
Title: Breathless
Author: PokerKitten
Setting: London, 1880
Smut_69 challenge prompt word: #21 Kiss
My Smut Table
Disclaimer: Joss, ME, Fox yadayada own the characters; I'm just messin'.


"You're doin' it again!"



"Don't know what you mean." Angelus gave a crooked smile and continued to enjoy the view as William bent to rifle through his victim's pockets.

"My arse! Starin' at my arse." He threw Angelus a pointed look over his shoulder. "All bloody night!"

"You should take it as a compliment, Will. And do you have to be so coarse?"

He immediately dropped the accent without even realising he was doing so. "Nothing worth having here" he muttered crossly, unceremoniously shoving the corpse away from him. "Anyway" he continued, as he straightened up. "If you like it so much, maybe you should do something about it…"

"Oh, I mean to" Angelus assured him, moving to join him. "But not here." Slipping an arm around William's shoulders, he guided him back towards the street. "Let's find ourselves somewhere clean and warm, eh?"

William was surprised. Angelus usually wasn't so squeamish about such matters. Or so patient. They'd fucked in many a squalid slum and alley, afterall, particularly after a decent kill. Fresh blood and a bit of rough and tumble went hand in hand, cock in arse. But when Angelus had a hankering for a piece of well-spoken poet, it was usually worth the wait, no matter how urgently the new blood was screaming inside of him.

"If you like" he replied, happy enough to fall into the rhythm of the other man's stride, bodies gently bumping as they walked, the stench of the river receding as they emerged onto Villiers Street.

"I do! I fancy a bit of comfort, though we can take in some of the sights along the way. No hurry. I wonder" he mused "If you're ready for the revelations of Trafalgar Square…"

William frowned, puzzled. "Trafalgar Square? What's so special about…"

"Trust me, Will" Angleus interrupted with a laugh. "The Square at this time of night? Let's just say that a well brought-up lad like yourself wouldn't know the half of it! Good hunting ground, though" he added. "Maybe we'll go tomorrow, pick us up a nice bit of scarlet."


"Ah, still so innocent! It's quite endearing, considering your appetites." He squeezed his shoulder affectionately, holding him back for a moment to acclimatize to the bustle of The Strand. "No, another night for the Square."

"Whatever you say."

"That's what I like to hear! Y'know, if you hadn't caused such an almighty fuss the last time we were in London…" They'd been forced to flee the rich pickings of the city months before because of William's reckless enthusiasm for his new life, and the ladies had not been pleased to take refuge in the chill and rain of Yorkshire. But really, it hadn't been so bad. Teaching the lad some manners, some self-control, was never a chore. Always a pleasure. "…but never mind. We'll make up for lost time, now."

"You're attracting attention" William warned, as Angelus' hand slowly slid down his back.

"Don't fret, Will" Angelus laughed. "They're just wondering how much a pretty little rent like you'd cost 'em!" His hand came to rest on William's right buttock. "But you're way out of their league." He winked over to the small group of leering onlookers before steering his boy into Charing Cross Road, palm still laying claim to his cheek. The clothing was a nuisance, but evenso, he was enjoying the feel of William's muscles clenching and relaxing as he walked. "Y'know what" he declared suddenly. "I'm feeling generous. Let's give these gawkers a treat!"

Before William could protest he had him spun around, back pressed up against the nearest wall, using just enough force to let him know he meant business.

"Don't look at me like that, Will" he chided softly. "Nothing anyone can do to stop us." Taking hold of William's chin between index finger and thumb, middle finger gently stroking the smooth flesh beneath, he slowly tilted his head. "And around these parts, no-one'd actually want to." He licked his lips, enjoying the glitter of anticipation in William's eyes as he leaned in close. "And besides, it's just a kiss…"

His tongue flicked out, taking William by surprise as it gently traced its way across the lad's slightly parted lips. He'd no doubt been expecting a rough, hard kiss; hungry and insistent, as his kisses usually were. But no, not this time. And when he sighed against the William's mouth, there was a gratifyingly immediate response to the tingling sensation it created. William's hands reached out, tried to pull him in closer. Oh no, that's not the way it was going to go! Grabbing his wrists, firmly holding them in place either side of his head, grazing William's knuckles against the brickwork in the process, Angelus began to suck gently at that full, pouting bottom lip.

He could feel countless pairs of eyes on them, sensed the shock of some but the arousal of more of the late-night promenaders; their heated agitation at William's deep-throated moans as Angelus nipped and nibbled. How they must wish that they had the freedom to do this out in the open, instead of scuttling off to some cheap little lodging house or indulging in a furtive grope and fumble in the bushes of the nearest park.

"Shhh" he soothed. "They don't deserve to hear that." But his words vibrating against William's lips only caused his boy to squirm against him and moan all the more.

He silenced him by slipping his tongue inside, slowly teasing and circling until the tips of their tongues touched. Damn, but this felt good! Shifting his weight he pressed himself into William, rubbed up against his stiffening cock, relishing the full-body quiver that the friction provoked. Warming to his task, he probed deeper, capturing his tongue and beginning to suck; at first just the tip, then further, harder.

It was possible that William had never been kissed quite so thoroughly and creatively in his entire existence, and to be honest it had been many a long year since Angelus had taken the time or the trouble himself. He'd grown too accustomed to taking what he wanted, as violently as he needed or chose; but the soft approach could hold its own rewards, and with William it paid to remember that. Just one more little trick, then, before their bodies lost control. Some things were too good to share with the pathetic specimens on Charing Cross Road, afterall.

Relinquishing his grip on William's wrists, he took his head in his hands and moved to stroking his tongue across the roof of his mouth. Such a sensitive, neglected part of the body. Usually such a responsive pupil, William sagged helplessly against the wall, chills of pleasure prickling down the length of his spine as Angelus continued to tickle and trace.

"Just a kiss…" Angelus murmured as he eventually pulled away, William's stunned expression making him all the harder. "Good job we don't need to breathe, eh?" He took hold of his arm, tugging him away from the wall. "Cat got your tongue, then?" he smirked, amused at being able to render his boy speechless, for once. "Come on, we've put on enough of a show. Let's get that peachy little arse of yours somewhere we can unwrap it, nice and slow."

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