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Chelle's World

Welcome to the world of Michelle.
I'm pretty much crazy and psychotic and weird, so that's how this
page is gonna go. I have many random obsessions, such
as the Marines, sugar, coffee, palindromes, even numbers...yeah don't ask.

This is me on my backpacking trip in the White Mountains the last week in May.
Beckmann and I hiked for 6 days straight through trecherous conditions and
braved the harsh climate of New Hampshire...umm right. Okay, so it wasn't that bad,
but there was at least 4 feet of snow on the ground. Considering I had only been
backpacking once and Rachel hadn't at all, we think we managed pretty well.
(Click on the picture to see more)

This is my little kitten Merlyn. Ain't she the best!!
Yeah, okay so maybe she isn't quite a kitten anymore...considering she's 11.
But, she's adorable and I love her to death.

Definition of Buddy:
Someone you can say and tell anything to and
who knows how to play racing demons correctly...
Meet the buddies

Wanna meet my roommate and my crazy
friends at GW? They try to keep sugar away from me.
GW People

The Sugar Song

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar
Sugar makes ya feel fine..
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar
Sugar all the time
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar
Sugar makes ya feel fiiiiiiiiine
Sugar in the mornin
Sugar in the evenin
Sugar at suppertime!!