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Julin's 0riginal ISsue
Friday, 15 August 2003
Well, he got c6 for his chi olevels and he cut his hair which made him look so cute to me!!! :P well, i dun need to take chinese anymore liaoz...i've passed my olevels and i scored 3pts... but its already very gd to me...i dun usually score so high marks...
Alright, now back to e serious part...
I've tot of it last nite, i really cant sleep...theres alot of things tt i've discovered tt i've lost and i havent really cherish those around me...i tink i've gave awy too many chances... ***sobs***
Now i like LC...well, sometimes i really dunno why i like him, is it becuz he looks like someone who i really cant forget or is it his character and e way he talks? I really dunno... I really hope tt i'll stead wit LC...i suppose tt he knows tt i like him as i once confessed to him & e ans was NO... and after tt, i din tok to him in sch or watever, perhaps i was juz shy and till now, i really havent talked even one sentence to him! i tink its abt 2 mths plus...i told him in june after e mid yr and now i really feel very stupid! i should hav made frens wit him 1st but i tink i was juz too anxious to get things done...
If one day i really can be wit him, i sure will never break wit him unless he makes e 1st move... i dunno why but I've nv liked someone so much before...not even my exs or watever, i duno why but we've been in e same class for 2 yrs and i only noticed him tis yr...i dun even remember anything tt happened during sec3...i'm stupid!

Posted by rebellion2/julinlurvez at 5:01 PM KDT
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Friday 15/8/2003
Today was really tired in sch...there's alot of things i really wan to type here now and its as a fresh start of my personal diary.... well, my old add is

Posted by rebellion2/julinlurvez at 4:50 PM KDT
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