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Seductress. Got Slash?
the archive + fanart + resources + site + links + main

The title Seductress comes from one chapter of the Dark Sorceress Series, a Tara/Darla based series. Curiously enough, it's one of the less slash oriented chapters: Tara takes the form of Darla to seduce Lindsey. But the story, when combined with the rest of the series, it's about Darla's power, and the way her vampire family _specially Tara_ takes on that power and makes them their own. It's about the way these characters look up to the flaxen-haired inmortal beauty and idolize her. Hence the name of the site. :)

Seductress is owned and mantained by me, Patricia. Feel free to email me with suggestions, feedback and cooking recipes. Flames will be used to roast sausages.

Version Four of Seductress was made with Internet Explorer, Notepad and Paint Shop Pro.

I don't own Darla or 'Angel the Series'. This is all property of Joss Whedon, ME, Fox and lots of other people who aren't me. No copyright infringement intended. I only do this for fun, not money.