Brush Up Your Shakespeare

Title: Brush Up Your Shakespeare
Author: PokerKitten
Setting: 1882
Smut_69 challenge prompt word: #52 role-play
My Smut Table
Disclaimer: Joss, ME, Fox yadayada own the characters; I'm just messin'.

Brush Up Your Shakespeare

"What are you doing?"

"Reading." Angelus replied, continuing to frown at the volume he held.

"I can see that." William flopped down at Angelus' feet. He recognised the book. "But what, exactly?"


Yes, William's own copy of the bard's works. "But what? A play? A sonnet?"

"Twelfth Night" Angelus grudgingly replied.

"Really?" He'd never seen Angelus so much as pick up a book, let alone lose himself in one so completely. He paused, cocked his head to one side. The house was quiet, very still. "Where are the girls?"

"Shopping. Hunting, maybe. Out, at any rate."

Out for the night, then. William had overslept, having fed particularly well the previous evening, and was more than content to have Angelus all to himself for once. It had been too long. "But you didn't wish to join them?" he continued hopefully, easing himself between Angelus' legs and leaning back against his chair.

"No" Angelus responded, glancing down at William as the lad made himself comfortable. "Perhaps you'd like to read with me?" He shifted position a little so that William could see the text, arms loosly circling him as he held the book in front of him.

William grinned happily. There were times when Angelus would watch him quietly from across the room as William scribbled and scratched in his notebook, but their women were always to-ing and fro-ing and complaining of boredom if either man sat idle for too long. "I'd be glad to" he agreed eagerly.

"You know about all this nonsense, don't you? Didn't boys dress up as girls?"

"Boys dressed as girls who dressed as boys" William laughed.

Angelus snorted, but was pleased William had taken his bait. "What bollocks! This Shakespeare is severely over-rated!" he declared. "Airy-fairy love and yearning!"

"You should read Titus Andronicus. You'd like that!"

"Doubt it!"

"Trust me, you would. Anyway, it all makes more sense if you read it out loud…"

"Then we'll try that. Here…" Angelus offered him the book and reached for the bottle of claret on the table at his side.

"What, Andronicus?"

"No, no. Let's stick with the moody Duke and…" He licked his lips. "Viola. And take a drink" he added, pouring out a large goblet of the potent red wine and handing it to William. "It'll loosen those inhibitions, help us get into character."

William felt no need for assistance in this, but he did love Angelus' penchant for the finest wines. Usually he was chastised for drinking too greedily, but tonight Angelus seemed more than happy to refill his cup the instant it was drained. "That Orsino's a moody git" he remarked, holding out the goblet to be filled for a third time.

"Lovelorn fool, more like. More your sort Will. But I'll take his part, all the same" he added quickly, not wanting his plan to falter at the first hurdle.

"As you like" William conceded, the wine warming his blood almost as much as the feel of Angelus' thigh and arms brushing against him. "Where shall we start?" He raised his knees and rested the book against his legs, all the better to read and drink at the same time.

"Here." Angelus leaned around him, flicking through the pages. "Here." He stabbed the page with his forefinger.

"So I'm reading Viola?" William asked, taking another gulp of wine.

"I'm sure you can rise to the challenge, Will, to help me understand it better."

William nodded. He had no objections, not when Angelus was being so attentive.

"What kind of woman is't?" Angelus began. He could feel his companion's body shaking against his legs with barely suppressed laughter. Clamping him tightly between them he poured some more wine. "Take it seriously Will. I'm doing my best. What kind of woman is't?" he repeated, in his Irish twang.

"Of your complexion." William read, taking another sip to compose himself.

"She is not worth thee, then. What years, i' faith?"

"About your years, my lord."

"Too old by heaven: let still the woman take an elder than herself…" Angelus paused, stroking his fingers slowly down and up William's arms, enjoying the feel of his muscles beneath his shirt. Nuzzling his cheek, he continued. "Our fancies are more giddy and unfirm."

"You've missed some…" William murmured, leaning back against the hard body that he craved.

"No matter. More longing, wavering, sooner lost and worn, Than women's are." His hands strayed to William's chest, slipped beneath the shirt. "Aah, skip the rest. Start at 'She never told her love'."

William swallowed, mouth suddenly dry, and drained his goblet again. "She never told her love…"

"Soften your voice, Will…"

Clearing his throat, he began again, raising his pitch a little. "She never told her love, But let concealment, like a worm i' the bud, Feed on her damask cheek."

"Her damask cheek…" Angelus repeated huskily, before throwing up his hands in mock frustration. "It's no good, Will! Something is lacking. I can't make head nor tail of it!"

Squirming round to face him, William felt a little giddy. "It's simple enough really" he attempted to convince him, more to feel his hands upon him again than for any desire to explain the text.

