arms outstretched in welcome. Feet bare, relishing the shifting mud and sharp stones beneath them.

"Leave me" he whispered, lips barely moving. "This time is mine!"

But the figure he'd sensed gave up the shelter of the doorway behind him, side-stepping the filth of the town as the deluge rushed it through the ruts and channels of the lane. Approaching. Nearing. Touching him with unaccustomed lightness, hand on shoulder.

"Mad dog" he scolded, tone almost affectionate. "Bad dog. William."

"Leave me" he repeated, louder, more firmly.

The fingers pressed a little harder, coaxed him into turning. Angelus' dark eyes were black as coal in this light, lips quirking into that half-smile that could be so cruel. But at times shockingly tender.

"I feel it too. Want to share it." Thunder rumbled, echoed round the alley. He spread his arms wide, mirroring William. Shirt open, chest glistening; hair dripping. "This world is ours" he hissed, raising his eyes to the troubled skies. "Ours for the taking."

"Yes; oh yes" William affirmed, excitement building. Angelus had stretched him, teased him, goaded him, taught him. Was he now accepting him?

"The power and the glory" Angelus shouted above the storm. "Forever. And ever!" He dropped his eyes once more, fixing such a look on William that all thoughts of being alone vanished.

"And ever…" he murmured in response, arms falling to his sides. Gazing back at his mentor, enthralled. Mind opening, expanding to all the possibilities. The pleasures.

"Such a pact must be sealed!" Angelus sang out, gleeful. In a blur of movement he was grasping William's arm before his protégé could so much as blink the rainwater from his eyes. His wrist was at his mouth, teeth tearing into his flesh, lips sucking at his blood, before William could fully comprehend his actions.

Eyes never leaving William's, he offered up his own wrist to him.

Swaying to the beat of the storm, to the rhythm of Angelus' hungry drinking, he accepted his grandsire's proffered vein with grateful disbelief; sinking his fangs into the other man's skin, feeling himself grow hard as they clutched each other closer, tighter.

"And sealed again!" Angelus declared, retracting his fangs but maintaining his fierce grip, hesitating for just a moment before fastening his blood-stained mouth onto William's. Hard body rubbing against him, revealing an arousal equal to the lad's.

"And again" Angelus growled, lightning flashing across his eyes as his fingers fumbled with the buttons of William's breeches.

A flurry of limbs, urgent hands; William willingly sinking to his knees in the gutter at Angelus' bidding, taking his master's weight as he manoevered behind him, as he forced him down into the free-flowing muck. Their mingled blood screaming within them, demanding they rut in the sordid little alley like wild dogs. Probing and pushing, biting and thrusting, Angelus entered him with a defiant roar.

"No-one! No human, no monster, can ever stand in our way now."

No way of knowing where this thrice-sealed pact would lead.

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