Hanging Around

Title: Hanging Around
Author: PokerKitten
Setting: 1894, The Room of Pain
Seems like the boys were trussed up for longer than we were led to believe…
Smut_69 challenge prompt word #43 Talking Dirty
My Smut Table
Disclaimer: Joss, ME, Fox yadayada own the characters; I'm just messin'.

Hanging Around

"It's no good, they're not budging." William gave one last tug on the chains. "Bugger!" He cursed as the shackles bit into his wrists, flesh raw from his struggles.

"Mine neither" Angelus scowled. "Whoever fitted these fucking things knew what they were doing!"

"Maybe we should hire him…"

"What're you bletherin' on about now, Will?" Angelus wrapped his fingers round the chains, hauling himself upright, planting his feet firmly on the straw-strewn floor. Damn, but his knees ached. How long had the mangy bastard had them hanging here, anyway?

William leaned forward, cocked his head, gave him a wink. "Well, let's face it. You never managed to keep me trussed up like this. Always find a way out."

"Now's not the time to be devising better ways to keep you in line, Will."

"Why not, nothing better to do."

"Nothing better?" Angelus summoned up all his strength, gave another almighty yank on his chains. "Argh! Unh!"

"As I was saying, nothing better to do. Mind you" he continued, struggling to swing himself round towards Angelus. "They could have made it a whole lot more interesting, if only… Unh!" Sinews shrieking with the effort, he managed to hoist himself up off the ground, hooking his bare legs round Angelus' waist. "Unh!" Before his chains swung him back again, pulling him away. "If only we'd been face to face" he grunted, giving up, toes dragging in the dirt and straw.

"Will, you're incorrigible!" Angelus sighed, flesh still tingling from the unexpected contact.

"Insatiable, is what I am" William corrected him, with a grin. "But, you know, time would have passed quicker."

"Is that so?"

"You know it! With my legs wrapped round your hips. Us swinging and bumping and rubbing together…"

"Shut your mouth!" Angelus snapped, alarmed by how vividly he could picture the scene, and the immediate interest his body was beginning to show in the imagined scenario.

"The scent of my blood as the shackles dig in. And if you'd craned your neck forward just enough, you'd have been able to reach my mouth, shut me up properly. Biting my lip, sucking on my tongue, as I…"

"Will!" Angelus warned, shifting uncomfortably.

"As I held on tighter, getting you hard with the friction." He paused, stealing a glance at the growing bulge in Angleus' underwear. "And if I'd worked with my feet, I could've tugged those drawers down!"

"You'll pay for this" Angelus groaned, knees beginning to sag once more as his cock twitched against the cotton.

"And maybe you could have done the same for me." William pressed on. "We're both supple enough. And with a bit of patience, some pushing and struggling and manoeuvring, you could have worked it up to my hole…"

"Your arms would be wrenched from your ruddy sockets!"

"No, no. You'd have been taking my weight. And as you pushed I could've pulled you in with my legs. Given you a right knee trembler!"

No interruptions from Angelus this time. Eyes closed, mouth set in a hard line, trying so hard not to betray his true reactions to William's words.

"Cat got your tongue, big man?" William smirked. Angelus always liked to believe he had the upper hand in their relationship, but really, he could be so easy sometimes... "Your big fat cock forcing in, stretching me. Painful as hell without anything to ease your way… But I can take any pain you care to give me, you know that."

But form dictated that he had to show at least some resistance, assert his authority. "We'll be putting that to the test when we get out of here, if you don't shut your fucking mouth!"

"You'd have made me bleed." William licked his lips, face flushing, but not from the warmth given off by the guttering torch close by on the wall. "But I love it when you make me bleed. Like I love it when you spurt inside me. Making me all sticky and wet. And when you're through and you go down on me, mouth on my hole, sucking all your spunk back up…"

"And I may love your filthy mouth, but…Enough!" Angelus bellowed, hurling himself sideways to crash into William. "Someone's coming!"

"Already? But I've barely started yet!"

"Outside, you idiot!"

"Can't you just picture his face" William laughed. "If he found us like that!"

Angelus tried to shut out his voice, to ignore the dampness leaking from his cock, staining his drawers; renewing his struggles against his shackles as he heard a key turn in the locked door. "I'll deal with you later!" he vowed, as he strained.

"Counting on it!" William retorted, taking his cue from Angelus and jerking at his chains once more.

"How you doin'?" he asked, desperately trying to clear his head to deal with what might face them at any moment. One of them had to have their wits about them if they were going to get out of this mess, afterall. Time to shift the focus of his attention away from his groin and Will's pretty arse. Not easy!

"Bugger!" William grunted, defeated.

get this gear!

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