"Im sure it would be if…" Angelus hesitated, making as if to stroke William's face, but withdrawing his fingers and throwing his back his head with a sigh. "… if only I could visualise the scene properly."

"Well, what can I do?" he almost begged, the book sliding to the floor as he scrambled to his knees.

"Take some more wine while I think… Maybe… maybe if you dressed the part." He let the idea hang between them, gazing intently into William's wide eyes.

"But, but in this scene Viola is Cesario…"

"Yes? And Cesario is Viola."

His head was spinning. "Viola dressed as a boy. How could me dressing any differently…"

"You're probably right Will. It's just that, I don't see you as a girl pretending to be a boy, and I thought…"

"If I was dressed as a girl…?"

"Aye, that's it! But never mind. It was just a thought." He levered himself out of the chair, stepping away and turning his back. "Perhaps I'm a lost cause. Perhaps I need to get out of the house, make a good kill. Clear my head…"

"No!" William exclaimed, staggering to his feet, grabbing Angelus' arm. "If it would help, I'd do it!"

"You would?" Angelus turned back, a small smile playing on his lips. "I don't know, but… I'm sure one of Drusilla's gowns would suit. And maybe a little face-paint?"

William frowned. "I don't know about that…"

"Oh yes, no point in a job half done" Angelus declared, grasping William's wrist and pulling him towards the bedroom. "Strip yourself down and I'll choose a dress. And no need to look so worried, Will. You know how appreciative I can be." He winked as he pushed William down onto the edge of the bed. "Scarlet would look very striking against your lovely pale skin. And just a hint of powder along your exquisite cheekbones."

Pulling off his boots, William was at a loss to understand how he had been manipulated into this. But if it pleased Angelus, and if he were to show his appreciation… and he was being very complimentary. He hurried to undress, clumsy fingers fumbling with his buttons.

"Raise your arms Will" Angelus urged as he returned from the closet, red satin gown in his hands, pausing a moment to admire the naked young man. It seemed William was growing more enthusiastic about this little role-playing game, he noted, with his cock twitching to life as the dress was slid over his head. A pity his hair wasn't longer, he mused, and as for his body hair, well, that would have to wait for another time. He smiled, gently pulling William to his feet. "As slender as you are, we won't be able to do up the dress, but…" he smoothed the gown down over William's hips. "…it'll do as it is. How does it feel?"

William didn't trust himself to answer. The silky touch of the satin against his bare skin was surprisingly pleasant, the folds caressing his stiffening cock provoking altogether unexpected sensations.

"And now a little blush for your cheeks." Angelus was more than pleased with his handiwork; his body was telling him so quite insistently. "And just a dab of gloss for your pretty lips."

William stood placidly, allowing Angelus to paint his face, but as his fingertips delicately applied the gloss he could not resist capturing a finger between his lips, and sucking it in to his mouth.

"Why you little hussy" Angelus hissed. "But you do look good enough to eat!" He slid an arm around William's waist, pulling him in close, allowing him to suck on his finger for a moment or two longer before withdrawing it from his mouth. "And what's that I feel beneath your skirts, lass?" he laughed softly, as he rubbed up against him. "Seems you're as happy as your master. Put your arms around me, my sweet. And, oh god, kiss me, Kate!"

"That's a different play altogether, sir" William responded in a voice an octave or two higher than his natural timbre, to Angelus' evident delight.

"Is that so? I'm beginning to see the attraction in Mr Shakespeare's poetry. You'll make a scholar of me yet!" One hand travelled down William's back. "But I say again, kiss me, Kate, we will be married o'Sunday."

"Sir, I do think you have misled me." William let out a little girlish cry as Angelus gave his backside a hearty slap. "You know your Shakespeare very well, it seems."

"I am discovered!" Angelus laughed, tightening his hold and rocking William in his arms. "We should have started straight in with the Shrew, all fire and banter. I can play your roaring boy. It comes very easily to me. Kate!"

"They call me Katharina that do talk of me" William lisped, winding his arms around Angelus' neck as his erection strained against his skirts.

"You lie, in faith; for you are call'd plain Kate, And bonny Kate and sometimes Kate the curst, But Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom." Angelus took a step forward, bowling them both back on to the bed. "Kate of Kate Hall, my super-dainty Kate… Oh, to hell with this!" he panted, hoisting up William's skirt, and wrenching at the buttons of his own breeches.

Wrestling and rolling together on the mattress, the friction of satin and skin heating their flesh, he kissed him hard; lips becoming smeared with gloss from William's mouth, before slipping in his tongue. William clung to him, groaning in a guttural, unladylike fashion as Angelus took a firm hold of his cock, his body jerking with every squeeze and tug.

"Fuck me, Kate!"

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