Esoteric Philosophy
The Gnostic Lucifer: An Informal Discussion 10.9.2002
DVSG Lesson 1: Gnosis 9.2.2003
DVSG Lesson 2: Lucifer 9.8.2003
DVSG Lesson 3: Genesis 9.18.2003
DVSG Lesson 4: Prometheus 10.13.2003
DVSG Lesson 5: Magick and Mysticism 10.26.2003
DVSG Lesson 6: Lilith 12.3.2003
DVSG Lesson 7: Age of Aquarius 1.1.2004
The Name Belial: Restoring the Demon 1.18.2005
Who Wants to Live Forever? 3.6.2007
What Happens When You Die? 9.11.2010
Left Hand Path vs. Right Hand Path 3.23.2011
The True Identity of the Holy Guardian Angel Revealed 7.7.2011
Immortality and The Great Work 7.14.2011
Alchemy of the Five Elements 7.30.2011
My Journey to Lucifer 9.7.2011
Gnostic Concepts and Luciferianism 11.9.2011
Composition of the Planetary Sigils 11.14.2011
Religious Tolerance for Satanism 1.18.2012
Is The Occult Still Hidden? 6.20.2015
Top 10 Gnostic Themed Movies 8.2.2017
How To Sell Your Soul to Satan 8.3.2017
Higher Self vs. Lower Self 9.17.2017
Magical Invisibility for Fun and Profit 5.23.2019
Ritual Work
The Enochian Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 8.31.2004
The Meaning of the Pentagram 9.18.2010
Meaning of Moon Phases 6.20.2011
The Sigil of Lucifer: An In-Depth Exploration 9.24.2017
Mastering the Mundane
Id, Ego and Superego 3.30.2011
Cryonics: Suspended Animation 1.12.2012
The Art of Memorization: 6 Ways to Improve Your Memory 6.17.2017
Nootropics Elixir: Mushroom Coffee Recipe for Health and Longevity 7.2.2017
Diet Trend Activates Ancient Biological Circuits in the Human Body 7.18.2017
Activate Ancient Superpowers in the Human Organism 8.17.2017
What I Learned Doing Keto and IF for 3 Weeks 8.23.2017
Tarot and Cartomancy
Integrating The Tarot: Building an Internal Deck 2.17.2007
Tarot vs. Playing Cards 12.12.2011
The 5 Most Powerful Tarot Decks 9.2.2017
The Difference Between Tarot Cards and Playing Cards 9.19.2017
Lucid Dreaming and The Out Of Body Experience
Lucid Dreaming and the Practice of The Dream Diary 10.9.2009
Introduction to Dreamwork 10.9.2011
State Testing for Lucid Dreaming 10.19.2011
The Three States of Consciousness 12.6.2011
Demystifying the Out of Body Experience 12.11.2011
A Novel Method For Astral Projection 9.6.2017
Guest Posts
Luciferianism in Today's World by "Leo" 12.31.2018
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