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Testimony of LYM
Thursday, 16 November 2006
LaRouche's Anti-Semitism
Topic: LaRouche's Anti-Semitism

“Killing Jews isn’t such a bad idea.”

It’s such a little thing, but it’s so damming. Immediately after the first class meeting I was in, the group gathered in the kitchen. There were some snacks, and everyone stood around talking to each other, congratulating each other on a good class. There must have been around 60 people standing around in the kitchen, and crowding out into other areas of the office, all talking at once. Like church, except everyone is about 85 times more amped. It’s no wonder these people consider going off meds and becoming manic to be normal. It’s loud, and it’s as soon as the class ends, everyone sets themselves to fast forward. This is when I met Montez for the first time, after talking to him on the phone so many times, and after he swindled me into coming to this meeting in the first place, and like an idiot, I wanted to talk to him just because we’d talked on the phone so much. He wanted me to meet someone, so he was leading me to the far side of the kitchen. As I walked by a group of guys talking, I heard one of them say, “…killing Jews isn’t such a bad idea…” it sounded to me like he was in mid-sentence.

We had just gotten out of a class on how Frederick Douglass had escaped slavery, met Abraham Lincoln, and been part of the abolitionist movement. I immediately assumed that the guy talking had said these words in some hypothetical sense, as in, “When Hitler was in power, a lot of people must have not liked him at first, but after listening to him enough, they were afraid for their own lives and started to think, ‘Killing Jews isn’t such a bad idea.” In just a split second, I filled in the rest. All I’d heard was, “Killing Jews isn’t such a bad idea.”

At this meeting of this organization that has this reputation for anti-Semitism that they’re so preoccupied with, as to vehemently deny when no one even asked, without even saying hello. In a way, I feel guilty that I didn’t say something right there, “Excuse me, I didn’t catch all of that. What did you mean by that?” Like any other statement or question that made them uncomfortable, it’s likely that it would have been met with a blank stare. I missed it. I missed a lot of things.

Holocaust denial

They talk incessantly about Hitler. They use Hitler as an example of what kind of person not to be. But it’s, don’t own a dog, don’t be concerned about the environment, don’t get married, don’t have the wrong taste in art. They never mention the reason Hitler went down in history. It’s one of those things I did not notice at all when I was in the cult. They’ll stand Hitler up next to anyone they want you to hate, and pick a similarity. They’ll find one. Hitler and Schwarzenegger are the same to LaRouche; they’re both “failed artists from Austria”. To listen to the LaRouchies, Hitler’s biggest crimes against humanity were some bad paintings and trying to conserve water.

The Holocaust denial, which they deny, so it’s easy to be in denial about it would be the central issue that I was totally blind to when I was in the cult, and didn’t see until later. They don’t come out and say “The Holocaust didn’t happen.” But they were always talking about Hitler and they never say that it happened.

Then there’s the Jeremiah Duggan case, which they deny had anything to do with their organization. They’ve made several different statements, which contradict each other to me alone since I found out about it; he had psychological problems and killed himself, that he was only a contact and never a member of the organization. The incident was politically motivated hoax orchestrated by the Cheney administration. If they can convince you of the slightest possibility of the latter story, you might stop worrying about whether it was suicide or murder. They’ve come up with a lie more shocking than the truth could possibly be. Their own weapon of mass distraction.

I believe that many of the members who are out at the tables on the street selling newspapers believe that LaRouche is not anti-Semitic. The organization has Jews in it. Two of the L.A. office’s senior members are Jewish. How could that be, if LaRouche were anti-Semitic?

“Look around. It’s a melting pot.” “Eastern cultures have no high purpose in the universe.” The same person will make these two statements in the same night.

Beyond Psychos: The Analysis

What I do know is that they say all that stuff in Beyond Psychoanalysis, not only to make sure you’re scared to have sex, but that you shut the hell up about who you are and where you come from, and ultimately, stop caring. All that stuff about your mother’s nipples. But, “It’s harder to brainwash girls, because the bond between mother and daughter is by nature homosexual,” says LaRouche when he’s on crack, years before crack was ever invented. Yes, because breastfeeding an infant is a sexual act.

The press blinders

They told me not to read mainstream newspapers or watch the news on TV, or listen to the radio, or to use the internet for anything other than listening to webcasts from the Campaign’s website, or for printing out literature from the Campaign’s website. There wasn’t any point. Allegedly. The whole world was going to hell, and they were the only ones doing anything about it.

Jeremiah Duggan

I knew nothing of Jeremiah Duggan’s mysterious death in Weisbadden, Germany until after I was expelled for heresy in September or October 2003. It must have been only a month or two after it happened that I was recruited. In one briefing while I was in the cult, it was announced that Germany was a dangerous place for members of the organization and that someone had been kidnapped recently.

The Duggan story even in 2006 is not the first thing that comes up if you Google “LaRouche” or “Lyndon LaRouche” Maybe try “Schiller Institute” or “state of terror”.

I was tipped off by another ex-member, after posting some things on remainn for antidummies, the cult’s message board, which, at the time, was strictly moderated to protect members from seeing posts such as the ones I wrote. They know better now. I’ve taught them a lesson. I believe I can give myself credit for that.

Remainn for antidummies is hosted by Yahoogroups, and is listed under geometry. Anyone with a Yahoo id can post on it. Yahoo is free to join and easy to use.

Jeremiah Duggan was a British anti-war student who was approached by the Schiller Institute, a front group for the LaRouche Youth Movement in France, where he was studying in March 2003, and decided to go to their conference in Weisbadden, Germany. In the hours before his death, he became extremely uncomfortable with some of the things he was hearing at the conference, announced to the conference that he was Jewish and had a problem with anti-Semitic statements he was hearing from members of the group. He fled from the conference in the wee hours of the morning, made several attempts to call home from a pay phone during which he told his mother he was frightened and wanted to come home. When he was trying to spell the name of the town he was in, the line cut out. He was struck by several vehicles and killed. Police immediately dismissed the case as suicide at the scene.

The British coroner who examined him had not accepted the conclusion by the German police that it was suicide, stating that Duggan had been in a “state of terror” when he died.

When I read that, I felt like I had a pretty good idea what a “state of terror” was. Only instead of fleeing, I felt I had to try to stay in the cult and change it. Sort of like turning into a skid, I guess.

You can read more about Jeremiah Duggan, and his family’s fight to keep the case open at

Posted by rebellion/purpleshirtdays at 11:24 AM PST
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