Dirty, Bad and Wrong

Title: Dirty, Bad and Wrong
Author: PokerKitten
Setting: Amsterdam, 1881
Smut_69 challenge prompt word #64 Dirty
My Smut Table
Disclaimer: Joss, ME, Fox yadayada own the characters'; I'm just messin'.

Dirty, Bad and Wrong

Angelus pressed home his advantage. "You have to let those pathetic human feelings go, my pet. We're beyond all that now. We do what we do because we want to. Because we can. No-one to stop us. Although" he reflected, propping himself up on one elbow, the better to look down on his boy as they lay side by side. "If you hadn't been such a well brought-up young lad, you'd have realised that any manner of sordid little scenarios were being played out all around you."

William's eyes widened. He found it hard to believe that anyone in his old circle would have been capable, would have had the imagination, let alone the inclination. Not that he'd ever been close to any of those fools, far from it, so what would he know.

"Next time we're in London, I'll show you the sights, the real sights. Everything they try so hard to hide. There's a place on Cleveland Street…" He grinned. "No matter. By then, nothing'll surprise you, and we'll be teaching them a thing or two. Things that would make your dear mama's head spin!"

"Don't!" William was mindful of the warnings to keep his voice low, so as not to disturb their womenfolk; but he could not bear to have his mother spoken of. Not by anyone, least of all him.

Angelus pressed his finger to William's lips to silence him. "I'll wager you had your hands slapped many a time when you were a wee lad, eh? Had your hide tanned just for touching yourself? But look how she turned out, when all you were trying to do is help her!" Angelus relished William's startled expression, the way his head jerked back from him; enjoyed turning the screw. "Dru never was one for keeping secrets, little figgy."

Choking back his curses at the betrayal, William attempted to divert his grandsire from this line of taunting. "Angelus, you talk too much." He rolled in closer, brushing the back of his hand across Angelus' belly. "Wouldn't you rather…"

"That's rich, coming from you!" Angelus interrupted, slapping the hand away. "And did I give you permission to touch? We do things my way, or not at all. Am I right?"

William risked meeting his hard stare. His eyes had darkened, narrowed; his mouth set in a hard line. But his toes were stroking up the smooth flesh of William's instep, and his scent – a heady mix of power and sex – was overwhelming, full of dark promise. "Yes, Angelus. I'm sorry."

"I shouldn't have to keep reminding you, figgy. Don't expect me to be so lenient in future." The clouds lifted from his eyes. "Now, where was I?" he continued more brightly. "Ah yes. Your dear mama." Slipping his hand between them, he teased William's cock towards his own, fingers gliding up and down the loose skin of his shaft, exposing its sensitive head. "Lucky for you that you missed this new craze for cutting" he smirked, the nail of his index finger grazing William's glistening glans. "You really do gasp and squirm so prettily" he observed, palm now covering both their organs, rubbing them together. "Mama would have said this was dirty, don't you think? Before you turned her into an incestuous whore, that is…"

"Please don't" William pleaded, desperate for relief from the cruel words, but unable to resist the delicious friction. "Please don't speak of her."

"Dirty, bad and wrong" Angelus pressed on. "She'd have had you snipped in the blink of an eye, to put a stop to all your filthy touching. But she could never have imagined this!" Angelus paused, shifting his hips back a little, fingers withdrawing from William to concentrate on his own erection. "Do as I do" he urged, forcing his cock away from his belly, smoothing his hand along its length, easing back his foreskin. "It's vulgar to point" he laughed softly, as William followed his lead, cockheads gently bumping tip to tip before them on the bed. "Wouldn't she have said that?"

"Yes, Angelus." William struggled to suppress the images of his mother, the shame at what had passed between them, of what he had been driven to do. But with every mention, with every touch, his arousal quickened. Angelus would give him what he needed, but only if he complied. So be it. "Yes, she would."

"That's my good, naughty boy! Now take hold of mine while I play with yours. Ah ah, not too tight, figgy, calm yourself" he chided, as William's fingers eagerly clutched at him. His own fist fastened round William's cock, movements slow but firm as he began to pump, sliding the foreskin back and forth until he'd covered the head once more. "Hold still now, no thrusting. I know you want to, but…" He slipped a finger beneath the skin, stretching gently.

"Oh god. Angelus!" William moaned, nerve endings dancing with building excitement as he was stretched wider.

"Now guide me in" Angelus instructed, inching towards him. "So many ways to penetrate you." He sighed as William eased him inside with shaking fingers. "That's good, you take instruction well. Now, let go and your master will finish the job."

Such intense sensations, as their heads nestled together in the warm moistness beneath William's foreskin; such incredible friction as Angelus pushed in further, as he stretched and pulled the delicate tissue until it half-covered his own cock and began to rub the two together with careful fingers.

"May I?" William whimpered, unable to articulate exactly what he needed.

"You may "Angelus responded, applying a little more pressure.

William gratefully buried his face in the meat of Angelus' shoulder to stifle his moans, hand clenching and twisting at the bedsheets as his grandsire worked. And then suddenly fingers were in his hair, dragging his head back, exposing the small puncture wound from their earlier encounter, a growl rumbling deep in Angelus' chest as his brow furrowed, fangs extended. His bite was more fierce this time as his mouth fastened on to William's flesh, and yet his left hand still worked with delicate skill, massaging, pressing.

William could not last long, could not come quietly, not like this, with Angelus grunting into his neck as he sucked ever more violently. Balls tightening, drawing up close to his body, he gave no thought to the consequences, was past caring. Body wracked with spasms, his groans grew in strength, building to a crescendo of yelps and moans as he climaxed. Moments later, Angelus' wetness was filling him, coating his shaft, as he tore his mouth away from William's wounded neck.

"Disobedient boy!" Angelus panted, jerking against William, hand still clasped around their throbbing cocks. His yellowed eyes glowed dangerously, bloody spittle trickling down his chin. "You'll be punished for this!"

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