Download the Gradebook for the Descent of Ishtar degree of the Ziggurat of Enki: Open Source lodge system. This is a free 26 page eBook in DRM-Free PDF format containing the core information you need to start a lodge. Sign up for my newsletter below to get the download link.
Dear Explorer,
Welcome to my website! Think of this as an ever evolving resource for those who are willing to explore arcane knowledge and peculiar techniques in order to unlock their hidden potential. The following pages of this site contain the results of my various experiments, research and ponderings in the form of articles, videos, and podcasts created since this website launched over a decade and a half ago.
For my entire life I have felt a strong drive to uncover the hidden mysteries of the multiverse. My quest for knowledge isn't purely cerebral. A greater understanding of nature and what lies in the shadows gives one the ability to manifest their desires more effectively and to develop or awaken new abilities. This is what I want to share with all of you.
Some of the topics you're likely to encounter here include lucid dreaming, language learning, cryptocurrency, flow states, sports supplements, self-hypnosis, storytelling, biotechnology, mnemonics, medicinal mushrooms, ancient history, creative visualization, electronic music, public speaking, nootropics, philosophy, community development, etc...
So please explore this site and I hope to see you at one of my events some day! Also, don't forget to sign up to my newsletter before you go. This will keep you up to date with the latest content, events, and other projects. When you sign up you'll also get a free copy of my eBook Descent of Ishtar which is the initial guidebook of the Ziggurat of Enki, an Open Source lodge structure for community building.
Stay Lucid!
Jeremy Crow
If you would like to sign up for Jeremy Crow's 4 Week Lucid Dreaming Mastery Course, click the link below for details: